Chapter 13

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Welcome to another chapter, this time a self conscious Mandarin! Fun for everyone! Please enjoy!


Mandarin rested his head against the pillow as the team were talking to Angela and the other children upstairs. Kuzon just came back, completely unaware of what happened. So it was kinda surprising to say the least.

"I just wish I could have been there to help." Was his first words after explaining what happened.

"How they raised them to be so kind in such a short time is incredible, much better than what I could have done." Mandarin thought.

He wanted to talk to Angela, Roland, and Maurice, he really wanted to but after Chiro and the children left the lab his depression was starting to get the better of him as exhaustion took over. He had to be forced to go to bed due to it and he hated it. He wanted to actually parent his own children but- argh this was so frustrating!

Mandarin groaned as he turned over, feeling so useless. He needed to talk to Angela about this soon, if not it would end badly. However Antauri assured him that Angela's feelings will be addressed but Mandarin still felt he had to help. She is his daughter after all. He sighed as he stroked his belly, the twins now deciding it would be fun to keep their mother up. He sighed as he looked down at his stomach and cringed when he saw the scars. The robots had to perform c-section after c-section and it showed. He traced one of the bigger scars with his finger and tears immediately started to form. How could Otto say he was cute when he looked like this? With all of these ugly scars, white sheet complexion with dark circles under his eyes, and this. He placed one hand on the top of his huge stomach, where one of the twins was kicking. He just felt so heavy and large, even moreso now. It was really starting to bother him, however he couldn't blame the twins for that.

Mandarin sniffled as he wiped his eyes, feelings of self consciousness and self loathing took over. Back then he wouldn't care so much about any of this but after being in the labs, he just felt so hideous and freakish. That and being kicked awake in the middle of the night was so stressful and he can't stop crying all the time and he was just so hungry! He just wasn't himself anymore and he hated it!

Mandarin's body wracked with sobs as he tried to silence them. The door soon opened and Otto hopped into bed.

"Okay so we took care of Angela and Maurice. Maurice is probably gonna talk to you tomorrow and Angela's grounded for two we-" he began to explain when he heard a sob escape from Mandarin's lips.

"Mandy?" He asked as he touched his back.

Otto waited for a response before crawling around the bulky primate to get a better look at him. When he saw the tears streaming down from his face, Otto quickly went up to him and began to wipe his face.

"Don't cry cutie." He said softly, causing another sob to escape Mandarin.

Otto was confused at his response but rested his head against Mandarin's.

"It's okay...whatever's making you sad it's okay." He said.

Mandarin shook his head.

"No it's not.."

Otto tilted his head.

"Then what is it? You want me to get the others?" He asked.

"No! No just stay here." Mandarin begged, snuggling up with Otto.

Otto blinked and brushed his hand against his face gently.

"Then what is it?" He asked, really wanting to help.

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