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"Wake up, wake up, wake up." I said repeatedly.

"Just a minute sweetheart." Brian said in a sleepy voice. "What did I say about calling me sweetheart?" I gave him a glare knowing he couldn't see me.

He popped his head out of his blanket and gave me a teasing smile before slowly getting up and headed to the bathroom.

Well, the reason why I hated when he called me 'sweetheart' was because I may have some feelings for him. He's my bestfriend but I couldn't help liking him. I don't want to tell him because I don't want to ruin our friendship and damn, every time he did call me by that nickname it gave me butterflies. But he doesn't share the same feelings and he never will because he has a girlfriend.

I walked downstairs meeting the rest of the boys in the kitchen. Grabbing a plate of cereal, I sat on the table next to Nick who was more then finished with his breakfast.

"So is Brian awake?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, had to wake him up." I sighed.

"He better hurry because I don't want to be late for school again." Howie said being the good boy he is.

"Relax Howie it's just school." Aj chuckled not caring.

"I know but this will be our seventh time already this week." The poor boy defended himself.

"Howie's right, we need to be more responsible and start getting there in time." Kevin added to the conversation.

"BRIAN HURRY UP!" Nick yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"Coming!" Brian yelled back. He ran down the stairs and tripped at the last step. We all burst out in laughter as he tried getting up.

"Oh shut up." He said annoyed but couldn't help and laugh after.

We grabbed our backpacks from the couch but before leaving the house I pulled Brian aside.

"Here's a granola bar to eat on the way." I handed it to him.

"Thank you ma'am." He playfully saluted making me giggle at his reaction.

We made our way to Kevin's car. That was when an idea popped into my head. Secretly, I smiled to myself before immediately going back to a neutral expression.

"Tell me why you're all wearing black." I raised an eyebrow.

"Because we wear black on Friday's duh." Nick made a silly expression towards me as if I had forgotten something important. I knew they always dressed up like this but I liked to annoy them from time to time.

"And you're wearing a green jacket so you broke the rule." Brian smirked.

"I know, I was just messing with you guys." I punched him softly on his arm.

Kevin got in the drivers seat, Brian and Howie sat in the back and Nick and Aj sat at the very back. Kevin had a van so it was able to fit all of us, thankfully.

"And by the way, I wear whatever I want." I snapped with a sassy tone and sat in the passengers seat. As I put on my seatbelt, I peeked through the mirror and noticed Brian smiling, nodding his head to himself. That made me smile to myself and look out the window as Kevin drove us to school.

"Mary can you play some music?" Aj sounded desperate, not wanting the ride to be silent.

"Yeah sure." I connected my phone through Bluetooth and shuffled played my music playlist I made for road trips. Although this isn't a road trip, it fit.

"Oh yeah, this is my jam!" Aj started singing and dancing in his seat, following the rhythm of the song which made us all laugh at his energetic self. We all joined him, not letting him have all the fun himself.

Soon enough after a ride of singing and dancing, we arrived to school.

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