Chapter 12

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This chapter is gonna make things very....interesting. So I hope you enjoy it.....wink wink


Antauri and Chiro were scouting the city the day after, looking to see if any of the brainwashed monkeys were around. So far nothing, but their hopes were still high.

Chiro looked at the lab entrance and shivered at the sight of it. Just seeing a horrid place like that made his skin crawl.

"You don't think they happen to be down there right? I mean just looking around?" He suggested to Antauri.

"We would have to take the entire team down in order to do that Chiro. We wouldn't want to run into the robots again by ourselves." Antauri said.

Chiro nodded slightly and looked down.

"I just have this weird feeling that...that one of them is down there. I don't know why I just do." He said softly.

Antauri looked over at the entrance.

"I sense it too...however we will need a plan if we try to investigate." He said.

Chiro nodded.

"One things for certain, the children can never know it's location. They must never go down there." Antauri said seriously.

"Oh of course." Chiro said.

However he couldn't help but feel a bit apprehensive.


Chiro and Antauri returned to the robot with some of the kids in the command center playing around. Penny rushed up to them.

"Hi! Didja find my brothers and sisters today?" She asked, bouncing a bit.

Chiro shook his head.

"Penny we told you they were at the castle across the bridge. We tried to find them in the city but no."

Penny sighed heavily. She knew she had brothers and sisters from the conversations she overheard, but why were they living with Skeleton King? He's mean and nasty!

"Man you'd think they'd be in the city at least looking around? Did you find them on your night patrols Otto?" Nova asked.

Otto shook his head.

"No...I wish I did."

Angela raised a bracelet up.

"Penny your bracelet is ready!" She said.

"Kay!" Penny called back before looking at a worried Gibson.

"We have to keep the look out in case a few of them do. If Skeleton King ships them all out into the city at once they have to be stopped!" Gibson wheezed.

"Gibson calm down. They're still over at Skeleton king's fortress, the city is still safe." Antauri said.

Penny frowned.

"Safe from what? What does Skeleton King wanna do with them?" Penny asked nervously.

Chiro and Antauri froze up and looked at each other.

"Penny Skeleton King wants them to do something...very bad. It would be something that...we just can't let them do those bad things and help them before anyone got hurt." Chiro explained as Angela looked off to the side and frowned.

Penny noticed her sister's change in mood and looked back at them.

"What bad things do they want to do?" She asked, curiosity taking over.

On A Doorstep (unedited version)Where stories live. Discover now