Chapter 6 - Final Preparations

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"Ah yes!  Faster!  Faster!"

"Rainbow!  I don't think... I can keep this up!"

"Come on, Mustang!  Don't stop now!  Keep going!"

"Waitaminute... Rainbow!  I can feel it!  I'm almost there!"

"Yeah, that's it, Ford!  Just a little more!"

"I'm gonna... I'm gonna...!"

But just before the struggling Ford Mustang can finish his declaration, the vapor cone's resistance is still way too much for him to push through.  Thus, the greater amount of force causes Ford to ricochet across the sky once again.  Of course, with every attempt backfired, Rainbow Dash is always there to catch him with a soft, plushy cloud.

This wasn't a complete surprise to him since he has attempted to pull off the Sonic Rainboom for nearly a hundred times in total whenever Rainbow had a chance to work with him on that legendary stunt.  But for every attempt he has made, he can feel how close he is into accomplishing his personal goal.  For now, he's just too exhausted to care about that, especially when he has other plans in mind.

"Oh, so close, Ford!" Rainbow cheerfully embraces her coltfriend as they sit on the cloud she just used to catch him.  "I swear, if you just push it a little further, you'll finally be able to create your very own Sonic Rainboom!"

"Can we... finally... take a break... from this?" Ford asks while heavily gasping for air.

"Oh come on!  Just one more try!  That's all I'm asking!" she pleads eagerly.

"Please, no more!" he responds whiningly.  "I've tried pulling it off a dozen times today!  Can't we just call it a day already?  Besides, I want to get ready for tonight's anniversary!"

"Oh, alright." she gives in with a grump.  "But you better make our first anniversary special tonight!  Otherwise, I'm calling the shots for next year's!"

"Oh, don't worry!" he says with a confident smirk as he sits himself up.  "I've got someplace really special in mind this year!"

"Wait... are we going out somewhere?" she inquires with renewed excitement.

"Mmm... more or less, but you don't need to wear anything formal at the very least."

"That's cool.  So, where is this place?"

"Can't tell ya!  It's a surprise!" he teases her with an all-knowing grin.

"Ooooh, why not?!" Rainbow whines exaggeratingly.  "Tell me!"

"Trust me, Rainbow.  I've got it all planned out this evening." Ford grins reassuringly before getting himself up from his cushiony seat.  "Anyway, I better get going to get all that I need.  Just wait for me at home until 7 o'clock and leave everything to me!"

"Okay, have it your way!" she says with a smile before giving Ford a nice kiss on the cheek.  "I know you won't disappoint me!"

"Thanks, Rainbow!" he says warmly as he affectionately nuzzles with his marefriend.  "I won't let you down!"

After they finish nuzzling their heads with each other, the two Pegasi share a nice, quick kiss before departing in opposite directions.  Rainbow heads back to their home, while Ford is heading towards the town of Ponyville.
It's passed 5 o'clock this afternoon, and Ford Mustang swiftly arrives at Rarity's home, the Carousal Boutique.  After his last visit with his dragon friend, Hindel, Ford promptly met up with Rarity to discuss his thoughts into asking Rainbow Dash for her hoof in marriage.  Once he explained his plan as well as showed Rarity the tiny Prismatic Diamond he had with him, she without a second thought agreed with irrepressible excitement as she knew the best pony to incorporate the rare jewel into an engagement bracelet, or a hoof ring as some ponies would call it.

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