Chapter 33 - The Wedding Reception

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"Alright everypony!" Vinyl Scratch announces gleefully from her DJ station.  "You all have been waiting for this!  Without further ado, may I introduce the hottest couple in all of Equestria!  So please, help me make some noise as I proudly present to you, Mr. Ford Mustang & Mrs. Rainbow Dash!"

Within Canterlot's grand ballroom, the countless guests rise from their seats as they applaud wildly over the arrival of the newlyweds.  Rainbow Dash and Ford Mustang smile blissfully over the DJ's announcement before they share a simple peck with each other, with just enough time for some of the ponies to capture this on their cameras.

"And now that the bride and groom have finally arrived..." Vinyl continues over her microphone.  "...let's have them come on down towards the center of the dance floor so that they can share their first dance together as husband and wife!"

Side by side, the two Pegasi walk to the vast dance floor with warm smiles on their faces as they silently reminisce over their first slow dance together since the last time they were here.  The dozens of occupied tables surrounding the dance floor continue to cheer in anticipation for the couple as Ford and Rainbow take their place in the middle of the room.  Once they take center stage, Vinyl begins to play the perfect track from her turntable as Rainbow Dash is surprised by its familiarly soothing tune.

"This song... it's just like the first time we danced like this, isn't it?" she smiles brightly after she recognizes its melody.  "Ford, did you pick this one out yourself?"

"I may have made a small suggestion to Vinyl Scratch earlier." he answers slyly with an all-knowing grin.

Eagerly, they each place a hoof on the other pony's shoulder as they begin their graceful waltz.  Their equine choreography syncs perfectly with the piece of music.  Most of the observers sigh and awe lovingly at the newlyweds' elegant dance routine.  In the midst of their sequence, Rainbow grins over an idea that comes to mind.

"Hey, Mustang... why don't we give these ponies a real showstopper?"

Knowing what she is emphasizing, Ford concurs with a smirk matching that with hers, "I think I already know on what you have in mind, Dashie."

"You don't mind if I take the lead on this one, do you?"

"Lead the way, angel."

With a mighty flap of her wings, the leading dance partner lifts her stallion high in the air as the awestricken crowd gasps wondrously over this new development.  From this change of pace, the Pegasi snuggly wrap their forelegs around each other as they carry on with their unique sky-dancing. 

Without a care from the onlookers down below, they keep their affectionate eyes on each other and no one else.

"I like what you did with your eyes, Rainbow." Ford comments warmly.

"Thanks, Rarity helped me out with that.  You don't... think it's a bit too much?"

"Are you kidding me?" he chuckles lightly.  "I could get myself lost in those gorgeous, magenta eyes of yours!"

"Well, don't get too attached to them, Ford!" she smirks in response.  "These take too much of my free time, so I better not hear you gripe about them if I don't wear makeup on a daily basis!"

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