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"WEEEEEEEE!" Nick yelled sliding down the slide like a little kid with a big wide smile on his face.

"Nick quick being a child." Kevin said to him with a straight face. Howie chuckled and said. "Let the kid be."

"You guys just don't know how to have fun." Nick said getting off the slide. "Mary come on the slide with me." Nick suggested. "I would love to but I'm wearing a skirt." I pouted. "Not only are you wearing a skirt but are showing too much skin." Howie said. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Please." Nick whined. "Maybe next time?" I said not wanting to go. "Fine." Nick sighed and went down the slide alone looking like a depressed little kid. "Cheer up buddy." Kevin chuckled.

We went to sit at a table that was out in the park where Aj and Brian were sitting. "So, what are you guys planning?" Kevin said as we sat down.

"Well, I was thinking we should take a trip to Disneyland." Brian said. Nick bursted out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Brian said looking at him with a confused look.

"Are you serious?" Nick said shocked.

"Of course you dummy." Aj said slapping his arm.

"Why exactly do you want us to go for?" Howie asked.

"We have one week left of school and then we graduate from senior year." Brian said. "Go on." Kevin encouraged. "And I was thinking we should celebrate over there." Brian finished his sentence.

"But it's expensive. How are we going to get the money?" Nick said. Kevin sighed. "That's why we have jobs and save up." He said.

"So it would only be us?" Howie asked.

"Yeah of course." Aj said.

"So does everyone agree?" Brian asked.

"Yes." The boys said in sync.

"What about you Mary? You haven't said a word." Kevin looked at me with a worried expression.

"Sounds good to me." I smiled at them.

"Than its settled. We're going." Aj clapped.

"Alright so I have one week to figure everything out and then I'll talk to you guys about the plan three days before." Brian said getting up from his seat. "Just remember to save up at least six hundred dollars." He said walking away from us.

"Wait, were are you going?" Howie said. "I need to go somewhere. I'll be home before midnight." Brian shouted as he ran off.

"Wierd kid." Nick said. I chuckled.

"Says the one that's eighteen and still acts like a child playing on slides." I teased.

"You're never too old." Nick laughed.

"Let's go home guys." Aj said.

We all agreed and went walking home.

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