Chapter 32 - The Wedding Ceremony

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It's been one month since Ford Mustang proposed to Rainbow Dash, and now at long last, that day has finally arrived! Canterlot Castle is buzzing with constant excitement as the various ponies and guests get ready for the momentous occasion: the wedding of Ford Mustang and Rainbow Dash!

In one of the private suites next to the royal chapel, the groom is nearly ready with his traditional attire: a black tuxedo with tailed ends, a white, collared shirt, and a black bowtie. His sleeves have six jeweled cufflinks, each one of them matching the colors of his fiancée's gorgeous mane. The warm-colored jewels are on his right sleeve while the cool-colored ones are on his left. And lastly, right next to the outside pocket that contains a white handkerchief, he has a multicolored carnation pinned on the left side of his tux.

And while Ford feels ready enough to meet his wife-to-be after one whole day of absence, Applejack, his best mare and honorary sister, isn't totally convinced as she keeps on rubbing her hooves into his blue hair while applying some hair gel to make his mane nice and shiny. She already finished his tail, which was the most difficult part out of the two, so working on his mane shouldn't take that long. However, with the way she keeps stroking his combed-back mane, her roughness is making it hard for him to cooperate with her while they stand in front of a mirror.

"Oh for corn's sake, Ford!" she disciplines him in a motherly tone. "Hold still already!"

"Come on, Applejack!" he gripes in response. "It's fine as it is!"

"No way, sugarcube!" she retorts with pride as she stubbornly carries on her task. "As yer best mare, it's my job to make you decent enough for Rainbow Dash out there!"

"Since when did you start getting prissy regarding with how I look?" he asks with a smirk.

Hesitant at first, she answers with a blushing grin, "Ah guess ya could say that Rarity is kinda rubbing off on me."

Once she is finally satisfied, the orange mare lets him go as the blue Pegasus takes one final look at himself from the large mirror. Standing tall and regal, he grins with proud over his sleek hair and well-tailor suit, courtesy of Rarity, of course.

While smiling with gratitude over Applejack's handiwork, he couldn't help but make a sarcastic comment to her, "Thanks, AJ. What would I ever do without you?"

As the two friends share a pleasant giggle with each other, their subtle laughter ends in an abrupt halt as a blurred pony flies right past them. Ford and Applejack cringe as they hear the flung pony crashing into a wall right across the room. Laying on the floor upside-down is Soarin, famed Wonderbolt and husband of Spitfire, who is now here today as one of Ford's ushers.

Stuck in an awkward position, he pleads softly with an embarrassing smile, "Umm... a little help here?"

"Soarin, what happened?" Applejack asks alarmingly as she rushes over to give the poor Wonderbolt a helping hoof.

"Just ask your dragon friend over there." Vinyl Scratch answers with a deadpan expression as she points it out with a hoof that bears an elegant engagement ring featuring a shiny ruby gemstone.

Ford Mustang turns to the other direction and sighs in disappointment over the cause of the commotion. Near the doorway are two bulky, red stallions. One of them is another close friend of Ford's, Big Macintosh, who has a loose black tie in his mouth. The other stallion is somepony fairly new. While his body structure is almost like Big Mac's, he has features that are similar to a Bat Pony, with leathery wings, extra fluff at the end of his ears, and slitted-pupil eyes. Even with the new Equestrian body, he still bears characteristics to his original dragon form, including his spiny black mane, dark scarlet coat, bright green eyes, spiky mutton chops and goatee, broad chin, and razor sharp teeth. Fussy as ever is Wagner the Inferno Dragon King, who is clearly not enjoying himself, given the circumstances he has to go through.

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