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The sound of shouting and rushing filled my ears as well as the sound of austins sobbing.

Pain spreads threw my body and I want to move I really do but I can't it's like my body just shut down. I feel myself being rolled into a building the sanitized smell of a hospital filled my nostrils.


Then I couldn't hear anything.

~3rd person
they got ready to do a C-section on the small male while Austin paced the waiting room tears falling down his face.

He can hear yelling and sees nurses and doctors rush around Alan. Alan started to shake they had to hold him down. "HIS HEART RATE IS DROPPING HES GOING INTO SHOCK"the Dr yells. He grabs the paddles rubbing them together. "1,2,CLEAR"he yells shocks traveling threw Alans body.

His heart rate starts to go back up slightly. "We need to get the C-section started the baby is dying"a nurse rushes out. They rolled him into a OR and starts the C-section.

Soon after the C-section a baby girl was born but something else happened. It's not a awesome exciting thing like giving the man you love a beautiful baby but it's just the opposite.

On January 30th,2017 Alan Anthony Ashby died at 6:30pm from Injuries of a fall down a flight of stairs landing directly on his stomach causing Eternal Bleeding.

On January 30th,2017 at 6:00pm Venus Ivy Carlile was born. A month early but would live a happy life but not for sure healthy. There's a 90% chance she could inherit Marfan's Syndrome like her father.

Austin has yet to know that Alan died and Has yet to meet his daughter.

Only time can tell what happens.


Hi lovies I cried while writing this I was like ughhhh but I'm sorry if any Tears were shed

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