Chapter 27 - Ultimate Destiny

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After a surprise attack from Rainbow Dash, Arrogon is knocked down momentarily while Ford Mustang stares speechlessly at his overjoyed marefriend. He is about to question on why she is out here without her friends following closeby, but then, she quickly sweeps him up with her forelegs as she excitedly embraces him.

"Oh my gosh! Ford! You were amazing out there!" she squeals in delight while she hugs him closely. "I saw it! I finally saw it!"

"Saw what exactly?" he asks in slight confusion.

"The Sonic Rainboom, of course!" she exclaims
matter-of-factly. "I knew you can do it one day, and you actually did it! You totally decimated him, and it was awesome!"

Ford breaks into a chuckling grin as he says to her, "I told you that you make the most adorable squeals whenever something excites you!"

As expected, she flusters from that comment and stammers in response, "Sh-shut up!"

"Make me!"

With a grin matching that with the goading stallion, Rainbow Dash greedily pulls him in for a welcoming kiss. Ford is nearly lost from the recent sign of affection, but then, he remembers something he has to address first, and he unfortunately has to break out of that.

"Wait a second, what are you doing here in the first place?"

"Saving your flank apparently!" she answers sharply with a grin.

"No, I mean why are you here when you're supposed to be with the girls right now?"

"Where do you think I got this little beauty from?" she says with a cocky smile as she points out her Element of Loyalty that's nicely secured around her neck. Once he sees the red lightning bolt necklace, Ford feels very foolish from not recognizing it earlier.

"Once I've secured my own Element of Harmony, I went ahead of them to help you out. They'll be here soon enough." Then, her expression goes from gentle to fierce all of a sudden as she glares at the unconscious Arrogon in the far distance. "Plus, I've got a score to settle with that arrogant jerk over there!"

Soon enough, the disgruntled tyrant gets up from floor, and he fixes his fearsome gaze at the bold mare who delivered that harsh kick earlier.

"Rainbow Dash... we were just talking about you." he says in a disgustingly sweet tone before his soulless eyes flicker intensely at her direction. "NOW YOU SHALL SUFFER IN FORD'S PLACE FOR HIS TRANSGRESSION!"

Recalling on that dark promise Arrogon made prior to Rainbow's arrival, Ford dreads immensely as he hastily cries out to her, "NO, RAINBOW!"

As the heckling tyrant's eyes flash wildly, Rainbow flinches and automatically shields herself with her forelegs while Mustang instinctively steps in front of her as he hopes to block off the cursed magic's aim once more.

Suddenly, the villain's diabolical laughter stops as he is dumbfounded for some reason or another. Curious by the sudden change in Arrogon's demeanor, Ford turns around to see if Rainbow is still okay. But then, his gaping face becomes just as stunned as Arrogon's as he notices an extraordinary change in his marefriend. Rainbow Dash is surrounded in a protective aura of golden energy!

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