Chapter 3

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Here's the 3rd chapter! This time things get a bit messed up...a bit...I think? Any who please enjoy!


Mandarin sat in the command center as Roland tried to shine a flashlight on him.

"Where were you on the Wednesday of March the thirty second?" He demanded.

Chiro sighed.

"Roland please go to bed." He said as his siblings waited, no doubt tired.

Roland turned to him.



Roland sighed before walking away, leaving the team with Mandarin. Chiro turned to him, glaring.

"Okay, talk. Why did you leave those kids at our doorstep?" He asked.

Mandarin looked down a bit. He really didn't want to talk about it...he had a plan and it was ruined! Now what was he going to do? What were they going to do?

"Mandarin." Antauri said.


"Is Skeleton King involved?" Nova asked, causing Mandarin to flinch at his name.

Knowing that he wouldn't get out of this, he nodded briefly.


Most of the others sighed, they were getting somewhere.

"Did he create them and you just left them here?" Gibson asked.

Mandarin felt sick again and touched his stomach.

"No...he..." Mandarin felt his breath caught in his throat before taking his time to speak properly.

Otto gulped, that didn't sound good.

"He...he used me." Mandarin finally said.

Sprx frowned a bit.

"Used you? What does that mean?" He asked.

Mandarin found it hard to speak again as he did not want to remember the details. Mandarin felt his hands shake before clenching them.

"It means that...when he turned me into this he...Veran just talk!" He scolded himself.

The team jumped when he did this and looked at each other. What did Skeleton King do that made Mandarin act like this? Mandarin shuddered.

"Basically he...placed an artificial womb inside me." He admitted.

A chill went up everyone's spines as confusion and shock was clear on everyone's faces.

"H-how?" Otto asked, starting to feel sick.

"While recreating me, he decided to place one in to create an entire army. An entire army." Mandarin said, repeating the last part.

Antauri looked down at the baby monkey, who was sleeping soundlessly. He couldn't imagine that Mandarin was pregnant and gave birth to him. He couldn't even imagine this little guy growing up to be apart of Skeleton king's army, much less his siblings.What happened with Mandarin was indescribably terrible.

" long has this been going on?" Chiro asked, shock almost making it hard to speak.

Mandarin closed his eyes, clearly in a lot of emotional turmoil.

"A while, at least for you. Time in the place that I was held in was quicker in order create more soldiers." He shuddered.

Nova held a hand over her mouth in shock. This situation was becoming more and more and more messed up each and every minute. Sprx gulped as he could only stare at the ground.
Otto quickly got up, about ready to go over to Mandarin to comfort him. He doesn't care that he may still be evil, he needed this. Otto went over to him and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"So...why are you sending the kids to us?" Sprx asked, looking up and having a feeling on why he's doing it.

Mandarin clutched his hands together as Otto looked up at him. He was silent for a second before shakily sighing, trying to hold everything together in front of the others.

"I...I guess I just couldn't take the idea of using children that...that comes from you to be forced to be apart of an army." He began.

Oh they could imagine, especially with how close they've grown attached to the kids over time.

"So I found a way here to bring some of the children I would have...just so that some of them wouldn't have to go through that and maybe when they learn of this, they'll want it to stop."

Otto kept looking up at Mandarin, touched. He wanted to protect them. That was just so awfully sweet of him.
Antauri couldn't help but understand his motives, but felt that he should have come to them first. However, that may not have bode over well. Things started to become clearer as they finally had some of their questions answered, however that was replaced with a growing rage. Chiro gritted his teeth as he thought of Skeleton King.

"So not only is he trying to make an army out of monkeys, but he used one of his own servants, messed with their biology, and forced him to get pregnant and give birth to them." He angrily thought as Otto tried to climb Mandarin to comfort him.

Mandarin quickly stood up, now realizing his was off his timing.

"I need to go back, he'll realize I'm gone and who knows what he'll do to me." He said as he began to walk off.

Chiro rushed in front of the large transportation tube.

"Oh no you don't! That freak will not be having you as his baby machine!" He snapped.

Mandarin's eyes widened in fear as he stepped back.

"But if I don't go back he'll try to-"

"Then we'll kick his can!" Nova said, pounding her fist into her hand.

Gibson's eyes widened as Otto agreed.

"Nova are you sure? I mean we may need to think this over a bit-" He began before Nova turned to him.

"We can't send him back there! You'll know what Skeleton King will keep doing to him." she said as Mandarin froze up at the thought.

Otto hugged his knees.

"Yeah! There's no way we're leaving him!"

"What if he's still evil? Did you think of that?" Sprx asked, crossing his arms.

"He wouldn't be-!"

"Team!" Chiro said loudly, but not loud enough so it would wake the baby up.

Everyone turned to him. Chiro sighed.

"Everyone, come over here and let's discuss this." He said motioning the others to huddle.

Mandarin was about to follow when Chiro held up a hand. He then grabbed a small carrier and placed the baby inside it and set it on the bubble chair next to him.

"Just wait here." He said before going off with the others.

Mandarin stood for a minute before sitting next to the bubble chair. He peered into the carrier as the baby monkey now started to wake up. He glanced over at Mandarin as he flinched a bit. Mandarin gently placed a finger on his cheek as the monkey leaned into the touch.

"I believe we need to seriously think about our options." Antauri said.

"There's only one option Antauri, keep Mandarin here and away from Skeleton King." Nova said, surprised at her own words.

"Yeah, where else could we put Mandarin that won't eventually fail?" Sprx asked.

"We could use the hidden fort-" Gibson began before Sprx groaned.

"Skeleton King already got through that! Remember? We had to drill a hole through there and get everyone out before the Formless got to them."

"We could make it stronger! Besides we don't know if we could trust him at this moment." Gibson huffed.

Otto quickly turned Gibson to Mandarin, who was still interacting with the baby.

"Gibson, does that look like he's putting on some act? Just planning this so he can attack us and take the kids?"

Gibson blinked as he studied Mandarin a bit. There was something off about his demeanor, almost as if the strong parts of his personality were completely stomped on. Every time they mention Skeleton King, he flinches and looks scared. Just how badly did Skeleton King treat him?

Nova twiddled her fingers.

"I think he should stay too, even if I still kind of hate him. I don't think a bad guy would just drop off kids to us if he wasn't gonna raise them to be evil." She pointed out.

Jinmay nodded slightly, not really trusting Mandarin but not really backing down to the idea of him staying here.

"Let's just be sure that we're doing the right thing...he did take my head off." She mumbled.

Antauri bit his lip, on the fence about it too. It wasn't like he thought Mandarin was still evil, it was clear to him that he wasn't, it was just they don't know what will happen if they do keep him here. Skeleton King would no doubt try to go find him and bring him back, and what would the children think when they find out about this? Antauri sighed a bit and looked up at Chiro.

"The decision does lie with you Chiro." He said.

Chiro looked down at him before looking at Mandarin. The baby cooed as he tried to grab for Mandarin's finger. The rage towards Skeleton King was still prevalent, not only was it everybody violation ever but just the thought of having your own flesh and blood being forced to be a soldier in your former masters army is just terrible.

"Let him stay and have Skeleton King as far away from him as possible." He said.

Gibson and Sprx flinched but looked back at Mandarin. They weren't too sure about this but...

"Where is he gonna stay?" Nova asked.

"There's a vacant room for temporary larger objects underground that he can reside in for the time being. I'm sure the other children wouldn't mind." Antauri said.

"Uh yeah make sure about that because Roland might have a fit." Chiro said.

"I'll talk to them about it. Should we tell them that technically Mandarin's their...their mother?" Jinmay asked.

The team thought this over. Who knows how they'll react if they find out about that. They knew that they were placed here, but they have no idea who their parents were.

"As of right now, no. We'll tell them when the time is right, but right now may be a bit too early." Chiro decided and everyone agreed to that.

Otto raised a hand.

"I can get a bed set up for him, and I can get him some pillows." He offered.

"That would be great." Chiro said before they heard some noises.

They turned to see Mandarin holding a hand over his mouth and his face turning slightly green. The team looked for the nearest trash can and quickly gave it to him, which he promptly threw up in. The infant coiled in disgust before whining. Mandarin stopped after a minute and clutched it.

"Jeez, all of that stuff Skeleton King did to you really got to you didn't it?" Sprx asked.

Mandarin froze before nodding slightly.

"I-I suppose it did." He said before Chiro frowned.

"Mandarin, are you sure it's because of that?" He asked, seeing Mandarin's body tense up even more.

Antauri searched Mandarin's face before his body tensed up as well.

"Mandarin...are you pregnant again?" He asked.

Mandarin didn't respond, he just kept looking down. Antauri walked closer to him.

"" He asked, completely serious.

Mandarin didn't answer but clenched the trash can even closer to him.

"...I just want it to stop." He said after a while, almost not sounding like himself.

The team turned to each other, they got their answer. A sense of dread came over the team. Otto went over to him and wrapped himself around his waist, comforting him.

"Don't worry, it'll stop this time." He said softly.

Mandarin's hands shook a bit but sighed. The baby monkey started to whine, sensing the mood. Gibson went over to him and picked him up.

"And don't worry about Skeleton King, we'll make sure he doesn't come anywhere near you or the children." Chiro said.

Mandarin stared at him a bit before looking down slightly, almost looking relieved.

"I...thank you." He said before a new concern was placed in his mind.

"But wait, what about..." He motioned towards the baby monkey.

Chiro snickered.

"Mandarin we've been taking care of these kids for a while now. We can handle a few more." He said.

"Besides it's clear that you're emotionally traumatized by it and you need time to heal." Antauri pointed out.

Mandarin bit his lip, that was true.

"But I would feel bad if you had to take care of so many..."

Otto climbed up on him and placed his cheek against his.

"Don't worry about it. You need to take care of yourself first." He huffed before smiling.

Mandarin stared at him before looking downcast again. He didn't feel like arguing anymore and just wanted this to end.

"So! First things first, a bed." Otto chirped.
The kids were, to say the least, confused. The guy the team caught last night being suspicious was still here?

Maurice turned to Jinmay.

"Why is he still here? Shouldn't he be in jail?" He asked.

Jinmay froze up a bit.

"Ahh...about that, he's staying here with us." She said.

Penny tilted her head.

"Why?" She asked.

Jinmay quickly thought about how to make sure they don't figure anything out.

"He's...gone through some terrible things and we're going to help him."

The older kids looked at each other while Penny didn't get it.

"What kind of terrible things?" Angela asked slowly.

Jinmay leaned down to them.

"I'll explain that when the time's right. Right now isn't a good time to talk about what happened to him."

Penny nodded before peeking at the room Mandarin resided in.

"What's his name? He's like a giant shrimp." She said, not joking.

Violet held back her snickers before being elbowed by Maurice. Jinmay sighed, whoo boy.

"Remember yesterday about how we talked about Mandarin? Well..." She said as she saw Mandarin peek out before darting back in.

"That's him."

Roland stepped back a bit, a shocked and confused look on his face.

"That guy's Mandarin?! Him?!" He asked.

Kuzon scratched his head.

"But wait...wouldn't be look like one of the monkeys? Why does he look like that?" He asked.

Angela then looked worried.

"Is that one of the things that happened to him?" She asked.

Jinmay slowly nodded, causing the small monkey to dip her head.

"That's awful..."

Violet shrugged.

"He looks cool to me. Like a giant hulk science experiment." She said smiling and ignoring unknown feeling of nostalgia

Penny nodded.

"He looks cuddly."

"Penny his arms would crush you!" Roland laughed, also ignoring the nostalgic part of his feelings.

Jinmay sighed.

"Okay you six, time for breakfast. After that you can see the new baby." She said as everyone ran out of the room, having a mix reactions of joy towards the new sibling.

Mandarin waited until he was certain they left as he peeked his head out. He began to leave it and maybe find some place where he could be most comfortable at. Just being in that room began to remind him of the labs. Jinmay began to leave when she noticed Mandarin leaving his room.

"Oh! Gibson wants to talk to you later about the..." She motioned towards Mandarin's stomach.

Mandarin froze before nodding slightly. That will have to come at a later time, right now he needed to find a place to settle his growing uncomfortable and panicked feelings. After Jinmay and him left, he went down to the deep parts of the robot, knowing one specific place to go to.
"Awww what's his name?" Angela asked as the grey monkey babbled loudly.

They figured out that the baby was around three months old, given that he would keep babbling for what seemed to be hours and smiled whenever Otto was near.

"We haven't decided yet." Antauri said as Gibson looked around for Mandarin.

"Roland don't name him anything weird." Maurice said.

Roland glared at him.

"I wasn't even going to say anything!" He huffed.

"I like Schmurpe!" Penny chirped.

Sprx snickered.

"As cute as that sounds, we need an actual name for him."

"But it is a real name!" Penny argued.

"On another planet maybe." Violet muttered.

Penny pouted before realizing that the Mandarin guy wasn't here. Where was he? She had so many things to ask him about!

"What's with his eye?" Roland asked, seeing the baby monkey's slightly colorless left eye.

Nova looked at him before her heart pained.

"I think he's blind in that eye." She said.

Angela bit her lip before looking down at him again. The poor thing. The grey monkey blinked and cooed loudly.

"Chiro do you know where Mandarin is? I need to speak to him." Gibson said.

Chiro looked around the room.

"Uhh I think he's still in his room?"

Gibson nodded before about to go down. Otto then turned to the screen as it made a noise.

"Uhh guys I don't think he's down there." He said as everyone looked at the screen.

Mandarin was behind the seat of the Torso tank, looking downcast.

"How did he get in there?!" Chiro asked, rushing towards the control panel.

"I assume he entered through one of the panels." Gibson said.

"But what's he doing?" Nova asked.

The kids went up behind them and looked at the screen. Mandarin's expression was completely mixed of sadness and mental exhaustion as he just stared at the wall.

"I don't know...he looks so depressed." Otto muttered.

Penny tilted her head when she heard that. Why was he so sad? She turned towards the kitchen and realized, if he was so sad then she was going to help! She rushed towards the kitchen and grabbed the leftovers and put them in a takeout box and placed it in a bag. She then went over to the orange tube.

Otto noticed her.

"Penny?" He asked, causing the others to turn.

Penny held a thumbs up.

"I got this." She chirped before going up the tube.

"Penny wait! That...may not be the best idea." Chiro sighed, knowing she's already gone.

The grey monkey looked up at him, as if confused.
Mandarin stared at the wall, trying to gather his thoughts correctly as the Torso tank was comforting to him. Somehow.

His comfort levels then dropped when he heard the tube behind him blast down air and a small monkey hopped onto the seat. She squealed when the seat belts held her against the seat but after a moment of struggling she got out of it. Mandarin jumped and turned around, backing away somewhat. Penny popped her head up and smiled.

"I got you breakfast!" She chirped, holding up the box.

Mandarin shook, fear making it so he wouldn't move. The few connections to Skeleton King he had left, and she held up a box of food for him. He didn't detest his children, far from it, it's just those terrible memories of the labs and what happened to the other babies he gave birth to was almost taunting him. That and he knows what may happen if they find out about their true past. Penny eyed the room for a second before holding out the box to him.

"Where d'ya want it?" She asked.

Mandarin couldn't speak at first.

"I-there." He briefly said, pointing at the chair.

Penny looked down and nodded.

"Okay!" She chirped.

Mandarin, thinking that she'll leave, turned back around and sighed. He then felt the small monkey leaning on him, touching his ponytail.

"Your hair is long." She chirped before she felt him back away quickly.

She saw the fear in his eyes and got confused again. Why was he so scared of her? She wasn't hurting him! Okay maybe she overstepped those boundaries that Nova talked about, but she didn't mean anything mean by it.

"Penny!" Chiro called for her.

Penny looked up at the tube.

"Coming! Bye!" She waved before going back up.

Mandarin waited for a few seconds to let the anxiety die down. He sighed heavily. He then looked into the box that Penny left behind for him. A cheese omelette and some strawberries. Mandarin knew he would have to eat a bit of them before his morning sickness would act up again, so he nibbled a bit on the egg and cheese combination.

It was actually not that bad.

Naaaaw the little orange gumdrop being a sweety. Thanks for reading! 

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