Chapter 29 - It's About Time!

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Author note: Hay all you awesome friends I hope you all like a romantic dinner and a show and something special in the end, cause this one is going to be really sweet, and really romantic to, hope you like this one.

Later that night in one the castle's luxurious guest rooms, Rainbow Dash is looking at herself in front of a mirror.  Hovering above the floor, she is now wearing the same dazzling, purple gown that she wore on the night that she and Ford Mustang attended at the Grand Galloping Gala one year ago. 

The same dress that she received as a birthday present from Rarity.  Giddily, she twirls her dress around as she happily recalls that special night of hers.  She chuckles to herself as she imagines Rarity having an over-the-top fit over wearing the same dress twice in one lifetime.  But even if that was the case, Rainbow wouldn't care at all.  It's still a gorgeous dress to wear, and she is more that happy to wear it again, especially when her coltfriend has something special in mind for their date this evening.

Rainbow is still surprised and curious by Ford's sudden idea for their upcoming date since this morning.  She expected that once he was done talking with Princess Celestia and the others, he would finish what he was going to ask of her afterwards.  Instead, Ford asked her out on a date so suddenly.  Of course, she wouldn't want to refuse since it gives them an opportunity to make up the time they've missed since the malicious intervention of Arrogon the Destroyer.  Plus, this may be all just a build-up for Ford's expected proposal.  Not to mention that somepony inexplicably brought her one-of-a-kind dress into her room right after Ford's talk about tonight's date, so that must be a promising sign for what's to come.

Breaking out of her daze, a couple of knocks are heard from her door.  Immediately, she rushes to the door before composing her excitement as best as she can.  Once she calmed herself down, she opens the door and befalls on a wondrous sight before her.

Just like herself, Ford is also in his special attire that he wore at last year's Gala.  Yet for some reason, when she was gazing at him, he looks more stunning in that sleek, black tuxedo than his first time in it. 

But there is something else that is more mesmerizing about him than his clothes.  His smile is very casual yet bold.  His gentlecolt-like posture is tall and stern.  And lastly, his turquoise eyes still have the same gentleness, yet at the same time, they are full of confidence.  Rainbow doesn't often see Ford being so daring before.  Usually, he can be timid and doesn't like show off as much as her.  But as of tonight, this new, attractive side of him is causing her to blush like a schoolfilly having her first crush.

"Good evening, Rainbow." he greets her with a modest bow.

"H-hey, what's up?" she stutters in response, which she mentally scolds herself as she wants to facehoof herself for uttering something so lame like that.
Reaching in his inside pocket, Ford pulls out a familiar gift.  It's a fully bloomed, white rose with a short, thornless stem.  It's like it was freshly picked out of a garden because its unique fragrance can reach her muzzle.

Seeing how the events are repeating themselves, Rainbow brushes a little of her silky, groomed mane aside from her right ear as she asks of him sweetly, "Would you mind?"

Gladly, he answers, "Not at all."  Careful as always, he inserts the rose within the gap of her right ear and her mane.  Once the flower is set in place, he teases with a smile, "Try not to pluck out its petals this time."

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