Chapter 4

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Hey my first class got canceled so I got a lot of time to work on things! So here ya go, new chapter. 


Gibson stared at the screen with wide eyes. After hours of convincing Mandarin to leave the torso tank for a while to check on the baby, he finally came out of there.

"Monkey doodle..." He muttered as he turned to Mandarin.

Mandarin looked down a bit, hands shaking.

"What did he do to you?" Gibson asked before shaking his head, already knowing the answer.

It was enough. He scanned Mandarin's body and the substances Skeleton King placed in his body overtime was insane. There were different substances that quickened previous infant's growth and those same substances are what was used in the children living with them. Though, those substances are probably what caused Angela not having a right leg and the new baby's blind eye. Though a new batch of substances didn't seem to enter Mandarin's body and affect the baby. Gibson then concluded that he was around three months along, which also meant as soon as the new baby was born Mandarin was impregnated again after a few weeks. Or the baby was born earlier and Mandarin got impregnated again.

"So that means it will develop at a normal gestation period." Gibson explained, receiving a nod from him.

Gibson then took out the stick from the ultrasound machine and the gel for it. Mandarin laid back and waited, shivering as the gel was placed on his stomach. Gibson listened to the heartbeat and frowned a bit. Why did it sound so off? Gibson moved the device a bit more and realized.

"It's twins...I can tell." Mandarin muttered.

Gibson gulped and turned to him.

"That would explain the heart beats." He said.

Mandarin sighed at his shocked expression.

"Look it's fine, I gave birth to quadruplets before so this isn't really surprising." He said, nearly making Gibson fall to the floor in shock.

"Quadruplets?! How many soldiers did Skeleton King want in this army?!" Gibson thought as Mandarin fully sat up.

"So I take it I can leave now?" He asked.

Gibson blinked.

"I don't see why not." He said as Mandarin began to leave the room when he froze as Violet walked in.

"Gibson, can I help with the anti-ageing thing?" She asked before looking up at Mandarin.

"Hi." She greeted before going past him.

Gibson saw Mandarin's actions and expression when she came into the room, it was the same expression he had when Penny entered the Torso tank.

"Erm Mandarin-?" He began but Mandarin quickly left the room.

Violet frowned a bit.

"What's his problem?" She asked.

Gibson sighed.

"I wish I'd knew that myself." He said as Violet hopped onto the stool next to him.

Roland's lip curled.

"Hmmm how about Phil?" He suggested.

Chiro snickered as the grey monkey babbled loudly.

"I dunno he doesn't look like a Phil."

Kuzon rolled onto his stomach.

"Maybe Coriander? I heard it from a tv show that Angela was watching."

"Hmmm maybe..."

They then saw Mandarin rush out of the lab and going right back down the transport tube. Roland lifted his head as he went down.

"Umm...should we ask what happened in there?" He asked, causing Kuzon to shrug.

Maurice and Antauri then entered the room after their lessons.

"Did you find a name for him yet?" Maurice asked.

Kuzon shook his head.

"Not really no." He said as Maurice sat down.

The baby monkey yawned as he stared up at him. Maurice stared at him for a bit.

"Erin." He decided.


Maurice nodded.

"It means peace and he has a peaceful look on his face." He chirped.

Roland looked at his face before burrowing his eyebrows.

"You sure? Because he looks bored." He said.

"Yes I'm sure." Maurice said.

Chiro smiled a bit.

"Well I think it's nice. Let's go with it." He said, turning to Antauri.

Antauri nodded.

"I will go tell Gibson." He said as he went off to the lab.

Erin then looked over to the late transport tube and started whining, wanting his mother.

"Oh no!"
Antauri walked into the lab and saw Violet and Gibson looking over particles.

"So do you think this may work?" Violet asked.

Gibson nodded.

"If we do a reversal on this substance and put in a few extra chemicals then the treatment will be ready! Now you won't have to go to a nursing home in a few years." Gibson jokingly said.

Violet rolled her eyes and smirked.

"Please, like I would get along with the nurses there."

Antauri smiled at their interaction before realizing what Gibson was talking about.

"Wait have you found the final piece to stop the aging process?" He asked.

Gibson nodded.

"Yes and it's all thanks to-" he then remembered Violet was still in the room.

"You know."

Antauri smiled and nodded.

"It'll take a few hours but I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem." Gibson said, Antauri shaking his head.

"Not at all, I'm just glad you've found a way to stop the aging process." He said.

Violet smiled a bit before bouncing in her seat.

"So can we get started on it?" She asked.

Gibson nodded.

"Of course we can, just wait here while I go get supplies." He said, motioning Antauri to follow him.

The two went off while Violet looked at some books.

"We decided to name the new child Erin." Antauri said as the two gathered what they needed.

Gibson nodded, that was a nice name.

"So how did Mandarin's appointment go?" Antauri asked.

Gibson put down the beaker and turned to him.

"Well uh...I have found some information." He said.

Antauri paused and stared at him, waiting. Gibson walked over to him, making sure Violet wasn't hearing.

"Mandarin is having twins." He started.

Antauri's eyes widened at the news.

"He is?"

"Yes and he was completely unphased by it, almost as if this was normal to him." Gibson explained.

Antauri bit his lip, realizing how bad Skeleton King abused him.

"Also there were traces of different chemicals and substances from previous pregnancies that have the fetuses age faster. However none of them are affecting the babies. So it will be a normal nine months...assuming that it's normal in the first place." Gibson said, muttering the last part.

Antauri looked down.

"Well what we should do for now is make sure everything goes smoothly and make sure Skeleton King never gets him back. That and we need to find time to go find this lab and get the other monkeys out."He said.

"Of course. But when should we tell...?" Gibson and Antauri looked as Violet read a book.

Antauri looked down.

"When the time is right Gibson. Right now isn't a good time for either of them." He said.

Gibson stared at him before looking back at Violet.

"Of course."
"Mandarin I need to work in here." Chiro said as he sat down in the Torso tank.

Mandarin turned back to him.

"Don't worry, I won't bother you." He said.

Chiro sighed and turned. Antauri said this was the most comfortable place for him, but there were repairs needed to do and Mandarin being there was sort of awkward.

Chiro began to fix some of the wiring while Mandarin stared at the wall. The situation became very awkward very quickly, mostly on Chiro's part.

"So uh...twins that's um...that's a lot." He said.

Mandarin stared down at his stomach.

"Not really, I mean I have had twins before and I've had more than just two." He muttered.

Chiro sucked in some air. Jeez! Mandarin raised his head a bit.

"I sure hope that next time this may happen I will only have just one." He sighed.

Chiro set down his wrench and turned to him. What was that now? Was Mandarin seriously planning on having more kids even when he said a week ago he wanted it to stop?

"Mandarin you....what?"

Mandarin looked back to him.


"You said you wanted it to stop. Isn't that what you said?"

Mandarin blinked.

"Well I wanted the production of having my children being turned into soldiers to stop...but Skeleton King said that if I can't fulfill my purpose of being a weapon to destroy...then a breeder is all I'm good for."

Woah where did that come from?! Mandarin has only been here a week and he barely talked much. Now all of a sudden Chiro was hit with this!

"Mandarin that isn't true!" He said, getting up.

Mandarin stared at him.

"Your purpose isn't to destroy or give birth to a huge amount of kids, you know that." Chiro continued.

Mandarin looked down a bit, feeling unsure. Sure there was a part of him fighting to agree to that, but there was a part of him that still clung to what Skeleton King repeatedly told him.

Chiro leaned over the chair.

"You don't have to keep having so many can choose what to do with your life now." He said.

Mandarin kept looking down.

"I...I guess." He muttered.

Chiro nodded a bit before going back to work on the control panel. Mandarin rested back against the seat and stared at the wall again. What does he want to do now? He does intend to carry out this pregnancy but...what is he going to do after that? Not only is there a small baby monkey the team is taking care of but there will be two more of them coming soon. Was he going to let the team take care of them too? Mandarin sighed, he shouldn't have to but at the same time he still was so scared. He was scared of his own children. He bit his lip at that thought.

Chiro finished working on the control panel and stood up.

"Well that takes care of that." He sighed before looking at Mandarin.

"Are you going to be alright in here?" He asked.

Mandarin nodded slightly. Before Chiro could say anything else, Penny dropped from the tube and right into Chiro's arms.

"Chi, Angela needs help with her game." Penny chirped.

Chiro snickered.

"Okay I'll be up there in a minute." He said before noticing Mandarin freezing up.

Penny waved.

"Hi again! Didja enjoy your lunch?" She asked.

"I-uh I- yes." Mandarin stuttered.

"That's good! Well, see you at dinner." She chirped before going up.

Mandarin sighed a bit, shaking slightly. Chiro tilted his head.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" He asked.

Mandarin nodded.

"Ye-yes..." He said, feeling as if his heart will thrust out of his chest.

Chiro slowly nodded, not really so sure of that.

He went back up as Mandarin rested his head back. He needed to get out of here, maybe go to a different part of the robot.

Roland waited until Chiro went away before slowly going down into the torso tank. He barely got any answers on this Mandarin guy and it was time he got some. He came down to see the large panel to the torso tank being shut.

"Oh no you don't!" Roland thought as he opened it and began to follow Mandarin.

Roland followed him as Mandarin went through various industrial parts of the robot. The larger monkey kept looking around, as if finding something.

"What are you looking for, old man?" Roland thought before accidentally stepping on an old wrapper.

Mandarin stopped walking, turned, and fired at whoever was following him. Roland quickly hid behind the large machine next to him. He wheezed as Mandarin edged closer. Mandarin glared as he held up one of his knuckles, ready to fire.

"Are you one of the robots that kept me prisoner? If so, tell your leader that I am never going back to that miserable place, so I suggest you-!"

Roland held out his hands.

"Wait! Wait!" He yelped, having Mandarin stop in his tracks.

Mandarin's stomach twisted as he saw Roland peek out from behind the machine, hands still up.

"It's just me." He breathed.,

Mandarin backed up, looking around if more of them were following him. He almost fired at him! He backed up even more when he saw Roland slowly coming towards him.

"What are you doing in here?" He asked.

Mandarin could barely get any words out as his back eventually touched the wall.

"I doing- I was doing-I-no I was looking-!" Mandarin babbled, unable to even talk correctly in front of him.

Roland crossed his arms a bit. He was getting suspicious.

"Looking for...?" Roland waited for him to finish his sentence.

"S-somewhere" Mandarin replied, finally getting a hold of himself.

Roland blinked, was that it?

"Then why don't you go to your room? I know when I get sleepy I just go to my room and sleep."

Mandarin couldn't tell him why his room kept reminding him of the one he was forced to stay in the labs. It would reveal too much.

"N-not that kind of..." He muttered.

Roland shrugged.

"Well I dunno why you want to rest down here, it's kinda hard. I'd rest in the laundry room, at least you'd get to sleep on clothes. Clean preferably." He chirped, knowing this from experience.

Mandarin slowly nodded, now starting to feel sick.

"Also Chiro said you were throwing up a lot so I'd throw up in the garbage shoot." Roland said, noticing how sick he looked.

Wait, what was he doing?! Roland needed answers!

"So! Why is the team letting you stay here? Cause you were a bad guy before but why are you living here now?" He asked.

Shit! What was he supposed to tell him?!

"It's not...I'm not-I-" And Mandarin was already losing control on his speaking.

Roland tilted his head.

"Not what? Like that anymore?"

Mandarin quickly nodded. Roland blinked, that answers one question.

"Oh...well why are you here? Is it because of the bad thi-?" He began to ask before he felt a hand on his head.

"And may I ask what you're doing here young man?" Gibson asked.

Roland jumped and quickly turned around.

"Talking to him." He said.

Gibson eyed Mandarin before looking back at Roland.

"What for? Because someone is supposed to be helping with the dishwasher." He said before crossing his arms.

"I'm gonna be there, it's just I have some questions for him."

Gibson sighed, this child's curiosity is admirable but right now wasn't a good time.

"Roland you know how he is, his emotional state is..." He carefully eyed Mandarin, who looked down a bit.

"Not very stable."

"And I want to know why." Roland chirped.

Gibson sighed again.

"You will just when the time is right. He's still adjusting to living here."

Roland crossed his arms, he hated waiting! Gibson then took his hand.

"Now come on, dishes are waiting." He said, causing the green monkey to groan.

Roland then looked back at Mandarin.

"Laundry room's on the left then the right!" He called out.

Mandarin nodded slightly before sighing as soon as he was gone. He placed a hand over his stomach unknowingly. They were already asking questions, or at least one of them was. How long could the team hide this from them? He wasn't sure, but preferably not for a long time. He looked down towards the hallway leading to the laundry room and began to go towards it. He might just take his sons offer on laying on the clean clothes.
Violet was to say a very odd girl with very odd interests. Science, cooking, and the likes wasn't odd, but what she did was. Gibson had her make a potato battery to work on, but then she somehow made it into a potato root mess. Volcano project? Have it shoot out hot liquid and steam instead of baking soda. Dissecting a frog? Give the frog a freaking candy heart.

She would also block everything out until it was done or didn't work. She couldn't even get up for food she was so into what she was doing. The only person that could get her out of her concentration was Gibson.

"Violet, it's time for bed." Gibson said as Violet looked up from her pickle and strawberry jam mix.

"But Gibson I'm almost done!" She whined.

"And you can finish it in the morning. Right now you need to sleep so you can work better." He said, putting her creation in the fridge.

Violet sighed and got up, that was true. After hugging him goodnight, she was trailing down to her room so Nova could read to her. She then heard loud sniffling coming from the room Mandarin was staying in and stopped. She perked her ear at the door. Her siblings had mixed feelings on their newest housemate. Roland was constantly suspicious, Angela was weary of him, Maurice was curious, and Kuzon was just scared. Violet rolled her eyes at the thought. Of course he was, as sweet as Kuzon was, he was unable to handle things that were 'frightening'. Not her or Penny. Penny just wants to be friends with him, but Violet generally thinks he's cool. Whoever designed his appearance, she wanted to shake their hand because he just looked so incredible! He just looks amazing! Being that big and powerful could help so many people. That is if he wants to help people and not try to live a regular life. There was also a familiarity to his appearance, almost as if she knew something like this before. Violet pressed her ear against the door even more before realizing that the door was slightly open and fell through.

Violet fell flat on her face and that made Mandarin yelp in surprise. Violet lifted herself off the ground as Mandarin was on his bed, tears streaming down his face. Violet was taken back by this, why was he crying? Violet realized she had to say something.

" chest armor." She said, leaning against the doorframe.

Mandarin placed a hand on his chest and could barely speak.

Violet looked around.

"So uhh can you put things in there?" She asked, walking closer to him.

Mandarin backed away a bit, feeling sick. Violet held up her hands.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm not like the people that caused you to act like this." She said.

Mandarin's eyes widened a bit, just what did she mean by that?

"I mean I don't know what they did but it really screwed you up so..."

Mandarin nearly had a heart attack when Violet hopped onto the bed.

"Man you're lucky you have such a big bed, I mean mine is fine it's just having a bed this big would be great." She chirped.

Mandarin didn't say anything, still feeling sick. Violet sat on the bed and looked around. The room was dimly lit and didn't have a lot of furniture in it.

"It's a bit empty." She thought.

"You know, I would put up glow in the dark stars on your ceiling." She suggested.

Mandarin eyed the ceiling before looking back at her, making sure she didn't get too close.

She laid on her back and stared at the ceiling.

"Like, not even stars but an entire solar system. That would be cool." Violet chirped.

Mandarin didn't really say anything, out of all the children in here he was probably scared of her the most. For reasons that would hurt too much to speak of.

"Maybe you can also put in here lava lamps. They help Erin sleep." She chirped.

His heart pained when his name came up. He already has a name and Mandarin barely knows anything else.

"He cries a lot sometimes, which Gibson says it's normal for a baby but it just kinda annoys me." Violet said, as she sat up and kicked her legs back and forth on the edge of the bed.

Mandarin's heart pained more hearing that. He should be there for him, taking care of him, but he can't because he could barely get a hold of himself! He couldn't even reply to his daughter properly!

"He also likes those stuffed caterpillars that Kuzon had as a baby, they're really soft too and..." Violet then noticed tears were streaming down his face as he placed a hand over his mouth.

"O-oh I'm sorry what-!?" Violet began, thinking that she caused him to cry when an idea popped in her head.

"Wait I'll get Otto!" She said before hopping down the bed.

Mandarin quickly looked up.

"N-no wait!" He began but she was already out of the room.

A few minutes later Violet rushed back in with Otto.

"Mandarin, what's wrong?" Otto asked, hopping onto the bed.

Violet stood there until Otto motioned her to leave for a bit.

"He's gonna be fine just...get to bed." He said.

Violet was about to protest but she looked at Mandarin. Something told her to just leave him alone. Violet left the room and Otto looked up at Mandarin.

"He needs me...he needs me and I can't do anything!" Mandarin sobbed as Otto curled up with him.

"What do you mean?"

Mandarin sniffled.

"Erin, he needs me. He keeps crying and wants me but I can't..." Mandarin sobbed harder as Otto crawled up on him.

"Settle down, you'll make yourself sick again." Otto said softly, rubbing his head.

Otto grimaced when Mandarin held onto him, his strength hurting his back, but he kept stroking his head.

"I'm scared...I'm scared of my own children and yet I can't do anything about it!" Mandarin shuddered, tears falling fast.

Otto stared at him straight in the face.

"Yes there is, time and love. You need time and a lot of love to recover from all of this. I'm sure the fear will slowly go away and you can feel comfortable around your babies again but for now you need to rest and recover." He said, wiping his tear streaked face.

Mandarin sniffled.

"But he's crying...Erin wants me and I can't even comfort him because I can't even take care of myself."

Otto rested his forehead against Mandarin's.

"You will, we just need to be slow. Okay?"

Mandarin sniffled and closed his eyes.

"I just feel like a terrible mother for being like this." He sighed.

Otto shook his head.

"No you're not, you're a good mom. You gave us those sweet kids to protect. " Otto muttered.

Mandarin didn't respond, he just kept listening.

"So for now let us handle the kids and have them slowly warm up to you, while you focus on recovering and taking care of the babies inside you."

Mandarin slightly nodded. Otto pulled back a bit and held Mandarin's face.

"It's also cute that you refer to yourself as a mom." He said smiling.

Mandarin sighed and rested his head against Otto's chest.

"Well that is what I am, am I not?"

Otto giggled and nodded. The two shared a long silence before Otto asked, "You wanna watch a movie? We haven't watched one together in a long time."

Mandarin thought about it before closing his eyes and smiling a bit.

"I'd like that."

Violet waited in her room until she saw Mandarin and Otto leave the room, with Otto chatting with him. She saw that Mandarin looked happier than before and she instantly felt relief. For reasons why she didn't know.
After that, it was Otto's mission for Mandarin to recover and help him out. This included helping him with his morning sickness, crying spells, and nightmares. He began to act more like an expecting father/husband to him than anything. The process was slow but steady yet Mandarin was still afraid of his children.

Mandarin uncontrollably yelped as a few of them rushed past them. He sighed and placed a hand on his chest.

"No more lessons for today!" Roland cheered.

"Thank goodness because I was dying!" Angela laughed.

"You two should really be a bit more serious about this." Maurice sighed.

"Okay mini Antauri." Violet snickered.

Maurice frowned a bit.

"I'm not a mini Antauri."

"Sure mini Antauri." Roland snickered before the others were chased by Maurice.

Penny wanted to rush after them but saw Kuzon panting and having a hard time catching up. Mandarin looked down at him as he rested against one of the rooms.

"You ok Kuzy?" She asked as she went over to him.

"Yeah...just...just give me a sec." Kuzon said before sighing.

Penny tilted her head.

"You tired? Cause you can go take a nap if you want." She chirped.

Kuzon sighed.

"Nah, it's just my softness getting in the way."

Penny gasped.

"You aren't gonna lose your softness are you?!"

Kuzon laughed.

"No, I couldn't lose it even if I tried. Gibson said when I was born that I can't gain or lose weight...well I can gain weight just as I grow up." Kuzon muttered.

Penny blinked as Mandarin understood. Some of his supreme destructor genes had passed onto Kuzon, only he was just chubbier instead of having muscle.

"So you're soft for life?"


Penny hugged him.

"Good cause you give the best hugs!" She huffed.

Kuzon snickered and nodded. The two then noticed Mandarin there and he backed up a bit.

"Hi Manny!" Penny waved while Kuzon looked up at him nervously.

Mandarin backed up a bit more, unable to speak.

"It's ok, he's more scared of you than you are of him." Penny chirped.

Kuzon shook his head.

"I-I am not." He said, turning to Mandarin.

"I was talking about you silly!" Penny scoffed.

Kuzon gulped a bit. Penny looked between the two before an idea popped inside her head.

"Okay you know what? You should spend time together while I go and play!" She said before pushing Kuzon towards Mandarin.

The two looked at her, alarmed.

"Penny!" Kuzon exclaimed.

Penny waved as she ran off.

"Have fun!"

"Penny wait a second!"

But she turned a corner and was gone. Kuzon and Mandarin stood there for a second, an awkward silence filling the room.

"Why does she intend on doing stuff like this?" Kuzon sighed before slowly looking up at him.

Mandarin felt incredibly sick, however for completely different reasons.

"So uh since she's just gonna keep pestering us until we actually spend time together what-"

"Wait." Mandarin quickly said before going into the bathroom.

Kuzon flinched as he heard the sounds of Mandarin throwing up. He waited outside until Mandarin slowly went back out.

"I-sorry." Mandarin sighed.

"N-no that's it contagious? Because I don't want to paint using my breakfast." Kuzon said, half joking.

Mandarin shook his head.

"That's uh what do you want to do first?"

Mandarin slowly began shaking, shit.
"This is definitely not what I had in mind but that's okay." Kuzon chirped as Mandarin sat in the Torso Tank.

No matter where Mandarin went, Kuzon trudged behind him. Usually bringing a sketchbook or something like that with him. Mandarin's anxiety was extremely high today because of that and even in his own safe spot he couldn't escape. Kuzon took out his sketchbook and began drawing. Kuzon knew if he didn't stick with Mandarin for at least a little bit, Penny would never stop pouting and giving him the puppy dog eyes. That was his biggest weakness. Other than sleep.

Kuzon glanced up at Mandarin before continuing to draw. He kept glancing up at him a few times before pausing, looking at his sketchbook. His hands shook before he threw it up into the air and groaned, causing Mandarin to jump a bit.

" I got this." He sighed before grabbing it again and turning a few pages.

Mandarin watched him as he began drawing him again, flinching each time Kuzon glanced at him. After a while, Kuzon groaned and fell onto his back.

"I can't draw muscles at all!" He whined before placing the sketchbook on his face.

Mandarin looked over at him, now curious as to what he's doing. Kuzon looked up at him sheepishly.

"You''re hard to draw." He admitted.

Mandarin blinked.


Kuzon sat up.

"You're hard to draw. I mean I can do your face, I can do your hands, I could even do your armor but your muscles? For some reason I can't get them to look right!" Kuzon ranted, while Mandarin listened.

"Maybe I need to get more of those drawing books...they might help." Kuzon muttered.

Mandarin nodded slightly, they might. He himself was no artist but still.

Kuzon picked up his sketchbook and began drawing something different this time. Then Mandarin grew confused, the heck was he drawing him for? His curiosity grew intolerable as he tried to ask his son. Keyword here being tried.

"Erm-w-why...why are you-were you..?"

Kuzon looked at him until he figured out what he was trying to say.

"Oh! Well um I tend to immortalize moments into art. As much as I love photography I like to sketch them down more. It's a bit more personal." He explained.

Mandarin nodded slightly, that made sense. That and he felt a bit more comfortable with his answer. Kuzon kept sketching until he looked back at Mandarin.

"I-I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable by-"

"N-no, it's fine." Mandarin softly said, causing Kuzon to sigh in relief.

"Okay...that's good." He said before going back to drawing.

The two sat there for a while, both feeling not as scared as before.

Naawwwww now I know you're curious when Mandarin and Maurice will bond but that will be later. Thanks for reading!

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