Chapter 10 - A Dragon's Tale

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Nothing but darkness surrounds the fallen Pegasus known as Ford Mustang.
In this dreamy vacuum of empty space, he floats aimlessly in his supposedly eternal sleep as he feels absolutely nothing.  No pain, no fear, and no solid form of physical contact.  Just a stallion who's endlessly drifting in this unique sub-space between life and death.
Gradually, his mind and body begin to piece together the last recollection before he was embarked on his subconscious voyage.  He starts to feel many negative emotions surging through his soul: anger, fear, and melancholy.  His mind recollects the previous scenes of his life as he once again relives those horrors: from the sadistic brutality of his malicious challenger, to the forced separation of his beloved.  All he can hear from these returning nightmares are the maniacal laughter of the triumphant Arrogon and the mournful cries of his heart-stricken marefriend, Rainbow Dash.  As he recalls these frightening sounds, blue flames rise up from the dark abyss as they encircle around his motionless body.
But suddenly, the dangerously illusionistic flames disperse immediately as a bright, warm, golden light engulfs the fires as the screaming nightmares begin to fade away.  Afterwards, the empty void is being painted in splashes of the background's colors.  Soon, these blurry colors begin to sharper as they depict shape and form in Ford's surroundings.  Gradually, the numbness in his body diminishes as he not only feels the hard, cold ground on his rough-coated back, but he can feel the aching soreness throughout the rest of his body.
Eventually, he weakly opens his turquoise eyes as he verifies the unknown environment he is in.  The first thing he notices is same, thick, cloudy darkness that continues to block the once-beautiful sky.  At this point, he can't even determine whether it's night or day.  He slowly tilts his head to continue his analysis.  The location looks like a wide, sunken valley with many cavern openings within the rocky chasm's walls.  In the center of this ancient valley, is a large, bonfire as an enormous, silhouetted, dragon sits near it patiently.
"Ah, you're awake, Ford Mustang." Hindel greets with a smile.
"Hindel?" Ford moans weakly from his recovery.  The smiling dragon nods in responds.  Then, the pony immediately tries to get up as he gasps shockingly, "RAINBOW!  Hindel, we've got to save Rainbow and the others!  There was this terrifying pony with a blue, fiery mane and great, flaming eyes!  We have to--!"
"And we will, Ford." Hindel interrupts gently.  "But for now, you must rest, save your strength, and listen to what I have to say first."  With a soft nod, Ford takes heed to Hindel's advice and reclines back gently on the hard rock bed.  "I know exactly on who you are talking about.  In fact, I know him all too well." he admits dishearteningly.
"He... called himself 'Arrogon!'  He wasn't... anything I have ever expected!" says Ford Mustang in a trembling voice.  "He claimed to be this all-powerful god, and he sure wasn't blowing smoke when he was able to toss me around with only his mind and those crazy eyes of his!"
"Sigh... I should have foreseen this coming." Hindel confesses shamefully.  "I knew Arrogon would make his return one day, but I never thought he would put his plans into full motion so quickly!"
"Who is he, Hindel?  You said you knew him before, didn't you?"
"Yes, I did.  But he never started out as the monster you now know as Arrogon.  Back then, when we first met, he was just an Earth Pony simply known as Morning Star."
"500 years ago, ponies back then were not as kind and understanding as of today despite living under the ruling of Princess Celestia.  A perfect representation of such cruelty and savagery was a medieval city called 'Stonehaven.'  Within its fabled stone walls, the twofaced city was filled with gluttonous nobleponies, corrupted enforcers, opportunistic criminals, and prideful hunters who sought glory with capturing legendary beasts, including dragons.  To those whose hearts weren't as black as the rest, life in Stonehaven was nothing more than a prison to them.
An example of such an unfortunate individual who had to live in that sinful city was an orphaned pony named Morning Star.  One difficulty he had to face in life was the fact that he was born as an Earth Pony.  Back then, Pegasi and Unicorns of the noble class would considered Earth Ponies to be inferior because they possess no form of magic when compared to the other two races.  Because of this, Morning Star's chances to be raised in a good, wealthy home were very slim thanks to his Earth Pony heritage.  The other difficulty he had to face in life was being shunned out as a Blank Flank.  Another reason why his chances for an adoption were so slim is because nopony would want to take him in if he didn't have a special talent in the first place.  Because of these cruel circumstances, Morning Star was constantly bullied, verbally abused, and pushed around by just about anypony around in the orphanage.
When he finally had a chance for a better life once he was adopted, fate took a drastic turn for the worst when he was handed over to a workhouse, which was run by its cruel and ruthless Headmaster.  For nearly every day, Morning Star was severely punished by the Headmaster, with or without any reason.  For much of his foalhood, Morning Star never knew of any form of compassion or love from anypony what's so ever.
One day, he was able to make his escape as he fled from Stonehaven and into the dark, tangled woods of the Everfree Forest.  Within the untamed wilderness, Morning Star was cold, frightened, and alone before he collapsed from exhaustion and hunger.  It was from there where I first met him.  My clan used to live in this same valley you're standing in right now, so our home was right in the heart of the Everfree Forest.  Upon meeting the unconscious Morning Star, I felt great pity for him, and I decided to help him by reviving with my magic; the same method which I used to revive you just recently.
Upon his reawakening, Morning Star was able to tell me everything about himself.  And after a series of events, he was able to unleash his very own Dragonian Magic, which was part of the magic I've imbued within him.  Seeing the raw potential he had over his newfound gift, I've decided to raise him as if he was my own hatchling.  Overtime, we are joined by some of the other orphans who have also escaped from the cruel workhouse.  It took some time to convince the rest of the dragons from my clan, especially my hotheaded friend, Wagner, who has a 'respectable' distrust amongst ponies.  But fortunately enough, the clan agreed to help raised the other orphaned ponies with me, and we became quite a family after that.
Many ponies of our clan were able to grasp the concept of our Draconian Magic since it will make their lives more easily when you live with dragons, but Morning Star... he was a prodigy.  Even when he is compared to the other dragons of my clan, he mastered more magical techniques than anyone of them.  I couldn't be any more proud of him for having him as a member of my clan.  In a way, he was... like a son to me.  Ironically enough, it must have been own my proud that has truly blinded me on what he will become later on.
As the years went by, Morning Star was excelling extraordinarily well with nearly every known technique within the field of Draconian Magic.  Unfortunately for him, it didn't help Morning Star into gaining his own Cutie Mark as he was growing up.  As an adult, he started becoming bitter, envious, and coldhearted to nearly everypony around him since they all have their Cutie Marks by then.  He was... like a different pony altogether.
But then... everything changed when my brother, Deimos, and his dragon clan came by for a supposed visit.  I know a lot of dragons have a strong dislike for ponies.  But Deimos... he hated them with a passion.  He claimed that we dragons are the true masters of this world due to our immense strengths and longevity, and it is his belief that ponies shouldn't see themselves as their superiors, let alone their equals.  He was so disgusted with ponies living peacefully amongst our clan, that he saw them as a threat that needed to be wiped out just like the rest of the ponies, especially Morning Star.
It was eventually inevitable that Deimos' clan and mine had to clash with one and another.  While my brother's army had strength in numbers, my clan had strength in unity and power thanks especially to Morning Star.  As the bloody battle was drawing to a close, it was down to one deciding factor: Deimos and Morning Star.  Despite his hatred for ponies everywhere, Deimos developed a special interest in Morning Star.  My brother knew the quaking, unimaginative rage that was residing in the pony's heart as well as his secret desire to achieve power for the sake of his own pride.  Sadly enough, those two shared a lot more in common than Morning Star would ever admit to himself.
When Deimos lost the battle, he goaded Morning Star into finishing him off by attacking him psychologically.  I tried to stop him from tainting his victory, but my words would not take heed as Morning Star rushes in for the kill.  With his dying breath, Deimos unleashed his most devastated spell: a powerful curse of fire that amplifies greatly by the amount of negative emotions dwelling within its victim.  And unfortunately for Morning Star, he was feeling the full force from that cursed spell as his body was scorched so badly that his entire coat was turned into a permanent charcoal black.  With the death of Deimos, his clan surrendered and was banished from our lands.  However, that moment of victory came at a heavy price, and it was both Morning Star and I who had to pay for it.
We tried to help Morning Star to recover from his mortal wounds, but even our best healers weren't enough to cure his deadly affliction.  I feared that it would be end of him, but to even greater horror, it would be the beginning for something even worst to come.  That afflicting curse Deimos casted upon Morning Star did more than just scarred him physically.  Deimos' final actions were meant to change Morning Star into something even more monstrous than even my own brother was.  Somehow, Deimos' own demonic magic was able warp Morning Star's fragile mind into a vessel of absolute rage due to his misfortunes from foalhood as well as his endless struggle for a Cutie Mark.  And in doing so, Morning Star was gone from our lives, and in his place was an enraging beast that was more terrifying than any dragon I have ever known; that day was when he became Arrogon the Destroyer!
On that unforgettable day, Arrogon committed many treacherous deeds against me and Equestria.  Most notably, he... massacred every last pony within my clan.  It was from that horrific moment when I realized that the Morning Star I knew was no more, and that I must do all that I can to vanquish Arrogon for good before his irrepressible rage could consume the world.  In my desperate attempt to defeat Arrogon, I was thankfully assisted by Princess Celestia, who was willing to aid me in my battle against my former pupil.  With our combined powers, the Princess and I were able to subdue Arrogon before he could cause anymore devastation to anyone else.  But In one last desperate attempt, he summoned all of his enraging powers and performed a powerful explosion that would have costed his very own life.  In the end, Arrogon disappeared before our eyes, while also permanently blinding my own eyes.  I've lost so much back then... my friends, my family, my eyesight, and of course, my good friend, Morning Star.
In the aftermath, I didn't see myself as a qualified leader of my clan anymore, so I passed the role of leadership to my long-time friend, Wagner.  As his first act as clan leader, Wagner and the remaining dragons would relocate in the Talos Mountains far north from here and away from pony civilization.  As for myself, I lived in exile in the Everfree Forest to this very day.  During my self-exile, I've been having these dreams... visions of the inevitable return of my supposedly deceased enemy.  As these visions kept getting stronger overtime, I become more convinced that Arrogon wasn't dead after all.  It was just his way to fool the world over his alleged demise.  Knowing this, I resolved myself to do whatever I can to stop Arrogon before history would repeat itself!  But in doing so, I know that I will need help in a later period of time when Arrogon will make his return.  And so, from summoning a majority of my own magic, I casted out an experimental spell within space and time in order to find that very individual who will help me end this 500 year-long nightmare once and for all!"
It takes awhile for Ford Mustang to gather up all that he has learned from Hindel's story.  But what was a real shocker for him was that last part of the dragon's tale.  Immediately, his memory flashes back to when he was teleported to Equestria by that golden sphere of soothing fire.  Then, he recalls the time on how Hindel used his magic to give him the uncanny ability to hold things with his hooves just like everypony else.  Yet strangely enough, Hindel's magic shares the same characteristics as the magical fire that was responsible for his mysterious appearance.  And finally, he remembers on how that same mystifying warmth of fire was responsible for his revival.  At last, Ford has finally unravelled the mystery behind his arrival!
"...It was you, wasn't it?" he questions Hindel with wide-eyed astonishment.  "You're the one who transported me from Earth to Equestria, didn't you?"
"...Yes." Hindel confesses quietly.
"Why?  Why me?" Ford asks shockingly.  "Why not any one else here on Equestria?"
"Because I had no control over that.  Magic sometimes works in its own mysterious ways.  My inter-dimensional spell automatically locks on to that specific individual to whom I needed the most, no matter what the limits are regarding with the space-time continuum, whether it's in this world, your world, or another world all together."
"Okay, but still... why me though?!" Ford continues to question himself in a panicking state.  "There... there was nothing special about me in the first place!  I've never performed any heroic deeds for myself back on Earth!  I don't have any special form of combat training that can stand up against Arrogon!  I was just an ordinary guy with a passion for the arts!  I'm not a soldier, or a superman for that matter!  I'm just... sigh... me."
"You wrong, Ford Mustang." Hindel greatly reassures to the downhearted Pegasus.  "There is something special about you!  Something that can not only end Arrogon's reign of terror and destruction, but can also serve as the source to the hidden power that resides within you!"
"And... what's that, Hindel?"
"Courage." the golden dragon answers simply.
"...Courage?" Ford stammers in confusion.  Hindels nods in response.  "B-but Hindel!  You must be mistaken!" Mustang reacts unconfidently.  "I'm pretty much the opposite!  I'm usually timid, humble, and cautious when it comes to taking chances!  Heck, even when I was turned into a Pegasus, I still had to struggle with my own fear of heights!  I'm not the best example when it comes to displaying courage!"
"Oh no?" Hindel asks with a raised eyebrow and a slight smile.  "Then tell me this, Mustang... when you first entered my domain, what was the first thing you were feeling at that point?"
"I was... afraid.  Terrified on whatever kind of creature I was going to have to face in there."
"And if you were so afraid, then why did you continue to venture inside my cave?"
"Because there were three fillies inside, and I didn't want anything bad to happen to them!"
"Yes, exactly!  Despite your initial fears, you were willing to go forward, let alone sacrifice yourself if need be, just to save others!  You see, courage isn't about never being scared to begin with!  It's about facing up to those fears and learning how to overcome them!  And above all else, to never give up in the end, no matter how hopeless it may seem!  Even recently, you were willing to stand up against someone as sinister as Arrogon just to protect the one that you love the most!  That's how I knew that you were the one I've been waiting for all this time!  And it is why I need you now more than ever if we are to ever stand a chance against him!"
Ford begins to smile on Hindel's optimism.  But then, his smile fades away as he turns away from Hindel while expressing a sour mood all of a sudden.  "You know, as much as I should appreciate your faith in me, I should be mad at you for concealing the truth away from me." Ford admits in frowning, disappointed manner.
"I... I know." Hindel admits softly as he lowers his head in shame.
Then, Ford shakes his head while bearing a kind, forgiving smile before continuing, "But given all that has happened in the past year, I've never been happier in all of my life.  So in a way, I should be thanking for all that you have done for me.  I don't know what my role in all of this is yet, but I'll do whatever it takes to save Rainbow Dash and everyone else in this world!"
"Thank you, Ford." Hindel smiles gratefully at Ford's willingness to help out in all of this.
"Speaking of which, can you find out for me on what happened to Rainbow and the other girls after Arrogon kidnapped them?" Ford requests pleadingly.
Hindel takes a moment to think about this, but with an assuring smile, he says to Ford, "I'll see what I can do."
With his blind eyes closed, Hindel concentrates silently to himself as his mind's eye scopes far and wide on where Arrogon has taken the six mares.  Through his unique form of clarity, the dragon is able to pinpoint the location of the girls as they are sadly confined in one Canterlot's sub-level dungeons.
"Hmm... yes... I can see them!" Hindel exclaims in a moment of triumph, which causes Ford to express some surprised joy over this news.  "The Elements of Harmony are being held imprisoned inside one of the castle's dungeons.  They're quite distraught from the recent events, but they are alright for now.  And... wait!  I can see something else!  It's... it's Arrogon!  He's currently building himself an army of dark, magical creatures thanks to his empowering amulet!"
"Wait!  What happened to Celestia, Luna, or even Discord?!  Couldn't they stop Arrogon by themselves?!"
"The very amulet he has crafted for himself is the very reason why the three entities are incapable to stop him.  Those three jewels on his accursed amulet must have not only imprisoned them, but they are also draining their powers while infusing with Arrogon's.  This would explain how Arrogon has become so powerful after all these years!"
"Then what are we waiting for?!" Ford growls impatiently.  "We need to go over there and save them!"
"No.  Not yet."
"What?  Why not?!" Ford screeched in protest.  "We have to save them now!"
"Patience, Mustang.  In due time, we will." Hindel states it as calmly as possible.  "But for now, we must take advantage of the time we have been given.  While Arrogon is busy creating his army, we can use that time to begin your training."
"Training?  On what exactly?" Ford asks puzzlingly.
"On how to master your draconian powers of course."
"Wait... I have draconian powers now?!" Ford points out in complete shock.
"That's right, and I'm going to teach them to you!" Hindel confirms with a smirk.
"But how?  The only kind of magic I would possess is Pegasus magic, right?"
"Ford, don't you remember those breathing exercises I've taught you in the past few months?  Haven't you notice anything different since then?" he asked him with an all-knowing grin.
"Hmm... well... I do feel stronger and more energized than ever." Ford ponders on this for a bit.  "But how did I possess those powers in the first place?"
"You've had them ever since you first arrive to this place." Hindel verifies all-knowingly.  "That inter-dimensional spell not only transported you here, but it also gave you a portion of my own magic.  Therefore, allowing you possess the powers of a dragon as well!"
"So, if that's the case... does that mean I can breathe fire at some point?" Ford beams exaggeratingly with a wide smile and sparkling eyes.
"We'll see, Ford." Hindel chuckles at the pony's exaggerative antics before continuing in a more serious tone, "But be warned, Mustang.  We may a window of opportunity at this time, but we don't have a moment to waste.  From now on, it will not just be simple exercises we'll be going through.  The real training I will put you through will involve some seriously dangerous challenges that will constantly test your body, mind, and soul!  The trials you will face may be grueling and food and sleep will not come so easily for you, but by the end of your training, I know that you will be ready to help me crush Arrogon once and all!  So, are you truly ready for what's to come from here on out?"
Realizing how serious and dire the situation has become, Ford Mustang takes a deep breath before he says something to the patiently waiting dragon, "I just only have one question, Hindel..."
Ford just simply grins and asks him, "When do we get started?"

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