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-One week later-

"TODAY IS THE DAY!" Aj shouted excitedly.

"What's today?" I pretended not to know what was happening. "You're kidding?" He said wide eyed.

"Nope." I smiled. "We are finally—."

"Going to the studio for our first song." Howie finished his sentence cutting him off. "I know I know. How would I forget." I laughed.

"She definitely forgot to take out her underwear from the washing machine."

Danielle came in holding one of my bras in her hand. I yanked it from her and her ran upstairs embarrassed to put it away. I sighed.

This girl doesn't know when to stop. There was a time when I actually liked her. We were good friends once but that went down the hill obviously.

"Knock knock." I heard a voice say. "Who's there?" I said still standing inside my closet. "Me." I jumped as I heard the voice behind me.

"Don't ever scare me like that." I playfully hit Brian on his arm. He laughed. "What are you doing here?" I asked. He shrugged. "Saw you running."

"Maybe you should talk to your girlfriend about touching my personal things." I rolled my eyes and went with the other boys.

"Is everyone ready?" Aj shouted. "Yes Aj everyone is ready." Kevin sighed annoyed. Out of all of us, Aj was the most excited.

We arrived at the studio and went inside. The other band were already inside singing. One of them seemed familiar. Too familiar.


"Pardon me miss, I seem to have lost my phone number, could I borrow yours?" He said with a cheeky smile.

I laughed at what he said.

"Was that a pick up line?" I raised an eyebrow. "Did it work?" He chuckled. "Well you picked the wrong girl." I said. "Why's that?" He asked. "I already have a boy-"

"Justin lets go we're waiting on you." A boy on the other side shouted.

"I'm Justin." He gave me his hand to shake. "Mary." I simply said.


That moment replayed in my mind. That was him.

"You ok? You look like you just saw a ghost." Nick said. "Uh yeah I'm fine." I hid my face behind Howie before he could spot me.

"What's wrong?" Howie asked confused. I gave him a smile and nod that everything was ok and pulled Aj out the room.

"You know the guy I told you about that I met at the mall?" I asked. "Yeah, what about him?"

"He's inside." I whisper yelled pointing at the room. "What? Really? Which one is he? Can I throw hands?" He said.

"No one is going to throw hands Aj." I chuckled.

The door opener and out came the other band. One of them or I should say 'Justin' came towards us.

"Hi kitten. Didn't we meet at the mall?" He smiled.

"Kitten?" I almost laugh at his face from the nickname. That's the worse someone has told me.

I looked at Aj who was already glaring at Justin.

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