Chapter 24 - Castle Crashers

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Today is the day. A day which can change the very fate of Equestria and all of its inhabitants. After a few hours of rest and saying their quick goodbyes to their friends and loved ones, five brave warriors make their long trek to a secret entrance at the cliff of Canterlot, the country's capital that was overtaken by Arrogon the Destroyer over two weeks ago.

Leading the party is Chrysalis, the Queen of the Changelings and chief infiltrator, who is infamously known for being the only one able to enter the castle of Canterlot undetected. Following behind her is Shining Armor, Captain of the Royal Guards and husband of the Crystal Empire's Princess, who acts as the self-proclaimed team leader of the group.

Riding on top of the Unicorn's back is Spike, Twilight Sparkle's Number-One Assistant, who possesses knowledge of the location of his imprisoned friends. At the end of the line is the Sweet Apple Acres' red, indomitable stallion, Big Macintosh, who acts as the muscle of the team. And right beside Big Mac is the pony responsible for bring everyone together on this important mission of theirs, Ford Mustang.

Hundreds of feet beneath Arrogon's dark magical force field that has entrapped everypony inside the castle walls, the party of five is treading on a narrow pathway alongside the cliff as they pass by a couple waterfalls. So far, their treacherous journey has been a smooth one. Of course, like any typical family road trip, there tends to be some... disgruntlement between its travelers.

"Oh come on, Shining!" Chrysalis chuckles greatly at the extremely flustered Unicorn. "Are you still mad at me? I said I was sorry already!"

"'Sorry?!'" he screeches at the changeling with a face boiling with rage and embarrassment. "You nearly ruined my marriage!"

She shrugs casually as she continues to mock him, "Hey, it's not my fault you were too easy to trick when I disguised myself as your wife, and that you actually confused me for her when you snuggled up close to me!"

"I-I was too drowsy to tell the difference!" he retorts with a stammering excuse.

"Yeah, too bad your pitiful excuse wasn't enough to save you when the real Cadance walked in while you were busy spooning with yours truly! And boy, was she furious!" Then, she starts to laugh madly as she continues, "Ahh, I can still picture the look on her face! Oh, everypony! You should have seen it yourself! It was priceless! Hahahahaha!"

"Yeah, hilarious." Spike responds with an unfunny, deadpan expression.

"On come now, dearie!" she says as she ruffles the spines on scowling dragon's head. "I'm just trying to lighten up the mood here! Geez, you guys sure are a couple of killjoys here!"

Meanwhile, at the caboose end of the line, Ford and Big Mac stare blankly at Chrysalis' maddening antics as they share an impassive expression over this matter.

"Well, this trip certainly has been a fun get-together, hasn't it, Big Mac?" Ford asks with a small, sarcastic smile.

"Eeyup." he answers with a simple nod.

"Hey, Chrysalis!" Ford calls out to her. "How far are we until we get to this secret entrance of yours?"

"Not for long, Mustang! It's just right around the corner!"

And just like she said, around the corner of cliff and at the end of the narrow pathway, there is a cave entrance with another waterfall right across from it.

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