Chapter 19

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Hey we're back into hell! Hopefully things will get a bit sweeter...hopefully...idk I have a photography class in a half hour so I gotta post before it starts. Please enjoy!


Angela darted into her room and breathed heavily. He was wrong, that bone bag was wrong! The yellow monkey collapsed on her bed and took her prosthetic leg off and sighed.

"Now wait I wasn't finished talking to you yet."

Angela clutched her head, now hearing Skeleton King's chilling voice.


"Don't be frightened of me dear, I only wish to help you." Skeleton King said.

"Like you 'helped' my mother?" Angela growled.

"I only did those things because that's what I rebuilt him for! To not only destroy but to create. To create you." Skeleton King pointed out.

Angela gripped her bed sheets, that was true. Why else would she be born? Still, so many thoughts were conflicting with her.

"And I know you feel that you are just a number in a large army, but that certainly isn't the case." Skeleton King said soothingly.

"W-what do you mean?" She asked.

"Each of you were born for a specific purpose, a unique job that only one of you can do. Your eldest sister Artemis is the temporary leader while one of your sisters Janice is in charge of science." Skeleton King explained.

Angela sat up, now that was interesting!

"What about me?" She asked.

Skeleton King chuckled.

"Well Artemis is a decent leader and all, but it's clear that she isn't up to the task. You on the other hand should be in charge, you already have experience." He said.

Angela shifted uncomfortably in her seat. That does sound appealing.

"Think about it, you would be trusted to lead your family to glory and live in peace. You would finally belong." He said.

Angela was silent.

"Would...would my younger siblings be apart of it too?"

"Of course!"

"And my mom?"

Skeleton King was silent.

"I will...think about that...right now he cannot be trusted at my side yet. Yet I will allow you to see him now and again."

Angela held one of her legs.

"What about me not-"

"Do not worry about that my child, I will help with that when you come here. Now how we're going to do that takes a bit of planning...."

Angela laid back and listened to his plan, her thoughts conflicting. A part of her was screaming not to join him, but the part that wants to was already winning.
Mandarin was laid onto a large bed, while grimacing in pain.

"Suupa is getting the medication for the c-section now. Do you want the anesthesia?" Gibson asked, a little too calm for Mandarin's liking.

The orange monkey shakily nodded before continuing to grimace in pain.

Otto place a hand on Mandarin's arm and clung to him.

"Don't worry Mandy, it's gonna be fine." He said softly.

Mandarin whined.

"It's too soon!" He sniffled.

Otto looked towards Gibson with a concerned look on his face.

"Are they gonna be okay? It's four weeks early..."

Gibson looked at the screens.

"I think they'll be okay but then again I'm not sure."

"How can you not be sure?!" Mandarin snapped before letting out a small whine.

Gibson sighed, his patience testing him.

"Because you just went into labor, we'll have to keep an eye on them in case something happens." He explained.

Mandarin was still for a moment before he placed his hands on his face.

"This is all my fault." He lamented.

Otto quickly shook his head and held onto him.

"No Mandy-!"

"Mandarin this was all Skeleton King's fault! He was the one who had you go into a panic attack." Gibson argued.

Mandarin dropped his hands a bit.

"But if I wasn't so weak I wouldn't have gone into that panic attack in the first place. If I was like how I used to be-" Mandarin said before a voice interrupted him.

"If you were like how you used to be you would be trying to hurt us."

Mandarin like looked down at Antauri as Otto got onto the bed, a serious look on the silver monkeys face.

"Mandarin think about it. You were evil and on Skeleton King's side, you would have already had the kids with him and all ready to fight. You would try to hurt us at every chance you get. If you were like how you were when you were our leader maybe you would have been a bit better...but I believe that you still would have been less kinder than you are now." Antauri said softly.

Otto climbed up on Mandarin's arms despite Gibson's pleas to get off. He laid a small kiss on Mandarin's lips.

"And you aren't weak. You've just had bad things happen to you and it affected you. Besides who would've been so brave enough to keep bringing the kids to us, even though you would have gotten caught?" Otto pointed out.

Mandarin looked down and sighed.

"I still feel so guilty." He murmured.

Otto nuzzled him.

"Don't blame yourself Mandarin. Just focus on getting through the labor. I'll let you know when the medicine arrives. " Gibson said before walking out, giving him space.

Antauri nodded and looked up at Mandarin.

"Do you need anything?" He asked.

"A gallon of water." Mandarin sighed.

"A gallon?" Antauri asked for clarification.

"Either that or ice chips." Mandarin sighed.

Antauri nodded and went off. Otto stroked Mandarin's face.

"Don't worry Mandarin, the babies are gonna be fine." He assured him.

Mandarin nodded slightly, feeling a bit better.
Penny yawned as she just woke up from her afternoon nap. She didn't hear all the yelling and chaos that came up from upstairs. She was walking towards the kitchen when she saw Antauri come out with a gallon of water and some ice chips. Penny smiled and ran up to him.

"Hi Tauri! What'cha got there?" She asked.

Antauri froze for a second before looking at here.

"Ice chips and water." He said.

Penny peeked into the bag of ice chips.

"Cool, but that's a lot of water. You throwing a party?" She asked.

Antauri quickly thought of an explanation.

"Not at all, listen your brother and sister are ready to arrive and-"

"They're coming?!" Penny asked excitedly before her smile dropped.

"Kinda early isn't it?" She asked.

Antauri nodded.

"Yes but-"

"I wanna go see mommy!" Penny said before running off.


Penny ran into the room where Mandarin was in and skidded to a stop when she saw how much pain he was in. He whined a bit before resting back.

"You know Mandarin you're taking this awfully well." Sprx said, sipping his drink.

Mandarin weakly smirked.

"Well when you have had as many pregnancies as I have, labor pains becomes a slight cramp." He said.

Violet, who came in minutes later after Antauri left, snickered.

"Then guess who is never getting pregnant?" She said before pointing to herself.

"This girl." She sung, making Mandarin snicker.

Penny ran up to Mandarin's side.

"Hi mommy! I heard my baby brother and sister are coming, but it's really early isn't it?" She asked, tilting her head.

"Only by about four weeks." Violet brought up.

Mandarin froze, not taking his eyes of Penny. He looked away.

"A bit yes." He murmured.

Penny frowned.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"What do you mean kid?" Sprx asked.

Penny looked around the room.

"It's tense and angry in here. Why?" She asked slowly.

Otto shook his head.

"It's nothing Pen, don't worry."

That struck a nerve.

"It doesn't seem like nothing! The babies are coming four weeks early and everyone's acting funny, what happened while I was napping?" Penny asked.

"Penny nothing happened, now just go play with your toys while we wait for-" Sprx began but Penny stomped her foot.

"Don't lie to me! I'm not Roland!" She shouted, catching the others off guard.

Tears stung the light orange monkey's eyes.

"I'm not like him, I don't do that thing where every time something bad happens it makes me into an angry troubled kid or whatever Gibson keeps saying. I want to help, I want to understand what's going on." She said, sniffling.

"Penny." Violet said softly, her eyes growing sad.

Penny wiped her face with her arm.

"So stop trying to hide things from me. I already know about the labs and what Skelly wants to do with my older brothers and sisters and I'm still me...right?" She asked.

Otto and Sprx looked at each other.

"Skeleton King came onto the screen." Mandarin finally said.

Penny froze.

"Wh-what?" She asked.

"Mandarin!" Sprx hissed.

"And he scared mom that's what probably why the babies are coming a bit early." Violet said.

"Violet!" Sprx hissed.

Penny fearfully looked up at Mandarin.

"Are you okay?" She asked softly, climbing up on the bed.

Mandarin nodded and held her up.

"I am now." He said as Penny dug her face below his head.

"That's good, I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to apologize for. Skeleton King tried to break me into submission, to crawl back to him." Mandarin explained before pausing.

"However I guess in the end he didn't get what he wanted. I'm still here, and I am never going back to him." He said.

Penny smiled and nuzzled him.

"Good, cause I'd be lonely without you here." She chirped.

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