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Makeup, done.

Red dress, on.

Hair, done.

Shoes, on.

Perfume, sprayed.

And I'm ready.

I looked at the mirror before leaving my room. Not bad for changing my whole outfit and makeup just for an after party.

"Mary we're going to be late." Nick whined at the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm coming." I tried to walk fast but these heels aren't making it any easier for me.

"Since when do you like parties anyways?" I asked as I approached the end. Thank god I didn't trip and fall.

"I just want the food." He shrugged. I chuckled. "Of course you do." I shook my head at him heading outside.

"Finally." Kevin sighed as he saw me. "Oh please, it's not like you guys don't take longer than me." I rolled my eyes at them.

"Is everyone ready?" Aj said loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Yes!" We all said in sync.

Kevin drove us to where the party was being held at. We entered the place and I noticed so many people in here. I knew some of these since elementary.

"You look stunning." I heard a voice behind me. I looked behind me to find Nick.

"Thank you." I smiled. "You look handsome yourself." I replied.

"Maybe, but you outshine me." He winked. I blushed looking away.

"Don't hide that beautiful smile." He placed his hand under my chin making me look up at him. "And you have one to die for." He whispered in my ear, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek before walking away.

"He did not." Howie had a huge grin on his face.

"What?" I awkwardly laughed.

"You're going to act like nothing happened?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Nick?" I asked. He quickly nodded.

"That was a friendly kiss." I rolled my eyes.

His mouth opened wide. "That was not just a kiss." He said in shock. I laughed.

"He kissed me on the cheek." I argued. Howie nodded with a smile planted on his face. "Suuure." He walked away with a grin.

I sighed. I didn't know there were this many people. Some were dancing and some were drinking. Of course there would be alcohol. It was getting hot in here so I stepped outside to get some fresh air.

As I walked out the door someone bumped into me.

"I'm sorry." I said quietly looking at the floor. "Don't be." That voice sounded familiar. I looked up and there was Brian standing in front of me.

"Brian!" I gave him a huge hug. "Glad to see you too." He chuckled hugging back.

"How are you?" I asked.

"I'm good now that you're here." He said. "You always seem to make me feel better just by being by my side." He continued.

I gave him a weird look. What's wrong with him now?

"Where's Danielle?" I asked ignoring what he had just said seconds ago.

"I think she's inside." He shrugged.

"You think?" I looked at him.

"I don't control her." He said putting his hands up. I laughed. "Riiight."

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