Chapter 30 - Announcements, Ceremonies, and Farewells

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The next day, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna once again invites the Elements of Harmony for breakfast along with Spike, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Queen Chrysalis, Gilda, Big Macintosh, Vinyl Scratch, and Octavia.  The lengthy table is piled with countless, delicious items including fresh fruits, various pastries, and a breakfast casserole made up of eggs, onions, potatoes, cheese and peppers.  Everyone is waiting for two of its missing guests before they can dig in on this latest feast.  Of course, that didn't stop the greedy changeling queen from chowing down before everyone else.

"Ugh, Chrysalis!" Cadance scolds next to her in a motherly tone.  "Must you eat like that?  You could have just waited until everypony else is present!"

In the midst of stuffing her face, Chrysalis breaks into a toothy smile with her lips and cheeks covered in powdered sugar and jelly as she responds in a chuckle, "You're just jealous because what I eat doesn't go straight to my flanks, unlike a certain pink princess that I know of!"

"Hmph!  I can manage my weight just fine!" the Alicorn retorts touchily.

"Sure, tell that to those jelly donuts you devoured yesterday!"

"It was... just a couple of them, that's all!" the pink pony lies in an embarrassing blush.

Puzzlingly, Shining Armor then states obliviously, "Really?  I thought you only had six of them."
Fumingly, Cadance glares with dagger eyes at her petrified husband while Chrysalis does her best to repress her devious laughter at the white Unicorn being put on the hot seat.  Hastily, he restates himself with a nervous smile, "Not that they would affect your gorgeous figure or anything like that, of course!"

Meanwhile, Princess Celestia hears a deplorable groan and realizes that the sickly sound is coming beside her.  Turning her attention to the source, she sees poor Discord lying on a couch with a bloated tummy, his long tongue hanging out from the side of his mouth, and an ice pack on top of his head.

"Is everything alright, Discord?" she asks of him sweetly.  "You're looking quite pale this morning."

"Perhaps he has bitten off more than he could chew." Princess Luna comments with an all-knowing smirk.

"Well... I wouldn't know about that!" Pinkie Pie intervenes as perky as ever.  "After all, he made a pretty good competitor regarding with all of our food challenges last night!"

Recalling on the cause of his discomforting predicament, Discord moans in response, "Please... no... more... Pie...!"

"Oh don't be silly, Discord!" Pinkie reassures cheerfully.  "We never had any pie in any one of our challenges!  But if you like, maybe we can have one some other time, hmm?"

As the groaning Discord curls himself into a ball, the majority of guests break into subtle giggles.  But then, their giggling stops when a set of doors open for the two anticipated ponies.  With their wings laid over each other's backs and their tails intertwined with one and another, Ford Mustang and Rainbow Dash are practically glowing with their subtle blushes and irrepressible smiles beaming across their faces.  The seated guests immediately take notice of this once the two giddy Pegasi enter the dining room.

"Good morning, Rainbow Dash!" Rarity greets with a very warm smile.  "You're looking positively radiant this morn--!"  Suddenly, she stops herself as she notices something different about Rainbow.  Other then noticing on how more openly affectionate than she usually is, something else catches Rarity's eyes as she sees a sparkling accessory attached to her left foreleg.  The shimmering colors of that one-of-a-kind ring seize everyone else's attention as the seamstress begins to figure out of its familiarity.

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