Chapter 2

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Okay chapter 2! Things get a little more interesting I think...why? You'll see, please enjoy!


"Okay kid we need to make a place just for them." Sprx said as Violet chased Angela.

Chiro nodded. It was getting a little cramped and if Skeleton King started attacking again they need to keep them in a safe place. Chiro turned to Otto.

"You think we can get something like that up and running?" He asked.

Otto nodded as he was drawing with Kuzon.

"Sure can, I can probably build something like that underground and blocked off so it won't get damaged when the robot takes off." He said.

Chiro smiled as Otto drew up a model.

"We'll need a few rooms...and a bathroom...and a kitchen...and a living room...we can just build an entire house underneath the robot!" Otto babbled as Violet listened intently.

"Can we have a pool?" Violet asked.

Otto looked up at her and smiled sadly.

"I don't think we'll have time for that, but we can always make the bathtub really big!"

Violet smiled widely and hopped in place.

"Ooh! I want that!" She chirped.

Angela ran over and sat next to Otto.

"Can I have a radio?" She asked.

"I just wanna draw..." Kuzon muttered, not looking up.

Maurice looked back at them. Having a room to themselves would be nice but he wasn't sure what he wanted in his room. Otto laughed and got up.

"Well you guys write down what you want and I'll go and make the rooms." He said.

"How long will it take?" Antauri asked.

"Umm just making the rooms could take a few weeks? Furniture and stuff like that is up to you guys." Otto said.
Antauri nodded as the kids started to discuss what they wanted in their room.

Chiro kept looking through the camera footage, hoping to find some clue to who set them here. However it's as if one moment no one is there and the next thing there was either a baby or a toddler left behind. Chiro rubbed his head in frustration and sighed. What was going on? He then felt Jinmay place a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry Chiro, we'll find them." She said comfortingly.

Chiro smiled and nodded. Hopefully. She gave him a kiss before walking back over to Angela.

They will find answers soon.
When a few of the allies decided to visit, they were awfully surprised by the new monkeys with them.

"I thought you guys only had one baby monkey." Johnny sunspot said as Angela circled him.

Sprx sighed.

"We did, I guess whoever dropped her off had more." He said.

"You got big gloves." Angela commented, about to touch them when Johnny put his hand up.

Suupa worriedly looked at Angela before looking back at Gibson. Gibson noticed his worried stare.

"They age fast. We aren't sure what's causing it but I'm working on a treatment to stop it." He explained before Violet giggled.

"You're busy." She teased, holding up her puzzle.

Gibson rolled his eyes.

"I suppose I am." He sighed.

Violet looked up at Suupa and patted the seat next to her.

"C'mon froggy guy, play with us! Please!" She begged with pleading eyes.

Suupa looked over to his leader, Kero, who nodded. He then sat down and worked on the puzzle with them.

Kero looked over to Antauri and Maurice.

"We tried to lookout for someone leaving babies at your robot but nothing." He said.

Maurice's posture drooped as Antauri narrowed his eyes. Has the person stopped their baby leaving? Or were they waiting to give them another?

"Did you see anyone suspicious?" He asked.

Kero shook his head. The city has been boringly quiet, the others have been getting a little antsy. Yet to him and a few of his fellow allies like Quint and Oliana were enjoying what relaxation time they had. Who knows when Skeleton King will start back up in fighting them.

"We can always keep a look out if you want." He offered.

Antauri shook his head.

"Oh no we can have one of us keep an eye out just in case." He said before Maurice was dragged off by Kuzon.

Kuzon dragged him over to Nikita as Angela was talking to her about dolls and cupcakes. Kero tilted his body.

"So is she okay with looking after them if something happens?" He asked for clarification.

Antauri nodded.

"She says she doesn't mind, though if there will be any more children coming along she says it'll be a lot of work." He said before smiling.

Kero sighed but also smiled.

"Yeah no kidding, if I had to take care of that many kids I'd be exhausted too." Kero chortled.

Antauri chuckled and nodded. The black frog, Centaur, overheard their conversation and walked over.

"Do you have any idea who is sending these infants?" He asked.

Antauri looked down and burrowed his eyebrows.

"We are not sure, yet I sense it is someone familiar. The name of who it could be escapes me." He told him, eyes clouded with frustration and suspicion.

Centaur and Kero looked at each other, wondering who it could be. The two heard loud whining as Nova dragged Otto from the tube. Otto looked exhausted as he had dark circles under his eyes and sweat beading his forehead.

"You need a break! You can't keep working yourself to death down there!" She barked.

"But I'm almost done with Violet's room!" Otto whined before being set into his bubble chair.

"Finish it later, I'll get you some water." Nova said before going into the kitchen.

Otto let out one more whine before sitting back. Kuzon ran over to him.

"You okay 'tto?" He asked, tilting his head.

Otto raised his thumb up before dropping it, staring at the ceiling.

"Just tired bud." He replied.

"Nap time for 'tto?" Kuzon questioned.

Otto quickly got back up.

"I'm almost done with Violet's room! I can't take a nap yet!" Otto wheezed before getting a head rush.

"Take nap!" Kuzon huffed.

Kero looked at Centaur and whispered something to him. Centaur went over to Otto.

"If you want, I can ask Patton to assist you." He offered.

Otto raised his head and thought about it. He was awfully tired from just building the base alone, having some help would be nice.

"Okay." Otto whispered before Nova came back to give him some water.

"Your dress is pretty." Angela cooed, patting Nikita's dress.

Nikita smiled warmly as she patted her head.

"Aww what sweet children." She said, looking at Jinmay.

Jinmay giggled.

"Well we always tell them to be nice to others and that a compliment goes a long way." She said.

Maurice tapped the cat woman's arm and leaned to Nikita.

"I don't know what 'a long way' means." He whispered.

"Sounds nice though!" Angela piped up before grabbing one of her dolls and sat next to Nikita.

Nikita blinked but shrugged it off. Seems the Hyperforce was doing better than they thought.
After a few weeks the underground base was almost done, they just had to clean up a few more things. They also had a especially chaotic time finding/building the furniture the kids wanted. It was costly, but they knew that it was worth it. Otto also built an extra room or two just in case any more babies would pop up.

Antauri early one morning was about to go on a walk. He doesn't usually get to do such things anymore and thought it would be a nice change of pace. He opened the door to the foot of the robot, took one step out and was greeted by another bundle with a baby monkey. The light green furred baby seemed to be asleep as they yawned and snuggled into the blankets. Antauri stepped back and flinched. He then closely looked at the infant, who looked to be about a year old given their size. quickly looked around, hoping to see whoever dropped this little one off. As usual he saw no one. He picked up the bundle and took him inside.

When picking up the baby however, it seemed to wake the monkey up as they opened their purple eyes. When they saw Antauri carrying him, they shrieked and tried to scratch him. Antauri flinched back and held the baby out as they furiously tried to scratch him.

"Hey settle down you're alright!" Antauri assured the angry child.

The baby growled before looking around, confused. Antauri held them close and stroked his head.

"You're alright, you're safe here." He said softly.

The baby frowned before their growls silenced. Antauri sighed as he took them up to the command center. So much for his walk.
"Roland?! The kid's name is Roland?!" Sprx laughed, falling to the floor.

Roland growled before hissing at Sprx, not pleased that he found his name hilarious.

"Sprx don't laugh at him, you'll only make him angry." Antauri scolded, trying to soothe the child.

Sprx giggled.

"S-sorry it's just the poor kid is gonna have to deal with so much for having the name Roland." He breathed, having the giggles.

Roland growled and clung to Antauri.

Angela giggled.

"He cute." Angela said.

Roland curiously stared at Angela before trying to grab at her. Maurice tilted his head at his behavior before he took his hand.

"Nice to meet you." He said softly.

Roland gave him a really weird look, causing Violet to snicker. Gibson took Roland from Antauri and set him in a playpen. He scanned the baby as Roland frowned and tried to grab for the scanner.

"He had the same fast aging issue as the others, which means I'll have to up the amount of treatment." Gibson said as Violet bounded over to him.

"Can I help?" She asked.

Gibson smiled and patted her head.

"Maybe another day, you and Sprx have quite the day together." He said.

Violet's eyes lit up.

"Oh yeah!" She said before running over to Sprx.

Nova watched her go before looking at Otto.

"You think we got enough supplies for this little guy?" She asked.

Otto nodded and grinned.

"Of course we do, we just give him one of the kids old cribs. We got plenty of diapers, toys, and baby food to last them for at least a few weeks!" He said confidently.

Nova smiled and looked at Roland.

"Well that's good. That also means we can get you ready for potty training soon, right tiny?"

Roland stared at her before nodding. Roland then noticed a fuzzy toy and grabbed it. Chiro sighed, if they get anymore kids they may just drop from exhaustion. His attention was then pulled back when Roland threw the fuzzy toy at him. Roland babbled and raised his arms.

And from the looks of it, it seems this one will be very difficult to deal with.

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