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I had my room door open so I can see when Nick will walk by. His room is next to mine so he'll have no choice but to pass by.

I heard the front door close and the stairs creaked as someone was walking up here. I peeking out and saw Nick slowly coming up the stairs.

"Where were you mister." I sounded like a mom. He looked at me frightened. "Why do you look like you just saw a ghost?" I gave him a worried look.

"Uh nothing." He gave a nervous laugh. I looked at him closely.

"Come in." I gestured him inside my room.

"Where were you all day Nick?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I promise I'll tell you later."

"Why not right now?" He seemed suspicious and I wanted to know.

"I promise." He pleaded making a puppy face.

"Alright." I gave in. "But that face won't work next time."

I pointed at him with my finger. He tried to bite my finger making me scream. He laughed. "Not funny." I laughed with him.

"Food is ready." I heard Howie yell. Howie and Kevin were the ones that made most of our food, which I'm very thankful for.

Sometimes I would cook too or help out. Although the same can't be said about the rest of the boys who were too lazy.

I entered the kitchen with Nick behind me.

"Buenas días." Howie said guiding me to a chair. "It's night Howie." I laughed.

"Shhh." He quickly said pulling out a chair so I can sit in.

"And you sir." Howie took Nick to a chair across from me.

"How fancy." I joked.

"Finally. What did you make to eat?" Aj walked in wearing football gear.

"Since when do you play football?" I told him. "Since forever." He threw all his stuff on the floor.

"You're cleaning that up after you're done eating." Howie ordered placing plates on the table.

"He's acting weird." Aj whispered to me and Nick. We laughed quietly so he wouldn't hear.

"I thought you guys only played basketball." I said looked at Kevin and Brian who came in wearing football gear too.

"I thought we were best friends." Brian made a hurtful expression.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I giggled.

"You're already supposed to know we play this." He responded.

"Right." I shook it off.

"Today I made scrambled eggs with a side of chicken nuggets." Howie placed the food on our plates.

"Yay chicken nuggets." Nick said like a kid. "I need ketchup." He said. "I'll get it." I went to the fridge and brought the ketchup to the table.

"Thank you Mary." Nick smiled. I returned the smile and squirted some ketchup on the side of my plate.

"Ouu give me." Brian took a chicken nugget from his plate and put it into my ketchup. I slapped his hand making him move it.

"Get your own." I said.

"Yours was already there." He said innocently.

"No fighting kids." Howie finally sat down with his food.

"Why are you being a mom right now?" Kevin said taking a spoon full of his eggs. "It's fun." He shrugged. We all laughed.

"So what did you guys do today?" Howie asked.

"Howie, we were all together except Nick." I said. "Oh, right." Howie took a sip of his water.

The rest of the time we ate was silent.

After we finished, Nick volunteered to wash the dishes which is something he never does but I'm surprised he actually did it.

If one day we get married. I'll know he will definitely help. Not that I'm planning to get married though.

"Ok guys I have something to say." Aj said getting our attention.

"Shoot." Howie said meaning for him to continue.

"So I got a singing gig and got an idea we can be a band." He said excited.

"A singing gig?" I asked. "Yeah." He said.

"Well I know Nick is a good singer." I blurted.

"How do you know?" Nick asked.

"I hear you singing in the shower." I smiled.

"You can hear that?" He asked surprised.

"Yes Nick we all can." Kevin laughed.

"Don't act like you don't do it too Kevin." I threw him a pillow. "It's fun." He shrugged.

"I want to hear you guys sing together." I said.

"For what?" Brian asked.

"To see if you guys would actually make a good band."

"But we haven't agreed." Brian said.

"It'll be fun guys. We can just go and if you don't like it you don't have to do it." Aj protested.

"Fine. I'll try." Howie sighed.

"Alright. And the rest?" Aj looked at the remaining boys.

"Ok." They all agreed.

I squealed in excitement and got my phone out, plugging it into a speaker.

"Ok, you guys are going to sing to O-Town."

"They're like one of the best boy bands out there." Howie said.

"And now you are going to sing one of their songs."

I played one of their songs called All For Love.

"Ok. 1, 2, 3."

They all started to sing along...


All for love, baby, girl what I do I do for you,

All for love, baby, baby my love is all for you,

Girl you're the only one, I'd ever love and need,

Cause when you're here with me, you make me feel complete,

Girl it's too hard to swallow, to know there's no tomorrow , without you baby,

So I'll do anything or go anywhere, to tell the whole wide world that I care. yeah,

With all my power I'll give you the real cause that is,

How I feel when it's (when it's),

All for love, baby, girl what I do I do for you,

All for love, baby, baby my love is all for you,

I'm gonna show you I can really be your every man,

And that's time and time again, love will never end.


"How was that?" Aj asked nervously.

"Like you can be the next big boy band." I gave them a huge smile.


I know the band O-Town wasn't formed until later in 2000 but just pretend they were formed earlier for this story :)

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