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We were in a library where Aj decided to come and do some research on this "singing thing."

We were still waiting for Brian's answer so he was going to meet us here.

"I have an answer." Brian came sitting on the floor next to us. "What is it?" Aj asked inpatient.

"It's a yes." He said. We all cheered that he was going to do it. "Shhh. We are still in a library." Howie shushed us. We then cheered quietly.

Brian rolled his eyes.

"It's going to be fun." Aj reassured him nudging his arm.

"Why'd you come to the library when we have a computer at home?" Kevin said looking at books.

Aj shrugged. "I wanted to be professional."

"Right." I giggled.

"Ok we're going tomorrow." Aj said happy.

"Tomorrow?" Howie said.

"We haven't even practiced." Nick stated the obvious.

"You guys don't need practice you just need to learn a song." I shrugged.

"Trust her." Aj pointed at me.

"You know where the place is?" Brian asked.

"It's in a warehouse." Aj opened the door for us to exit the library.

"Scary." Nick commented. I  giggled at him and playfully shoved him. He grabbed my arms and hugged me, giving me a small kiss on my cheek.

"Don't you have a room to do that." Brian said annoyed. "Like you and Danielle didn't make out when we went to the movies that one time." Howie rolled his eyes at the memory.

"Didn't Brian and Danielle get in a fight too?" Nick whispered to me. I shrugged and motioned him to stay quiet.

We finally arrived at the car and went home. In the living room we all took seats.

"Ok this is our song we're practicing." Aj placed papers in front of each boy including me. I wasn't a part of the group but I wanted to hear them.

"Ugh do we have to do a love song." Brian crossed his arms.

"Whats wrong with a love song?" Aj asked.

"Nothing." He mumbled.

"Are we singing with music in the background?" Howie asked.

"Nope. We're doing A cappella." Aj smiled.

They all nodded.

"Ok then." Kevin took a sip of his water.

"Let's start." Aj said warming up.

"You guys might want to be standing up for this. " I suggested. "Good point." Nick said.

The five of them stood up, getting into formation of a line next to each other. I gave them a thumbs up meaning they could start singing.


Darlin' I can't explain, where did we lose our way,

Girl, it's drivin' me insane and I know,

I just need one more chance to prove my love to you,

If you come back to me I guarantee that I'll never let you go,

Can we go back to the days our love was strong,

Can you tell me how a perfect love goes wrong,

Can somebody tell me how you get things back the way it used to be,

Oh God give me the reason, I'm down on bended knees,

I'll never walk again until you come back to me I'm down on bended knees,


"Well?" Aj waited for a response.

"It was amazing. Better than the first time." I clapped.

"I think we can actually do this. We can become big." Aj smiled widely.

"Woah slow down." Kevin coughed.

"We might not make it." Howie shrugged.

"And one of us might leave." Brian said.

"No one is leaving." Aj pointed at all of them.

"Well, we can't really tell the future." I said.

"Anyways." Aj said changing the subject.

"And don't forget there could be other bands trying to take us down. Or.... uh you know what I mean." Nick sighed.

I laughed at him. He gave me a playful glare and smiled after.

"Well then we're just gonna have to be the best we can. No one is going to get in our way. Nothing." Aj was super confident about this.

"If you say so." Brian sat down.

They continued to practice a few more times. Even though they all sounded great, they still got in arguments about who was singing this and that.

And they were fighting about how one doesn't sing it at the right time or how they're out of tune.

It was frustrating for them. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to get into it. But like always, they brought me into it.

All I can say right now is that tomorrow was going to be interesting.

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