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"We've been here for three hours, I'm exhausted." Nick said falling on top of a bed. "Can I sleep here while you guys continue your shopping?" He closed his eyes getting comfortable.

"You're going to sleep in a stores bed?" Howie laughed at him. "Why not?" Nick sighed.

"You took an hour to find an outfit. We went to eat and that took an hour. And now we're in some furniture store, I don't know how we ended up here. So that leaves another hour for me and Mary to find a dress." Skylar said sitting next to Nick who was falling asleep.

"Wake up." I said jumping on top of him. I laughed as he got scared. "Fine." Nick sighed sitting up. "But your buying me dessert." He smirked. "Nick we just ate." I laughed. "Can't a guy eat?" He laughed with a sigh.

Skylar and I searched for a couple minutes until we found the perfect dresses. I was proud at my dress. It may be simple but it's something.

"One more thing." Skylar said as we got inside the car ready to leave. "What?" Howie replied. "What kind of high school throws a party after graduation? Don't you just leave?" She asked.

"I don't know." I sighed placing my head on the seat.

"You tired?" Nick asked as he started driving. "Yep." I said.

As we got home I headed to my room and sat down on my bed opening my computer to YouTube. I heard a knock on the door and soon it opened revealing a Nick coming in. He left half the door open and sat on my bed.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. He gave me a shocked expression. "So I can't say hi to one of my best friends?" He said as he fake cried. I giggled.

"Don't cry." I smiled. "Okay." He quickly said and took one of my pillows. "So what are you doing?" He said.

"Watching YouTube but I think I'm heading to bed now." I said shutting of the computer and putting it beside my bed.

"But I just got here." He pouted. "And it's pass your bedtime." I teased. "I don't have a bed time." He said. "You do now." I giggled.

"I see." He smiled. "Well, now you have one too, princess." He stuck his tongue at me.

"Well in that case, I'm already in bed." I stuck my tongue back at him. He laughed.

"Goodnight Mary." He said as he got up ready to leave.

"Goodnight Nick." I said back as I layed back down covering myself with my blanket.

I heard him close the door and I turned off the lights. I slowly drifted off to sleep smiling to myself after the interaction with Nick.

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