Chapter 26 - Ultimate Showdown

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In the vast, open fields outside of Canterlot, two stallions come face-to-face in a decisive battle for the fate of Equestria and the entire world itself.  Hovering menacingly in the air is the demonic overlord that is responsible for the dark tyranny of the seized country, Arrogon the Destroyer.  And on the ground facing his ultimate adversary fearlessly is Equestria's newest champion and probably its last hope against the monstrous tyrant, Ford Mustang.

Both of them are former apprentices of Hindel the All-Seeing Dragon.  Both of them possess their own variation of Draconian Magic.  Yet in a way, they're a complete opposite towards each other.  Like water and fire.  Light and darkness.  Good and evil.  Two sides on the same coin.

With their piercing eyes firmly locked on to one and another, they silently wait for one of them to make the first move.  In the midst of their face-off, nothing else was distracting them, whether it was the howling wind that's rolling by them or the low, grumbling roar of the dark gray clouds above these two contenders.  At last, the stage is set, the players are ready, and the final act of this epic tale is about to begin!

Through sheer instincts, the two glaring stallions charge simultaneously for each other as their fore hooves prepare to deliver the first punches in their ultimate conflict.  At close proximity, their charge-up hooves come into contact, and their corresponding strikes create an explosive shockwave that echoes across the vast battleground!  Yet despite the tremendous amount of force they have just created, the two bitter rivals held their stances firmly as their collided hooves are stuck to each other.

Eventually, they parted ways momentarily as they promptly follow it up with several quick strikes afterwards.  From blocking each other's attacks, the absorbed blows travel through their bodies as they give them ripple-like vibrations.  Even by parrying them, their aura-infused moves are still powerful enough to send subtle shivers into their spines.
With their brute strengths on par, Arrogon switches it up by unleashing his demonic fire breath.  After nimbly dodging that one, Ford counteracts that by breathing out his own display of draconic fire.  In the midst of their aerial dogfight, fiery streams of dark blue and golden yellow light up the dark sky as the winged ponies encircle one and another.  To finish off their blazing dance of death, both Ford and Arrogon take very deep breaths before each of them expels an immense blast of fire at the same time!

The collision of their flaming attacks creates a much mightier explosion compared to their initial punches!  Because of the result of their recent actions, the latest shockwave is powerful enough to push the clashing titans back away from each other at such a great distance!

From that breakup, Ford takes a bit of a breather for himself as his eyes are still locked on to Arrogon's.  It is quite a strange feeling for him to experience.  Despite how much the odds are against him, Ford is quite calm in all of this.  Maybe it's because of all the challenges he has gone through in the past: the Timberwolves, the petrifying Basilisk, Hindel's final test, the mighty Infernal Dragon King, and most recently, a darker variation of Rainbow Dash.  In a way, all these significant events in his life were meant for this moment; the moment upon which he can help defeat Arrogon, once and for all!

But Ford's moment of silent tranquility is interrupted by muffled hackling of his over-confident opponent.  "Oh Ford... don't tell me you had enough with me already." Arrogon chuckles so smugly.  "I'm just getting warmed up!"

And to show that he isn't all talk, the Destroyer radiates an incredible amount of blazing blue aura around his body.  The foul stench of that malevolent energy is so strong that Ford can practically taste it.

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