Chapter 11 - Training Day

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After finishing his recovery, Ford Mustang and his new dragon master, Hindel, are standing in the training grounds of the former, ancient home of the blind, golden dragon. This specific area consists of tall, upright boulders and a small spring nearby.
"So tell me, Mustang." Hindel begins their first session together. "Based off the breathing exercises I've taught you, what have you learned so far?"
"Well..." Ford ponders to himself before coming up with an answer. "Through proper breathing, I am able to control my own energy within my wings and hooves so that I can also empower them as well. Is that right, Hindel?"
"That's right." The golden dragon nods to Ford's answer. "But can you tell me why breathing plays an important aspect in your training?"
"Umm... so I can concentrate on channeling my own energy?" Ford guesses with a sheepish smile.
"That's partially true. But the real reason behind your breathing is to gather the energy that's around you. When you compare it to Unicorns, they can manipulate the magical energy through their minds and horn extensions. While dragons, on the other hand, can manipulate the energy through their lungs and hearts. The lungs help store the energy while the heart helps circulate the energy throughout the body's systems. With proper focus, you can easily transfer that miraculous power through the extensions of your body. Now, could you demonstrate that for me by punching that boulder over there?" Hindel points out to the large rock behind his student.
"Uhh... sure."
Gingerly, Ford hovers over to the boulder Hindel has chosen for him. Once he's close enough, Ford floats in mid-air before he begins recalling his simple breathing exercises.
Okay, Ford. he reminds himself. Just like Hindel has taught you. Breathe in through your nose, and then breathe out with your mouth.
Calmly, he steadily breathes in and out using his nostiles and mouth in a slow, rhythmic pattern. He couldn't feel much of it from the first time he tried this, but as of now, he can feel a great warmth building up inside his chest.
So far, so good. Now, focus only on your left hoof, and allow that energy to travel to it.
With his mind focus on that chosen appendage, the gathered energy instinctively travels through his veins before it reaches at the center point of his left hoof. As the magical energy gathers at that point, his hoof shakes slightly as it glows with a golden, blazing light.
Once he is ready, Ford eyes on the boulder before a confident smile emerges onto his face. He figures that this will be as simple as the time he knocked over that large apple tree weeks ago, except to his relief, he wouldn't have to deal with an angry Applejack this time.
With his eyes set on his target, Ford unleashes the draconian fury by smashing the giant boulder to smithereens with his left hoof only. With the dusty smoke clearing away, all that remains of the once-mighty boulder is countless pebbles scattered across the floor.
"Hey... I did!" Ford smiles widely.
"Very good." Hindel nods with a praising smile. "You have mastered the basic art of energy manipulation."
"Wait, if this is supposed to be a basic magic technique, then why don't all dragons use this ability on a regular basis?"
"Well... that's quite the opposite for dragons actually." Hindel answers sheepishly while scratching his chin. "The biggest problem for dragons when it comes to mastering that technique is that because of our immense sizes, it can be quite a challenge for us to channel that much energy throughout the complexity of our bodies. Also, it shames me to say this about my race, but most of them severely lack patience and discipline when it comes to learning this special ability. Observe, if you will."
Hindel gets up from his sitting position as he steadily walks to one of the other boulders. Once he is in front of the pillar of rock, Hindel closes his eyes before he extends his index finger in the air. The observant Ford Mustang awes in wonder as he sees Hindel's clawed finger glowing with same aura the Pegasus has displayed earlier. Once Hindel finishes his concentration, the dragon firmly presses his finger into the rock before it explodes into tiny pebbles.
"Now, since you have a basic understanding of Draconian Magic..." Hindel continues his lecture. "...we can move on to your next lesson: fire breathing!" Ford gasps in joy over the fact that he will be learning on how to breathe fire soon.
"For dragons, it's a natural talent for them to breathe fire due to their massive lung capacity." Hindel reassumes his lesson. "But don't worry. We'll work on that later. For now, let's see if we get you to breathe fire first. Basically, you have to gather up all of the energy you inhale in one great breath. Then, you concentrate on that energy within your lungs as you transformed that into fire. And finally, when you are ready, release it!"
With a quick nod, Ford Mustang sets himself up in a proper stance as he eagerly prepares for his first try. After a few quick breaths, the stallion inhales a deep breath of fresh air. And once he exhales it out...
...nothing came out but a puff of smoke. Ford is completely shocked by his failed attempt. He tries it again, but the results are still the same. Soon enough, the frustrated pony starts to get really impatient. Again and again, Ford keeps trying to breathe fire in a very hasty manner, but not a flicker of fire emerged from his gaping mouth. This certainly isn't as easy as augmenting his magic into his hooves like before.
"I don't get it!" Ford pouts over his frustration. "I've followed your steps, yet all I'm doing is puffing smoke!"
"You're lacking concentration, Ford!" Hindel scolds his impatient student. "You need to concentrate on the air you breathe in!"
"How can I concentrate on something that I can't even see?!" Ford retorts. "It was easy enough for me to do that with my hooves and wings, but when it comes to visualizing thin air, that's pretty much impossible!"
Hindel takes a moment to think on an alternate method to teach Ford on how to breathe fire. "Visualizing it, huh? Hmmm..." Then, he smiles brightly as he comes up with an interesting idea. "I might have a way to help you with that. But first, you need to close your eyes." A bit puzzled at first, Ford eventually complies with his master's instructions and firmly closes his eyes.
"Okay, now what do I do?" Ford inquires with his eyes tightly shut.
"Can you see anything, Ford?" asks the dragon.
"...Is that a trick question, Hindel?" Ford retorts with raised eyebrow.
Ignoring Ford's witty retort, Hindel says, "Just practice your breathing like before, and listen for a minute."
Following his master's further instructions, Ford calms himself down before going over his usual breathing routines. In his deep state of meditation, Ford silently listens for anything that comes to mind. At last, he hears something while his eyes are still closed. It has a nice, steady rhythmic beating to it, and it sounds very familiar. Ford finally realizes that the soothingly mellow rhythm is coming from his own heart.
"Tell me... what do you hear, Mustang?"
"I hear... my heart beating." Ford confirms softly.
"Good." Hindel smiles on hearing Ford's progress. "Now just concentrate on the rhythm of your heart and continue your breathing."
Continuing with the progression of his training, Ford keeps his cool as he breathes in a usual, steady rhythm. Suddenly, he sees something in this peaceful darkness he puts himself in: a tiny ball of golden light! It starts out small, but then it gets bigger. And not only that, but it is also throbbing just like his beating heart.
"I... I think I finally see something." Ford gleamingly acknowledges.
"What do you see?" Hindel asks with peaked curiosity.
"It's... a golden ball of light. ...And it's pulsating just like my heartbeat."
"Yes... that is your own aura, Ford. It is where the source of your Draconian Magic resides in. Now then, concentrate on that glowing light, and allow it to expand inside you!"
Do as he is told, Ford focuses on the pulsating sphere of light, which is located at the center of his heart. With the power of his mind, Ford permits his golden aura of light to spread beyond its boundaries. The aura's extensions transform into spiraling tendrils, and eventually, those multiple tendrils form unique shapes within his body. Once the aura has extended every inch of his body, Ford is amazed to see what his aura has to show him. He can see every vein inside his body lighting up thanks to his aura of golden energy!
"Wow... It's like I'm looking from inside out!" Ford states his self-discovery in continuous amazement.
"Oh, but it doesn't stop there, Mustang!" Hindel smirks with a light chuckle. "Allow that energy to expand even further and beyond your body!"
A bit curious on what Hindel is expecting from him, Ford continues his concentration. Eventually, he sees additional splashes of colors lighting up right outside of his body. Ford almost loses his focus as he nearly gasps in awe at what he is witnessing in his mind's eye right now. Other than himself, Ford can now see Hindel's magical aura, where the dragon's body is made up of intense, golden light. Out in the background, Ford can also see tiny specks of multi-colored lights floating delicately in the air. On the ground, he can see the earth-colored lights depicting the whole valley that Ford and Hindel are standing on right now. Underneath his hooves, he can see the colorful energy shining brightly from the crystals deep below the earth's surface. Also, the Pegasus can sense the green-colored, life-force energy from a crawling beetle as well as see the tiny seismic waves from each step the six-legged creature is making. Lastly, Ford can sense the natural, watering hole from afar as he can see the rippling waves of blue-colored energy illustrated by the splashes of the small waterfall that's pouring onto the surface of the tranquil pool. Through Ford's eyes, he sees the blackness of his spiritual plane as the canvas and the countless dots of prismatic energy as a colorful, pointillistic painting.
"So tell me, what do you see now?" Hindel inquires with an all-knowing grin.
"Ev-everything!" Ford stutters in continuous amazement. "I can see just about everything in my surroundings!"
Hindel joyfully nods before he addresses to the awestricken Pegasus. "Do you see what energy really is now, Mustang? Energy isn't just magic itself. It's in everything! You! Me! The rocks! The trees! The water from that creek nearby! The crystals underneath the ground! Even the very air you breathe in! Everything! Energy is life itself! We take that energy, and then we release the energy!"
"It's incredible!" Ford mesmerizes over his mental imaging. "It's like... looking at a painting coming to life!"
"Yes... it is beautiful, isn't it?" Hindel smiles softly.
"Is this how you truly see the world every day?" Ford asks his mentor remarkably.
"Indeed it is, Mustang! Think of it as an additional sense that allows you to extend the awareness of your surroundings. When you feel the energy from everything that's around you, you can practically see anything within that unique field of perception. Right now, you can see the whole valley where you are standing in right now. As for me, if I wanted to, I can see this entire forest with my eyes closed! Umm... metaphorically speaking, of course." Hindel chuckles with an awkward smile. "Now, let's get back to your fire breathing technique, shall we? This time, focus back on your heart and practice your breathing like before."
With his eyes still closed and renewed determination, Ford Mustang concentrates back to his beating heart until all he can see right now is his own lit-up body and the golden aura that's pulsating in the center of his chest. The aura isn't as tiny as before; it is radiating stronger than ever even though it is thumping in a calm, rhythmic manner.
"Good." Hindel says with glee. "Notice how the aura inside you has expanded significantly thanks to the energy you have been gathering through your breathing. Next, take a very deep breath, and mix the air with your aura so that you can create your very own fire."
Calmly, Ford breathes in a deep breath of fresh air while noticing on how he is inhaling the numerous energy particles. From his mind's eye, he can see the air circulating within his lungs. With his bright aura in the center of the mixing process, the excess oxygen circulates intensely around the aura before it transforms into swirling, blazing fire of golden light. Normally, fire would be the last thing Ford wants inside his chest as there was a possibility to spontaneously combust, but here, in this magical world he lives in, this unnatural fire that's swelling inside Ford's chest is soothingly warm and surprisingly encouraging. He knows that he is ready to unleash the blazing fury that's just begging to be let out!
Hindel can also sense the completion of Ford's technique, and then he commands out loud, "Now... RELEASE IT!"
At last, with a great exhale...
...Ford Mustang breathes out his very first fire breath! It is a magnificent display of golden fire that lights up the eternal darkness Arrogon has casted upon this world! The fire is quite a sight for Ford to see! His new, draconian technique showcases its raw, unrivaled power, but it is also quite beautiful due to the way it flickers in the nightly background! Strangely enough, It didn't look as dangerous as it may seem. It's not as big as a standard dragon's fire breath, but considering that the roaring fire was much bigger than the pony itself, Ford is still pretty proud for the supposedly impossible feat he just pulled off, and so was Hindel for that matter.
Once the breath of fire vanishes into thin air, Hindel nods his head proudly as he praises his student, "Good... very good. You've unleashed your very first fire breathing technique." After exhaling out a gentle breath, Ford Mustang smiles in relief over another accomplishment regarding with his newfound Draconian Magic.
"Now, for your next lesson, I'm going to teach you on how to roar like a dragon." Hindel grins to his student.
"How will roaring be effective when I face Arrogon?" Ford asks with a cocked eyebrow.
"A dragon's roar may be known as a very intimidating method, but it can also be used for offensive capabilities. Here, allow me to demonstrate."
Giving himself enough space in front of another boulder, Hindel inhales a mighty breath of air before he screams out a powerful roar at his target. The sonic shockwaves of his almighty roar vaporizes his second boulder. Ford couldn't help but unhinge his jaw as he is completely shocked to see the magnitute of Hindel's roaring technique.
"By mastering a dragon's roar, you can use your own voice to unleash powerful blasts of compressed air and sound." Hindel says to Ford after finishing his demonstration. "It may not take as much energy as fire breathing, but it can be quite difficult to master though. So, ready to give it a try?" To serve as his answer, Ford nods to his dragon instructor. "Okay then, just like when you breathe fire, focus your energy into your vocal cords this time, and then, let it all out in one, big roar!"
With another nod, Ford gets himself ready in another proper stance as he faces another rocky pillar. Holding his ground, he inhales greatly to gather his energy as well as to prepare his own throat. After gasping a huge intake of air, Ford lets it all out.
It was loud, but not by dragon standards unfortunately. Plus, the boulder Ford is facing didn't so much as budge at all.
"What was that?" Hindel asks rhetorically in a mix of surprise and disappointment. "That didn't sound like a dragon at all! It sounded like... someone intimating a baby manticore! Now, let me hear you roar once more!"
Repeating the steps, Ford quickly reassumes his stance and tries to screech out a better roar this time.
"Louder!" Hindel orders.
"Sigh... this isn't working." Hindel mutters to himself as he shakes his head in slight disappointment.
As for Ford Mustang, he feels great shame for himself. Not just from not being able to put a single crack on the mocking boulder with the use of his voice alone, but also because of his own gentle nature that's holding him back from trying to impress his newly appointed teacher.
"Sorry, Hindel." Ford apologizes meekly. "I'm... normally not good when it comes to shouting like that."
Noticing how downhearted Ford is, Hindel softens his expression as he smiles to his apprentice, "Why don't we take a break and grab something to eat right now?"
Happy to hear Hindel's suggestion, Ford responds gleefully, "Great! I'm starving! So... where's the food?"
"Right over there!" Hindel answers with a grin as he points to the valley's exit.
Following the dragon's pointed claw, Ford looks at the exit. In front of the entrance of the dragon's valley, the dark trees of the Everfree Forest loom before the suddenly timid Pegasus. Thanks to the immensely cloudy darkness, the Everfree Forest looks scarier than ever.
"In... in there?" Ford gulps at this grim realization. "Y-you mean, in the Everfree Forest?"
"Mmm-hm." Hindel nods his head with a very wide grin.
"So... aren't you going to accompany me, Hindel?" Ford asks with a hopeful smile.
Hindel just smirks at the nervous stallion before he chuckles in response while raising his brow, "Why would I? I've got all the food I need right here in the valley! Even after all these years, this place is filled with so many delicious gems to eat!" After eagerly licking his chops with a forked tongue, Hindels leans his head in front of Ford with a mischievous smile. "May I interest you in some, Mustang?"
"No thanks... I like to keep all of my teeth in place, thank you."
"Eh, suit yourself." Hindel shrugs before he turns around and walks back to the center of the valley. From there, he can begin his excavation for some of those tasty crystals he's looking forward to.
As Hindel walks away, Ford turns back and continues to stare at the gloomy forest before him. During his own self-paralysis, Ford begins to hear numerous, wild calls echoing from the haunting forest. Hearing these unusual, creaking sounds is making it even harder for Ford to make a single step despite his rumbling stomach urging him to go forward.
Distracted by the dark, creaking woods in front of him, Ford yelps out loud after feeling a sudden gust of wind brushing against his back. Quickly, he turns around and eyes angrily at his ideal suspect: Hindel, who is still maintaining that all-knowing smirk of his.
"Oops! Sorry!" Hindel says with a suspiciously devious smile. "I thought there was mosquito on you back! You know how big those things can get around here!"
Ignoring that smirking dragon's poor excuse, Ford turns his head back as he eyes at the entrance of the Everfree Forest. Fear starts to crawl back inside as he is once again reluctant to make his way into intimidating woods.
"You'll do fine, Mustang. Trust me." Hindel reassures the nervous pony with a gentle smile.
Ford smiles back at Hindel for his reassurance. Then, he turns his head back to look at the scary forest one more time before his rumbling stomach snaps him out of his own nervousness. Feeling his hunger overtaking his fears, Ford takes a deep, calm breath before he lets it out gently, and he finally trots forward into the dreaded woods so that he may found some nourishing food somewhere.
After Ford ventures into the void of the Everfree Forest, Hindel mutters in a hopeful whisper, "Prepare yourself, Ford Mustang. For the real training begins now."

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