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-Four days later-

Finally, Wednesday. The third day of our final week of school. By Friday we'll be senior graduates at last. I can't wait to get up on stage and get that diploma.

"Are you guys excited?" I asked the guys.

"Excited for what?" Nick asked.

"For graduation day this Friday. Don't tell me you forgot, it's literally our last week." I was shocked.

"Today we have the rehearsal for the graduation right?" Howie asked. "Yes we do." I said putting my plate in the sink.

I washed the plate and went back to sit at the table where Nick and Aj were still eating. I have no clue where Brian was. He hasn't been home ever since Sunday.

"I kinda don't want to graduate." Aj said.

"What? Why? Are you crazy?" Howie said with wide eyes.

"It's just that Skylar is going to be in her senior year and we're all going to be in college." Aj said.

"But you see her everyday." I said.

"Yeah but--" Aj got cut off when we heard a knock on the door.

"Who would that be at seven in the morning on a school day?" Nick said taking a mouth full of cereal.

"I'll open it." Howie said heading to the door.

"Thank you." Danielle said as she came inside the house. Not only was it her but Brian as well.

Look who finally decided to show up.

"Brian where have you been?" Kevin said as he came walking down the stairs.

"I've been spending more time with Danielle and I've been sleeping over at her house." Brian said.

"That's quite an outfit Danielle." I said looking her outfit. "I've never seen anyone wear a shirt that has a zipper in the middle." Howie added.

"Well it's similar to what you're wearing Mary. Your shirt is just a little longer that has buttons and instead of a skirt, you have shorts. Last but not least you have a cardigan. There's no difference." Danielle said taking a seat on the couch.

"We have to go its 7:40." Kevin said making his way outside. I followed him outside into the car waiting for the others to join us. I took my phone out and checked out all my social media.

Nick came out putting on a hoodie and sat in the backseat. "Mary your outfit is way better than whatever Dani has on. I mean.... a zipper shirt and that tiny?" Nick said making a face. I laughed.

"Yeah sure, thanks Nick."

"Any time." He said putting on his seat belt.

Aj and Howie then came inside the car. "Isn't one of you riding with Brian and Dani?" I asked looking back at the two. "We don't have time for that we're leaving." Kevin said driving out into the road.

"If I'm honest. I don't really like Danielle." Howie said.

"I agree." Nick said.

"I have a feeling she doesn't like Mary. And whoever doesn't like Mary we don't like either." Aj added to the conversation.

"Wow, how loyal friends are you guys." I said with a small laugh.

"Guys we've known her since freshman year, she's a nice girl." Kevin said.

"Yeah and since freshman year she's been trying to make Mary avoid Brian." Aj said.

"That is not true." Kevin protested. "Where did all this hate towards her come from?"

"Alright enough guys. I don't want to hear anything about Danielle being my enemy." I ended the conversation.

"Fine." Aj said.

"How about I put some music." I said. "Oh yes please." Nick said getting excited. I put on "The Way I Are" by Timbaland. We sang our hearts out to this song until we made it to school grounds.


"So what do you think we're going to do in dance class?" Nick asked as we walked over to the dancing gym. "I don't know." I replied.

We made it inside and sat down on the bleachers, had four minutes before class started.

"Look at Brian and Danielle eating each other." Nick said. We looked to the other side where Brian and Danielle were making out. "They probably didn't have breakfast." I said and we both laughed.

"I'm pumped up for Friday's dance." Nick said.

"There's a dance on Friday?" I asked confused.

"Yeah for seniors only. It's the last dance before we leave." He informed.

"Isn't graduation that day?" I asked.

"The graduation is at three and the dance will be at six." He explained.

"We have to be there." I said excitedly.

"Obviously." Nick said.

Minutes later the dance teacher had entered the room. "Alright kids, listen up." She said as everyone went over to listen. "We have a tight schedule today. We will be practicing a dance for half an hour and the other half we will be going outside to the field for the rehearsal of graduation. Tomorrow will be a free period for this class so just have fun today." She explained to the class.

She showed us a couple of dances and soon enough we were practicing them. Nick and I were partners like always.

"Alright you can all go free style for the last 10 minutes." The teacher yelled over the music.

"You heard that? Free style." Nick said as he started to dance like a penguin. I laughed at his silliness and so did he.

"Nice dance moves." I laughed.

"Why thank you my lady." He said in an accent. "Now come on and join me." He held out his hand.

I took it joining him and we danced for the last 10 minutes straight. We didn't care what people would say. We weren't going to see them anymore anyways so it wouldn't matter.

After that we went to the graduation rehearsal. It felt so exciting just practicing it. Knowing that we only have two days left of school. No more waking up at six in the morning. No more homework. No more teachers telling you what to do. No sitting in a desk for hours and no more having to stay up late for projects. It was amazing to know that we made it this far. Finally.


"Maaaryyy." Nick said. "Niiiick." I said back. He smiled. "What are you doing?" He asked. "Watching YouTube." I said.

Nick and I were laying on the couch as the others were doing whatever their minds wanted. "So what are you doing Nick?" I said. "I was on twitter looking at what celebrities tweeted." He said. "How interesting." I said sitting up.

"You want to go to the mall?" I asked. "Sure but for what?" He asked. "So we can buy outfits for the dance and for graduation." I smiled. "We only have one day left before that, I was not thinking about that." He said with a thinking face.

"Should we tell the others?" He asked getting up. "Well who knows where they are or what they're doing. But I do know Howie is in his room and Skylar is at home. So we could text them to join us." I said. "Sounds like a plan." Nick said putting on his shoes.

"Alright I'll text them meanwhile you go start the car." I said getting up from the couch. "Ok, meet you and Howie at the car." Nick said making his way outside.

The three of us were on our way to pick up Skylar. After that we went over to the mall and went hunting for the perfect outfits.

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