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Brian started leaning into a kiss. He closed his eyes and I closed mine. His soft lips touched mine. It felt magical. Short story long, he was actually my first kiss and I was his in freshmen year but than he met Dani two months later and they started dating.

I pulled away knowing he was drunk and it wasn't right, he had Danielle. I wanted to get up but he held me tight. He kissed me again and some how I ended up under him and he was on top of me. He started kissing me more passionate until someone opened the door. He stopped and we both looked over to who was there and it was Howie. Luckily the lights were off so he couldn't see us. I pushed Brian off me and ran downstairs leaving him there.

I went to the kitchen and drank some water. I looked at the time it was 11:45. I went to the living room when Howie came in too.

"Okay tell me what I just walked into." He looked suspicious surprised.

"Could you see us?" I asked.

"Just because you have the lights off doesn't mean we can't see you." He sat on the couch, I followed and put my head on my legs.

"It was him. He kissed me and then somehow he ended up on top of me and I wanted to stop but he wouldn't and he's drunk and he has Danielle. What will she say if she finds out?" I was scared at what Danielle would say about all this.

"Mary breathe." He placed a hand on my shoulder to calm me down. I sighed. "This is exactly why she's keeping me away from him. So this wouldn't happen." I said in a low voice.

"What? Why would she do that? She likes you Mary, like a sister." He said. "Maybe she does but she has a point. I should just stay away." I layed my head up looking up the ceiling.

"I think you should tell her when you're ready and you need to talk to Brian too. He may be drunk but he needs to know what he did." Howie said getting up. "Just think about it." He left to his room.

I got up and went to my room. I looked inside only to see Brian already sound asleep on my bed. I closed the door and decided to sleep in his room so I wouldn't wake him up and in case another incident would happen.

I dropped my self on his bed. It was so comfortable and surprisingly his blanket smelled really good like him. I drifted off to sleep taking everything off my mind hoping tomorrow would be a better day and forget today ever happened.


I woke up to hearing the boys fighting about something. I ignored it so I got up and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and changed clothes. I went down the stairs to see what all this screaming and yelling was about.

"What is going on." I said looking at all of them. They looked at me and Brian stormed off upstairs.

"What's going on?" I asked. "Doesn't matter." Aj said leaving the house. Howie and Kevin both left too.

"Where's everyone going?" I said.

"Mary it's Monday we have school." Nick replied.

"Oh shoot, I forgot." I panicked. I wasn't ready at all.

"There's no time to change, you look perfectly fine like that and we need to go it's getting late." Nick rushed out the house and I followed behind.

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