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"Get out." I whined at Howie who was sitting on a chair I had that was hanging from the ceiling.

"But I like your room." He teased.

I sat up on my bed tiredly and saw that it was 8:15 am.

"Why are you up this early on a Saturday morning?" I rubbed my eyes.

"Because that's what normal people do, they wake up in the morning." He started swinging on the chair.

I got up heading to the bathroom. "Be right back."

I brushed my hair and teeth. I put on a blue shirt with black jeans and white vans. I put my hair up in a bun and went back to the room.

"Who wears shoes while inside their house?" Howie giggled.

"I don't want to wear socks, they'll get dirty." I sat down near the window. "One question." Howie said looking straight at me.

"What is it?" I asked. "Who gave you that bear?" He pointed at a white bear that was holding a heart with the words 'I love you'.

"I've told you and everybody else that I don't know." I rolled my eyes. He grinned looking at his phone.

"Do you know who it was?" I looked at him with wide eyes. He immediately looked up. "I think I have a good idea of who it was but I'm not saying." He laughed. I placed my head on the wall and closed my eyes.

There was a knock on the door and I opened my eyes with my head still on the wall. "Come in." I said loud enough for the person to hear me. I saw Nick and Kevin coming in the room and they went straight to my bed. Since my bed was small they were fighting over it.

"There's enough space for two people can you stop fighting like kids." I said giggling at them watching them as they pushed one another.

They both glared at each other but gave up and ended up sharing. "I'm surprised you're awake." Nick layed on his stomach. "Howie didn't let me sleep." I stuck my tongue at Howie. "He woke us up too." Kevin said putting his foot near Nicks face.

"That makes four of us." Aj said coming in with Brian behind him. Aj sat on the floor and Brian took my legs off the small sofa and sat down putting my legs on top of his lap.

"Your carpet is very soft and surprisingly comfortable." Aj kept rubbing the floor with his hand. "Thanks." I mumbled. "Why is everyone in my room?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"Because we love you." Brian said resting his arms on my legs giving me a cheeky smile. "One of us obviously loves her more." Howie winked making kissing sounds with his mouth.

I threw Howie a pillow and hit his face. "Ow." He pouted.

"Of course everyone loves me." I gave him a cheeky smile. "But no one can have this." I pointed at myself. The room was filled with laughter.

The door bell rang and we all looked each other.

"Are we expecting visitors?" I asked confused. "Not that I know of." Kevin got up. "Let's go see who it is." Aj and the others went downstairs except for Brian.

I took my legs off him and sat straight. "Mary?" Brian said getting my attention. "Yeah?" I looked over to him.

"I didn't want to tell you this but I think I should so you won't be any more confused." He said with hesitation in his tone. "What is it?" I asked.

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