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Nick threw his pencil across the room frustrated.

"You ok?" I asked. He took a deep breath. "I'm just trying to figure out lyrics for one of our next songs."

"What's the song about?" I asked. "What do you mean?" He said. "Aren't the songs supposed to have a meaning?" I shrugged. He made a thinking face.

"You're right." He gave me a smile giving me a side hug. I hugged him back like he was a teddy bear. "You give the best hugs." He rested his head on my

"Ok love birds we get it. You're madly in love with each other." Brian rolled his eyes.

Nick and I chuckled.

"What's up?" I asked. "The ceiling." Brian responded. I rolled my eyes at him.

"I have a song ready for us." Brian simply said looking down at what he wrote. He seemed to be very proud.

"What? How? I couldn't think of the first sentence." Nick seemed shocked. I laughed at him. "Maybe you need some inspiration." I poked his cheek.

"My inspiration is right in front of me." He gave me a kiss on my cheek making me blush.

I looked over at Brian. I noticed him glaring at us before looking away. What's up with him now?

"Kevin and I worked on a song." Howie came into the living room with Kevin behind. "You boys are really taking this serious aren't you?" I said.

"This could be our career." Aj shouted from upstairs.

"Why don't you help us make a song?" Howie asked. "Well I'm not part of the band." I shrugged. "But you can help with the lyrics." Kevin suggested.

"Anyways, here's my song." Brian placed his work on the coffee table.

Howie looked at the title of the song. "How did I fall in love with you." He read as he raised an eyebrow at Brian.

"Who has you in love?" He smirked. Brian rolled his eyes. "No one." He crossed his arms.

"Mhm. So we're supposed to believe you?" Kevin wiggled his eyebrows.

"You're my cousin. You're supposed to be on my side." Brian threw him a pillow.

"The answer is obvious. It has to be about Danielle." Nick chuckled. That made Brian sigh.

"It's about a girl. A girl that's really special to me." Brian said while making eye contact with me.

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