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"I want to be blue." Brian whined.

"You can't choose what color you're going to be Brian." I laughed. "Yes I can." He responded.

"There's green, purple, blue and yellow." Kevin came back to us.

"So there's four teams?"


"Let's split up." I suggested.

"I'll pick the teams." Howie volunteered. "How about we have Brian in blue since he wanted to be blue." He rolled his eyes.

I giggled. Brian stuck his tongue at me. "You are such a little kid." I laughed at him.

"Aj will be yellow. Kevin will be green. Mary and I will be purple."

"You have two people that's no fair." Brian pouted. "Why do you always turn into a little kid when it comes to games." I laughed.

"Do you want strangers to be in your team?" Kevin asked. "No thanks." Brian walked to the line.

"Alright it's our turn." Aj jumped up and down making up some dance. I stopped him holding him down. "Don't ever do that again when you're with me."

"Get ready to go down." Brian ran in.

It was dark inside but the lights looked really cool.

"I know this is a game but there's no need to be so competitive." I yelled hoping Brian would hear.

"Yes it is." I heard him yell back. I giggled.

"We have to beat him." I whispered to Howie. "Yes ma'am." He saluted like a soldier.

Howie and I separated. Probably not a good idea since we were in the same team but maybe we'll get the others faster.

I saw a yellow light coming towards me that was waking backwards. Must be Aj. I slowly walked up to him.

"This is for dancing like a fool earlier."

Aj turned around and I shot him right in his leg before he could react.

"Looks like someone is out the game." I smiled at him walking off.

I saw Howie hiding and noticed Kevin was behind him.

"Howie watch out."

He looked at me confused and Kevin shot him. I shot Kevin before he could get me.

"Nooooo." I ran to Howie. "I'm going to win this for you." I faked a cry.

"You're so dramatic." I heard Brian say.

"I'm wining this." I yelled.

I slowly walked through a small entrance going into the other side. This place was way darker, all I can see are the lights flashing on and off.

I couldn't see where I was walking and tripped but felt someone hold me.

I looked up and saw Brian. "Careful." He said.

He kept looking at me closely. I know where this is going and I can't let it happen. I couldn't do that to Nick.

I shot him before he could do anything. "Oops." I gave him a smile and walked to the exit.

"You all are losers." I gave them a grin. "I would say that we make a good team but you didn't last." I looked at Howie.

"Maybe next time." He shrugged.

"Unless Nick is with us. He'll be with Mary." Aj made kissing noises at me.

"Oh be quiet." I laughed.

A small smile formed on my lips.

Where is he anyways?

I missed him.

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