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Kevin and Aj were into making lyrics for their song. Howie, Nick, and Brian on the other hand were playing video games. And I'm going back and forth between them because they want me to "help". Although I don't know how I'll be helping with a video game.

"I think I'm staying here with you guys." I sat on Kevin's bed.

"Those boys are nineteen and still waste their time playing games like if their in middle school." Kevin shook his head.

"What do you have written so far?" I asked taking a peek at their papers. "You'll have to wait and see." Aj covered his paper.

"I would show you what I got but I think I'll rather surprise you and the other three." Kevin said.

"Ok Mr. professional writers. Then how am I  supposed to help then?" I asked.

They both looked at each other and shrugged. "You can go play with the other boys?" Kevin suggested.

"Why don't you get out of the house and have some time alone? I'm sure you'll love to have some time by yourself without having five boys around all the time." Aj suggested.

I nodded. "That's a great idea. I'll see you guys later." I quickly made my way out.

"She didn't even think about it twice." I heard Kevin say. I laughed to myself and closed the door.

It was a bit chilly outside and it looked like it was going to rain so I wore something warm. Hopefully it doesn't rain.

I decided to walk, I loved walking by myself just looking around. It was nice being alone for once.

I went into a small coffee shop. I ordered my drink and then headed out.

I was looking around at what stores I should go into. I wasn't going to buy anything I just wanted to look around.

I went inside a store I've never seen before. It looked a bit fancy and modern. I looked around the racks of clothes. These were expensive. Who would buy a shirt that costs seventy dollars? I mean it's cute and all but I don't think it's worth the money.

I got out of that store, knowing for sure I would never shop in there. Maybe if I become rich one day I would, who knows.

I kept looking around. It felt like it was a never ending building filled with stores. I didn't know there were this many in our mall. Maybe because I've never really took the time to look around. I only came when I actually needed something. And I would always be with the boys so we would always be fooling around.

I stopped in front of a map to see the entire mall. I already knew where mostly everything was but I wanted to see if I ever missed something.

Suddenly I felt someone bump into me. It was a boy.

"Pardon me miss, I seem to have lost my phone number, could I borrow yours?" He said with a cheeky smile.

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