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"What is it?" I asked. He just kept looking at me. I loved his blue eyes. "I-." He opened his mouth to talk.

"HEY GUYS!" Nick yelled opening the door. I jumped and Brian moved away. He seemed a bit awkward now.

"What is this? Bonding time?" Nick sat between us. Brian and I were so close that Nick's butt was on both of us.

I laughed. "Get off me." I playfully pushed him towards Brian. "I don't want him he's yours isn't he?" Brian pushed him back to me.

"Woah guys. I know I'm cute and all but please calm down. Everyone will get a sample of me." Nick winked.

"What am I looking at?" A female voice said. The three of us looked and it was Danielle. Haven't seen her in a while and I wouldn't mind if she just left.

"I missed you baby." She ran to Brian giving him a kiss. "If you're going to eat each other, do it in your own time." Nick made a disgusted face. I chuckled and held his hand. We left them there and went with the other boys.

"Mary we have our song." Aj had a huge smile on his face.

"That's awesome." I clapped my hands.

"Guess who's back?" Howie rolled his eyes as he heard Danielle's voice.

"Oh hey."  Kevin waved.

"Hi guys." Danielle gave everyone a hug but me. "Hi Mary." She spoke.

"I don't like her attitude right now." Howie whispered to me. I smiled at him. "At least one person is on my side." I whispered back. He gave me a high five.

"What did I miss while I was gone?" She sat comfortably in our couch.

"Not that you missed it but it will be mine and Mary's one year anniversary being together." Nick held my hand in his proudly.

"Oh really?" Danielle smirked. She then kissed Brian on his cheek and layed her head on his shoulder while holding his forearm.

Howie cleared his throat. He knew what she was doing. She knew I had feelings for him. Like I said, HAD. But I'm over him and now I'm with Nick. And I'm happy. So she can try all she wants to make me jealous but it won't work.

"We're in a band now." Aj broke the silence. "I was gone for a month and you guys get into a band? How fun." She couldn't sound more fake then just now.

"So Aj, how's your relationship with Skylar?" Danielle asked. He seemed awkward. "She's out of town." He responded. "Mary isn't she your sister? Why isn't she here?" She asked.

Can't this girl learn to mind her own business? She's always trying to know everything.

"Like Aj said, she's out of town." I replied.

"Maybe we can have a girls night out together." She suggested. "Sure." I forced a smile. Howie noticed and tried to hide a smile. I gave him a glare.

"What's so funny?" Nick looked between me and Howie. "Nothing." Howie had a smile. Kevin looked closely at the two of us. "Please don't tell me there's a romance going on between you two now."

"Ugh. Gross, no thank you." Howie exaggerated making a puking face. I chuckled. "I'm sure Mary would NEVER go from one guy to another. Specifically with her friends." Danielle had an evil smile.

My guess, she was referring how I went from Brian to Nick. First of all. I knew Brian and I would never work out because he was with Danielle and I never came between them. Nick on the other hand was single. And I actually really do like him.

I just ignored her. The rest of the day consisted of her STILL asking more annoying questions. But we managed to answer them all.


I was looking through the journal of lyrics the boys had written, or I should say Kevin and Aj because the other three played games.

The song was pretty good. I wonder what the background music will be. It will probably sound even better. As long as I know that the boys are the ones singing, I know for sure it's going to be good.

"I know you're with Nick now but please just back off of Brian." Danielle came into my room. I looked at her confused.

"Excuse me?" I face palmed. "Just so you know, I'm over Brian. And I'm with Nick because I actually DO like him." I informed.

"So you did have feelings for Brian." She raised an eyebrow.

"Does it matter anymore? You won. You got what you wanted. Him. Not that he's a prize." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, so you still want him?" She crossed her arms.

"No. I don't. Me and Nick are in a happy relationship and I couldn't ask for anything else. So what's your problem?" I was getting annoyed.

"You're my problem. Why don't you just disappear?" She stormed out shutting my door hard. I'm sure that could've woke someone up.

I don't know what her problem is but I'm not going to let her talk to me like this. I don't care how 'nice' she acts around the boys but there's something going on between her and Brian, otherwise she wouldn't be acting more vicious then she already does.

And I'm going to find out what it is one way or another.

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