Chapter 24

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...Guys...I think this is the final chapter! Holy crap I think this is the last chapter! Well that means I have to polish this fic up afterwards when I can and post it to here and ffnet! Please please let me know of any grammar errors you see, it'll help a bunch. And thank you for reading this fic till now, it means a lot to me. Please enjoy!


"Where the hell is he going?" Leader asked.

Skeleton King watched him before he heard loud banging on the stadium doors. The doors then flew off as a enraged Mandarin stormed in.

Skelemandarin felt his heart go up to his throat in fear as he looked to Skeleton King. Skeleton King was frozen, staring at his own creation. 43 and Leader jumped down and 43 charged at Mandarin.

"You stay away from lord-!"

Mandarin grabbed 43 tightly and flung him back, sending him into a wall. Leader looked to 43 before looking at Mandarin. He pulled out an array of weapons and started to blast all of them at Mandarin. The dust cleared as Mandarin dusted his chest.

"Are you...serious?!" Leader yelled before Mandarin kicked him.

Leader got back up and pulled out a long blade and began to charge at him.

Skelemandarin gulped in fear watching the two battle. Skeleton King glared and turned to the clone.

"What are you sitting there for?! Go after him!" Skeleton King snapped at him.

Skelemandarin's mouth dropped and he looked down at his original. He was so much more powerful than him and larger! There was no way he could defeat him! Skelemandarin despite that sighed before he yelled and jumped down. He transformed his arm into a long blade and charged at Mandarin as he held up Leader. Mandarin eyed Skelemandarin before throwing Leader at him. Skelemandarin jumped over him as he was ready to strike. Mandarin then shot him one of the leftover sticky bullets he had. This caused Skelemandarin to stick to the ground. He tried to struggle but it was no use.

"I'll deal with you another day, he's mine." Mandarin growled as he marched towards Skeleton King.

Skeleton King flinched and gathered a bunch of Formless, but with one punch to the ground they all flew up and fell back to the ground.

Skeleton King cursed before realizing Mandarin was really close to him.

"You..." Mandarin growled.

Skeleton King got back and took out his staff. He started firing electricity at him.

"You experimented on me..." Mandarin began as he blocked each attack.

"Get back!" Skeleton King ordered.

"Forcibly gave me a womb....."

"I said get back!"

"Left me in a lab with abusive robots....who forced me to get pregnant several times...which gave me depression and post traumatic stress disorder......"

Skeleton King kept firing and stepping back.

"Had my children be brainwashed and forced to follow you....treating most of them like dirt......" Mandarin continued, rage flowing through him.

Skeleton King kept firing, an unknown and yet familiar emotion forming in him.

"And on top of all that mutated my son and forced him to also have an artificial womb!" Mandarin yelled before punching him square in the face.

"My lord!" Skelemandarin and Leader yelled.

The kids at the robot cheered loudly as they watched their mother fight against Skeleton King.

"Kick his butt!" Roland cheered.

"Remind me never to make mommy mad." Penny whispered to Artemis, who nodded in agreement.

Skeleton King held his face with one hand.

"It never would have happened if you just didn't fail your duties!" He barked, swinging his staff at Mandarin.

The staff only got a few hits in before Mandarin grabbed it.

"That doesn't give you the right to experiment on me and mistreat my children!" He snarled and whipped Skeleton King around.

Skeleton King felt himself being slammed against the wall and floor a few times before being punched a few good times. Each punch was for Mandarin and his kids. He was then slammed hard against the floor. Mandarin stood over him, his anger subsiding. Skeleton King weakly sat up.

"What will you do now Mandarin? Destroy me?" He asked tauntingly.

Mandarin shook his head.

"As much as I hate you, that isn't my job. It will be Chiro who will finish you, though I guess I did him a favor by weakening you." Mandarin chortled before he turned and began to walk off.

Skeleton King weakly held himself up and glared at him.

"Where are you going now?! Too afraid to fight?!" He demanded.

Mandarin looked back at him.

"Nope, I have one more child to tear away from your grasp." He simply said before leaving the stadium.
Titan kept trying to get a hit on the team.

"Oscar! Can you still communicate with us?" Antauri asked.

"Sure can, why?" Oscar asked over the communicators.

"Please find a way to stop him! We keep trying to stop him but he's too fast!" Antauri said before Titan whipped him with his tail.

"Got it!" Oscar said before typing, trying to find a way to stop him.

Nothing came up, all information on new supreme destructors was completely blank.

"I'm not finding anything! I guess Skeleton King really wanted to keep this new Supreme Destructor thing a secret for a while." Oscar breathed.

Maximus meanwhile, was shaking as he walked up to the control panel.

"Max?" Violet asked.

Maximus turned on the communicator.

"Wait I know how to stop him!" He said, causing the others to perk up and listen.

"He wasn't into the idea of being the next Supreme Destructor, so we made a helmet to control him. The power is in the helmet!" He explained.

Sprx paused.

"So the helmet is doing all of this?" He questioned.

"That's what I just-! Yes!" Maximus huffed.

Chiro grinned.

"Well then let's get that helmet off!"

Titan was about to throw a car at them when it blew up in his hands. He turned to Mandarin.

"Don't worry Titan, I'm not going to let Skeleton King keep his hold on you." He said before he darted towards him.

Titan flinched back and began to protect himself as Mandarin kept trying to reach for his helmet.

Titan then used his large jetpack and flew up. Gibson and Sprx flew up and used their double monkey attack to subdue him. He fell back down and he shakily got back up.

He backed up and blasted multiple missiles at the team, trying to shoot them down. They dodged it and kept aiming for his helmet.

Titan shielded himself before he made his hands into two blades and went after them. He tried to swipe at Chiro.

"Monkey fu!" Chiro blasted green energy from his hands, making Titan fall back.

Titan shakily sat up, noticeably weakened. He tried to get up again but he felt two huge arms wrap around him. Titan struggled against Mandarin's hold as Chiro went over to him.

"Hold still." Mandarin huffed.

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