Chapter 1

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Hey so I did decide to post the unedited version of On A Doorstep! Why? So that way I can get some feedback on stuff before posting it to ffnet and here eventually. That and I was impatient, very impatient. Hope you enjoy! 

Srmthfg doesn't belong to me, only to Ciro Neli. 


The streets of Shuggazoom were unusually quiet this time of night, Formless and Skeletal soldiers were nowhere to be found and the Hyperforce and Allies could actually get some sleep. It was rather a peaceful night too, the breeze was cool and the night was full of stars that weren't scared away by the city's lights.

However that quiet peaceful atmosphere was interrupted by a small cry. At the foot of the robot, a small bundle wrapped in pink cloth was set down. The small bundle cried, desperately wanting comfort and the person who laid them down. The figure quickly looked around, making sure no one was following them. The figure looked back at the bundle before picking it back up and held them close. Before setting it back down again, the figure left a small notecard near them. They turned and began to walk away, when the bundle cried harder, making the figure stop. The figure swallowed the lump growing in their throat and had to hold back before continuing to walk off into the dark.

The bundle cried for a bit longer until the small door opened. A figure walked out of the robot and picked up the bundle. The bundle was held close to the light, revealing a baby auburn yellow monkey with light blue eyes. The baby kept crying until the figure shushed them, settling them. His coal black eyes were comforting and the red fur was interesting to the baby as they slowly stopped crying.

"Hey don't cry kiddo, where the heck did you come from?" Sprx questioned before looking down at the notecard.

He picked it up, hoping to find answers. Instead all he got was one word.


" that your name kid?" Sprx asked, smiling.

Angela blinked before cooing loudly. Sprx looked into the dark streets, trying to see if anyone was around.

"Who left you out here? I gotta get the others." Sprx said, going back inside.


Angela giggled as Jinmay tickled her.

"Oh she's adorable!" Jinmay gushed.

Nova eyed Sprx.

"Yeah, where did she come from?" She asked.

Sprx rubbed his head.

"That's what I'd like to know, I just found her outside, crying her tiny head off." Sprx said.

Antauri placed a hand on his chin as the others quickly entered the room. Chiro was still in his pajamas and his hair was a mess, yet he was fully wide awake.

"What's going on?" Chiro asked before seeing the baby monkey.

His eyes widened as Otto squeaked and rushed over to the baby.

"A baby monkey?! Where-how?!" Chiro sputtered as Otto fawned over the small baby.

Antauri crossed his arms as Gibson's mouth was open ajar.

"Sprx found her outside with only a nametag. The cameras were being repaired so we didn't get to see who set her here." He explained.

  Chiro looked at Angela, who kept giggling and cooing at Otto.

"Who could have set a small baby monkey here? Where did she even come from?" Chiro questioned.

Sprx went over to him and patted him.

"Oh kid, it's time we had that talk. You see when two people love each other very much-" Sprx began before Nova pulled him away.

Gibson picked up Angela.

"In any case before we try to find out where she came from we need to do a check up on her, in case she's ill." He said before unwrapping the cloth.

However when he fully unwrapped the cloth he did a double take and backed up a bit.

"Great Scott!" He exclaimed.

Jinmay worriedly looked over her before putting a hand over her mouth. Her right leg was completely gone from the knee up. Angela worriedly looked between Gibson and the others before crying. Jinmay quickly picked her up and held her close.

"Oh no honey don't cry! We didn't mean to....I mean...oh you poor thing." Jinmay lamented before resting her cheek against hers.

Angela kept crying, not sure why everyone was so sad.

"Her's completely gone!" Gibson wheezed.

"Where'd it go?" Otto asked, looking around on the floor.

"She must have been born without it. Maybe that's why she was left here, so she wouldn't have been tossed aside." Antauri figured.

The team looked down sadly as Angela sniffled. They felt so bad for her, they can't leave her like this.

"What are we gonna do?" Otto asked.

Everyone looked to Chiro, who kept staring at Angela. He kept staring at her until he walked over to her and took her from Jinmay. He looked from her to the team.

"We take care of her." He simply said.

"But what about the war?!" Gibson asked.

Chiro looked down at Angela, who stopped crying and was fixated on Chiro's hair.

"I haven't forgotten about that, but Skeleton King has been very quiet recently hasn't he? We can figure out what to do if he starts getting active again, but for right now we need to take care of her." Chiro said, smiling at her.

The others looked at each other and silently agreed. They can't abandon her.

"So I guess we gotta go and get baby stuff for her huh?" Sprx said.

Nova scoffed and lightly pushed Sprx.

"Uh you think?" She laughed, receiving a laugh from Sprx in return.

Otto raised a hand.

"I can build her a crib! I just need a mattress." He chirped.

Nova put a hand on her chin.

"I know they still sell baby formula in the store at this time of night and diapers too. We have to get her toys and stuff in the morning." She said.

"Does she have to have toys?" Chiro asked.

Gibson nodded.

"Babies need them for development after all." He reminded Chiro.

"And for fun!" Otto chirped but then frowned.

"What about her leg?" He asked sadly.

The team thought before Jinmay stroked Angela's head.

"Maybe you can build her a prosthetic leg? I mean as she grows older of course." Jinmay suggested.

Otto's face lit up.

"Okay I can do that! I might need the supplies but I'd be more than happy to give her a leg." Otto chirped.

Antauri wasn't too sure about this, but he knew in his gut that they had to do this. That this was right.
A few weeks into taking care of Angela and they knew something else was up. She was getting bigger and her development was getting quicker. Too quick for a normal baby.

One early morning, Angela sat up and banged her toy on the metal bed before looking up at Gibson as he scanned her.

"You know what's causing this?" Chiro asked, worried.

Gibson looked at the scanner's results and frowned.

"While I can't find the direct cause of her fast aging, I do know that it was caused while she was in the womb." He explained.

"So that means whoever her mother was had a fast pregnancy too." Nova pointed out.

Gibson nodded. Chiro worriedly looked at Angela, who noticed him and smiled.

"Chi!" She chirped.

Chiro picked her up and held her close.

"Can it be stopped?" He asked.

Gibson smiled and nodded.

"Yes but I need to-"

The tubes made a noise as Otto came in, holding two bundles.

"Um guys? There's more." Otto said as he showed off two orange monkey babies.

The team whipped their heads as they rushed over. Angela gasped and smiled, seeing more babies to play with. One of the babies had blue eyes while the other had red eyes. The one with red eyes also appeared to be much chubbier than his twin.

"What?! Where did they come from?!" Gibson wheezed, causing one of them to whine.

"I just found them outside! I think whoever left Angela left them here too." Otto explained as he bounced the blue eyed baby.

"Well what are we gonna do?! We can't take care of three babies!" Sprx huffed.

Antauri took the blue eyed monkey and held him close. He then noticed the name tag.


Antauri smiled a bit as the baby began to settle down.

"Hello Maurice." He said softly.

Maurice stared up at Antauri before cooing. Kuzon raised his head and looked over at Maurice.

"Oh no, you're attached!" Sprx said, sulking.

Antauri looked up and frowned.

"We are not abandoning them." He huffed.

"I know! But don't you think we should find their parents first? I mean they must be worried sick!" Sprx argued.

Antauri looked down at Maurice. He knows that, he knows that whoever had them before must miss them terribly. However if one of the parents was the person who left them here, surely that must mean that they left them here for a reason.

"Whoever set them here Sprx...they aren't coming back for their children. Not now at least." He said solemnly.

Sprx felt his heart pained and looked down.

"That person must have left them here for a reason. For us to protect and care for them. Whoever left them here must be going through some inner or outer turmoil of their own." Antauri said.

The others also looked down, saddened by that fact.

"Therefore they can't take care of their children until that problem is taken care of." Antauri said.

They all became silent, letting what Antauri said sink in. The red eyed monkey worriedly looked around before starting to cry. Maurice whined and tried to grab for him. Antauri walked the infant over to his brother, Maurice grabbing his brother's hand.

"Aww he loves his bwubby don't ya buddy?" Otto cooed.

Maurice looked up at him and smiled.

Angela looked between the two before giggling. Gibson walked over to them and used his scanner on the twins.

"Gibson?" Otto questioned.

When Gibson was done scanning his eyes widened at the results.

"They have the exact same problem Angela has! They age fast too!" He announced, causing the others to gasp.

Angela gasped too, only over dramatically and clearly to be funny.

"Are you kidding?!" Nova exclaimed.

"What are we gonna do?!" Otto asked.

The red eyed baby began crying at the others reactions, wondering why they were freaking out so much. Otto bounced him a bit.

"It's okay, it's okay..." Otto looked at the baby's name tag.

"Kuzon, it's okay!" He assured him.

"Kuzon? That's a name I've never heard of." Sprx chuckled.

Chiro frowned at him.

"Nows not the time for jokes Sprx!" He huffed before turning to Gibson.

"I wasn't making a joke." Sprx defended.

"Gibson we need to find a way to slow down their aging and fast. We can't have them become old people at the end of the year." He said.

Gibson nodded.

"I'll try to find a way to stop it, with helping taking care of them of course." Gibson said, smiling as Angela squealed loudly at Maurice.

Chiro nodded and looked down at the three.

"You know I'm kinda thankful that Skeleton King isn't active right now. We got time to take care of them." Sprx said.

Antauri nodded and looked down at Maurice.

"If he does we need to figure out what to do with them when that happens." Antauri said.

"We can always leave them with some of our allies. I'm sure Nikita wouldn't mind." Chiro said.

"Eh let's ask her just in case." Nova said.

Antauri nodded before looking down at Maurice again. He felt suddenly very paternal of this child, a sudden unbreakable connection forming between them. Maurice stared up at Antauri before snuggling into his chest. Antauri smiled warmly. So this is what a parent feels like.
Sprx's eyes shot up when he heard Kuzon crying again. Sprx groaned and put his hands on his face. He just put Angela down a while ago!

He got up and was about to go get her when he saw Jinmay going to get him.

"Oh no kid go back to sleep." Sprx said.

"I can't sleep remember? Don't worry I got this." She said before going in.

Sprx followed her as Jinmay picked Kuzon up and set him on the changing table.

"Okay what if you need to recharge?" He asked.

"I'm all charged up, don't worry about me. You need sleep." Jinmay chirped.

Sprx sighed and watched her. Jinmay was seeming to do fine but was having a hard time getting the diaper back on. Sprx smiled and got up next to her.

"Hang on lemme help." He said, tying the diaper back together.

Jinmay smiled and sighed.

"Dang you're good." She said.
Sprx chuckled.

"Thanks this surprisingly isn't so bad." He said.

Jinmay sighed.

"Well at least you got the hang of it, I'm still having a hard time getting Maurice to sleep." She lamented, feeling a bit sad.

Sprx smiled and patted her arm before picking up Kuzon.

"Don't worry kid, sometimes it comes naturally sometimes it takes practice. You're really good at feeding him and getting Angela to sleep." He said.

Jinmay smiled at his compliment.

"You think so?" She asked before Kuzon cooed loudly.

Sprx laughed and held him up.

"I think he does." He said, causing Jinmay to giggle.

Then they heard loud cooing from behind as Maurice sat up and stared at the others curiously.

"Hey look who else is up." Sprx laughed before Jinmay went over and picked him up.

"Hey I'll get Maurice back to sleep if you get this one back to sleep." Sprx said, holding up Kuzon.

Kuzon drooled a bit before the two were switched.
A few weeks pass and the babies were now toddlers. Seeing them walk and somewhat talk was amazing, but seeing how their personalities change was also a wonderful sight to behold.

Angela turned out to be very bubbly and sweet, always talking to people and being nice to them. They also had to keep replacing her prosthetic leg every time she shot up in height. Yet this did not phase her as she kept her positive and bubbly attitude up.

Maurice meanwhile was her exact opposite. He was always quiet and reserved, either reading with Antauri or hanging around with Kuzon. He has a very strong bond with Antauri and always talked to him. He asked a lot of questions about where he came from and everything else around him. It was clear that he was becoming the smarty pants of the trio, yet not on Gibson levels of intellect.

Then you got Kuzon, who wasn't as quiet as Maurice but still liked to keep to himself at times. He also loved art and music, wanting to draw so much and listen to all types of music. He also didn't get any thinner as he grew, still supporting his chubby frame. Yet that didn't seem to bother him either as he kept up with his siblings mostly.

That was also something that the team noticed, they all considered each other siblings. They always played with each other and hung around with each other and even fought sometimes. They also can seem to speak to others outside the team just fine surprisingly, yet the team figured it had to do something with them aging fast. They seemed to be happy with just the three of them...they seemed to be.

"Can I have a sissy?" Angela one morning asked as they served breakfast.

The team looked at each other, wondering what they could say to her.

"U-Um we'll have to think about that Angie." Nova said.

Angela nodded and nibbled on her eggs.

They then heard a sound the scanners picked up, almost like crying.

The others rushed out as they saw a violet monkey crying outside the robot. She seemed to be a toddler but a bit younger than Maurice or Angela.

Angela smiled widely.

"Sissy!" She squealed as Kuzon stared up at the screen in shock.

"Wait a minute, she's a toddler! Not a baby!" Sprx said.

"Maybe she'll know who left her here!" Chiro said.

Gibson turned and rushed outside, the team following.
The violet monkey kept crying until the others came out of the robot. She jumped in surprise at them and shook.

"H-hey don't be scared, we're not gonna hurt you." Chiro assured her.

"Who...who're you?" The monkey asked, shaking.

"We're the Hyperforce, we help people. What's your name?" Otto asked.

"Violet." She responded.

Gibson kneeled down to her.

"Do you know who left you here?" He asked.

Violet thought hard before biting her lip.

"No...I don't know! I don't 'member anything!" She yelled before crying.

Angela squeezed past the other and ran towards her.

"Naww don't cry!" She said, hugging the smaller monkey.

"But I don't know where mommy is! I don't know what she looks like! Mommy!" Violet cried, tears streaming down her face.

Gibson looked towards the others. It looks like she doesn't know who left her here after all. Gibson stroked her head.

"Don't worry child, we will find her someday." He said softly.

Violet sniffled and clung to him.

Kuzon walked around them and tilted his body a bit, curious.

"No mommy either?" He asked.

Violet shook her head, looking at him with teary eyes. Kuzon smiled widely and pointed to Maurice and Angela.

"Us too!" He chirped.

Violet sniffled but leaned over to him a bit, interested by what he said. They don't have a mommy either? Well then she isn't alone anymore! She smiled and looked up at Gibson.

"Where is their mommy?" She asked.

Gibson looked to the others.

"We aren't sure. Like you they were left here with only a notecard with their names on it. But we take care of them regardless." He explained, looking back at Violet.

Violet smiled.

"So then it's like you're a daddy." She said.

Gibson's eyes widened as Sprx laughed.

"Oh boy brain strain, she thinks you're her dad. Have fun with that." He snickered.

Violet smirked at him.

"You're a daddy too you goofy." She giggled.

Sprx whipped his head towards her with wide eyes as Gibson laughed.
Violet looked towards the others and fiddled with her tail.

"So is it okay if I stay here? Until mommy comes back? If she comes back?" Violet asked.

The team looked towards each other and talked silently amongst themselves. Maurice tried to listen in but he was too small. Violet fidgeted a bit more, waiting. The team looked towards her and Gibson nodded. Violet sighed in relief before Angela clung to her.


"Ack hey!" Violet snapped but let her hug her anyway.

Gibson smiled as Sprx snickered.

"Okay kiddo come on in, I'll show you around." Sprx said.

"Can the blue guy come too?" Violet asked.

"It's Gibson and I guess. Just don't put her to sleep with your science stuff." Sprx joked.

Gibson huffed as Violet ran up to them.

"I wanna learn! Sounds fun!"

"Oh no a mini Gibson."

"She's just curious Sprx!"

The three went back and forth as Nova and Otto looked on.

"Is that kid gonna be okay with them?" Nova asked, biting her fingers a bit.

Otto nodded and smiled nervously.

"I think long as they don't fight too much." He said.

"Sissy, sissy." Angela sung as Kuzon giggled.

Maurice looked out into the road, hoping to see someone but found nobody out this early. He sighed sadly and went inside. Someday he'll find them.

Someday tiny, someday. Thanks for reading! 

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