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As Aj took off the persons hood they ran off. I could tell it was a girl. As she was running her hair started running down her back. It was really long, and it was a two shade color. It went from dark blue to lighter blue and from that it went to dark purple to lighter purple. It was really pretty.

Wonder what she wanted? And who was she?

"So much for that plan." Nick sighed.

"Well at least we saw who it was." I said with a half smile. "Yeah we saw her hair but not her face." Aj said.

"Well at least we know what her hair looks like. If we ever run into her, we'll know it was her because we know what her hair color is." Nick smiled being proud of himself.

"True." I looked at the other boys that were coming towards us and surprisingly Brian was with them too. I sighed. "Did you see who it was?" Asked Howie.

"Nope. Just her hair." I said. "It's a she?" Kevin asked. "Yup." Aj replied and sighed. "What happened?" Brian asked confused. "How about we go home and talk about it on the way back." Said Kevin.

We walked home and on the way we told Brian what had happened. Turns out he went to a job interview, or at least that's what he said. True or not, we believed him and congratulated him for getting the job.


We got home after a 20 minute walk from the park. We all layed down in the couch. I was in between Brian and Howie. Next to Howie was Aj. Kevin and Nick decided to sit on the floor.

"We should watch a movie." Howie blurted out wanting to see something because he was bored like the rest of us. "What movie?" Asked Brian.

"Let's watch Finding Dory." I said with excitement. "I love that movie it's so cute but sad." I blurted and chuckled.

"Alright I'll put it on Netflix." Said Kevin putting on the movie and sitting back down.

As we were half into the movie I was getting tired and layed my head to the person next to me. Little did I know it was Brian. I looked up at him and he looked down at me. He smiled at me and I smiled back. I cuddled into his chest and he put his arm on me. He smelled really good if I'm honest. I fell asleep on him and who knows what happened next.


I got woken up when the movie was over. I was still on Brian. As I was getting up he held me tight so I wasn't able to get up. "Brian?" I looked at him. "Stay. Your really comfy." He said. I chuckled.

"I'm going to my room." I said and forced myself out of his arms. "Can I come?" He said giving a cheeky smile. "Ummmm" I started thinking.

Should I let him come after what happened? I thought for a sec.

"Please." he whined. I laughed.

"I don't think it's a good idea, sorry." I half smiled.

"Aww." He pouted.

"You have Daniele to think about. It's not right Brian." I started to walk away.

"Goodnight sweetheart, I love you." He said.

"Goodnight Brian." I didn't look back and left.

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