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Next day

I walked downstairs meeting the boys that were watching a movie in the living room.

"What's with all the black you're wearing?" Howie asked as he noticed me. "I don't know I guess I just kind of felt like wearing black?" I shrugged. "Well it's definitely working on you." Nick smirked.

"Stop with the flirting and date already." Aj rolled his eyes. "You can't rush love." Nick teased. I laughed.

"Don't you guys want to do something fun today?" I asked sitting on a chair. "We're watching a movie." Brian said annoyed.

"What's with the attitude?" I awkwardly laughed.

"It's none of your business." He responded.

"Excuse me? What's wrong with you today?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Mary just leave him alone he's not in the mood right now." Danielle came in from the kitchen.

"I didn't know you were here." I crossed my arms.

"I'm here too." Skylar came behind her.

"Good to know." I said.

"Hey, why don't we go to the beach? We can make a campfire." Kevin suggested.

"think that's a great idea." Skylar agreed.

"Is everyone in?" Kevin asked. Everyone agreed.

We gathered materials we would need including marshmallows for s'mores. We took two separate cars since we all wouldn't fit with all the things we were taking.

Brian, Howie and Kevin went in Danielle's car meanwhile me, Skyler, and Nick and Aj took Kevin's car.

"What's up with Brian?" I asked.

"Honestly I don't know. He was perfectly fine until you came." Aj said.

"So I'm the problem?" My mouth fell open.

"Of course not. He's probably just having a bad day?" Nick sounded unsure.

"He was obviously enjoying the movie." Skylar added.

"Why didn't you tell me you were here?" I looked over at her.

"Surprise?" She said giving me an innocent smile.

I sighed. "I hope this trip goes well."

"Our trips always go well. We always have fun." Aj looked back at me through the mirror. "True." I said.

"Now put on some music and lets jam." Skylar giggled.

"You did not just say jam." Nick laughed and played music. We all sang along to the songs the whole ride to the beach.

As we approached we all got out of the car and gathered our things outside. We placed chairs in a circle were the campfire would be. Some of us stayed to light up the fire and the others went into the water.

I sat on the sand away from the others looking out at the water when someone sat next to me. I looked up to see it was Nick.

"Hey." He half smiled. "Hey." I said back.

"Why are you all by yourself out here?" He asked curious.

"I just wanted to have some alone time." I shrugged.

"Sorry if I interrupted." He said innocently.

"No, I like having your company." I smiled. "Thanks." He smiled back.

"Isn't this relaxing? Sitting here quietly and just listening to the waves with fresh air hitting your face?" I said putting my head on his shoulder.

"Definitely." He agreed. "Except for the part that air hits your face." We laughed at his comment.

"But besides that, it's specially nice when you have a beautiful view in front of you." He said while looking at me.

"Oh stop, you flirt." I blushed looking up at him.

"Hey lovebirds, why don't you stop the romance and get over here." Howie yelled over at us. I sighed.

"They are never going to stop teasing us about being a couple are they?" I said getting up.

"Nope. But I wouldn't mind if we were." Nick smirked getting up. "There you go again you big flirt." We both laughed and ran back to the others.

I sat in a chair between Nick and Howie.

"So when are you two making it official?" Aj asked.

"Don't start." I warned. "Just saying." Aj said with a grin. I rolled my eyes.

"The fire is going well. How about we start making those s'mores." Skylar clapped happily.

"Take a stick everyone. The marshmallows are right there with the cookies." Kevin pointed at a small table placed on the ground.

We all grabbed a stick, marshmallow and cookie.

"These are so good." Danielle said eating hers. "Not as good as your kisses." Brian kissed her cheek. "Aww, you are so sweet." Danielle blushed.

"Please don't make out, because none of us want to see that." Howie made a grossed out face. We all laughed at his face reaction.

"It's nice being out here having a friends night out." I said.

"Yeah it is." Nick said.

"Enjoy the show from far away." Danielle randomly blurted with a smirk while leaving with Brian holding hands.

"Get a room." Kevin yelled.

"They could've done that anywhere but they just had to do it here didn't they?" Aj shook his head.

"Let's hope we don't hear moans." Howie said laughing."

"Oh come on that's gross." Skylar said making a face.

"I don't feel good I'm going to the car." I said getting up and leaving to the car. I went into the passenger seat inside Kevin's car and just sat there.

All of a sudden Nick and Kevin came and put the chairs that weren't being used inside. Kevin left back to the others and Nick came inside the drivers seat.

"Leaving so soon?" I said looking at him. "Just the two of us. Are you ok?" He asked.

"I have a really bad stomachache." I sinked into the seat. "Let's go home and I'll make you some tea." Nick started up the car. "Wait, what about the others?" I asked sitting up.

"Well me and Kevin just brought some of the things inside so that leaves space inside Danielle's car so they can all ride there." Nick said as he started driving. I put my seatbelt on and nodded at him.


As we got home I went straight to the couch. Nick came in with a tea in his hands. He gave it to me and I took a sip. "I hope you feel better." He said taking a seat next to me. "I do too."

"Feel free to rest your head on my shoulder."

"You sure?"

"I don't mind." He smiled. I returned the smile and placed my head on him.

"Can we watch a movie?" I asked.

"Sure I'll put Netflix on." He grabbed the controller which was by his side and turned on the tv. He went into his room to grab a blanket and came back. He played a movie and I once again rested my head on him. He put his hand around me as if he were hugging me.

I placed my cup of tea on a stool and cuddled up with him. I never thought I would ever do this with Nick but it felt nice and natural.

We watched the movie the rest of the night and who knows when the others came home. The last thing I remember was falling asleep on Nick.

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