Chapter 3 - Meeting Rainbow Dash's Father

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After finishing their lunch at one of Cloudsdale's cafés, Rainbow Dash and Ford Mustang fly off together to meet up with her dad in one of the cloud city's floating neighborhood regions.  While Rainbow is overly excited to see her father, Ford is feeling otherwise.  The closer they get to her dad's house, the more nervous he becomes.  Rainbow takes a glance at her worried coltfriend and sees how he has been slowing his speed down gradually.  Noticing this, she slows herself down to match with Ford's pace as she begins to comfort him.

"You okay back there, Ford?" she asks concernedly.

"Oh yeah, sure!  Why wouldn't I be?" he responds nervously with sarcastic wit.  "I'm about to meet up with your dad for the first time!  What stallion doesn't want to see the father of the mare he is dating right now?"

"Look, you've got nothing to worry about!" she giggles over Ford's nervous antics.  "My dad is like the coolest parent ever!  Besides, I've told him all about you through my letters to him!"

"Has he said anything about me through his letters?" he inquires with a small, hopeful smile.

"Hmm... not that I can recall." she ponders on that.  "All I can remember is that he can't wait to meet you!"

"Hmph!  That's what he wants you to think!" he cautions in an exaggerative manner.  "To make you think he can act all compassionate and understanding towards me!  And once you're not in the same room as us... BAM!  Consider yourself a single mare once more!"

Rainbow just smiles as she shakes her head to herself before saying, "You really must have watched too many movies back on your homeworld!  Stop worrying about it!  You'll warm up to him!  You'll see!"

"Actually, that's what I am worried about!" Ford continues to fret over this.  "I wasn't born as a pony!  I was born as a human and transformed into a pony!  I'm pretty much nothing more than a pretender in this world!  What if your father finds out about that?  What if... he hates me for that?"

"He won't hate you, Ford!  I know he won't!  And even if he does hate you, I won't give up on you just because of my father's disapproval!   I will never do that to you, Mustang!"  As she reassures she flies closely by his side as his worries begin to diminish.

"I know you won't, Rainbow." he says affectionately to Rainbow before kissing her warmly on the cheek.  "And that's one of many reasons why I love you so much!  So anyway, can you tell me a little about your father?  It will make me feel better if I get a general idea on what this guy is like."

"Oh yeah, sure!  Well first off, my dad's name is Turbo Dash!  He was one of the greatest racers in Equestrian history!  And not just as a flyer!  He was an accomplished racer on the ground as well, rivaling with the fastest Earth Ponies and Horses of Saddle Arabia!  At his prime, he rose to the top in so many different races!"

"That's amazing, Rainbow!  So, what's he doing right now?"

"Well, he's a weather pony manager at one of the cloud factories here on Cloudsdale, but often times, he would volunteer as an instructor for flight camps!"

"What?" Ford puzzles after hearing this.  "I figure he would either retire or become a full-time coach for the next speedsters!  What led him to give up everything he had?"

"When he married my mom, Firefly." Rainbow answers with a warm, reminiscing smile.

Things start to become quiet between the two flying Pegasi.  Rainbow Dash rarely told Ford Mustang anything about her mother before, so he never pressured her into that matter.  But seeing how they were going to meet up with her dad, Ford couldn't help himself as his curiosity got the best of him.

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