Chapter 22

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Ok I'll admit, some of this will be edited for the polished version because I feel a bit iffy on some parts...but here it is. The huge showdown! Please enjoy! Oh also uh trigger warning as there is sorta a suicide attempt??? Maybe??? I'll put a little star on when it happens and when it ends. 


Roland grumbled as he looked around.

"Ugh where is she?! This city is way too huge." He huffed.

Roland then heard some screaming as he saw many citizens running from the robots.

He then saw one of the robot's' hands turn into much larger hands as they pounded the ground.

Roland saw one of the citizens, a small girl, trip and fall. The shockwaves were quickly coming towards her.

"Woah!" Roland yelled before darting towards her and pushing her from the impact.

The girl looked at him curiously and giggled before petting his head. Roland grumbled, toddlers. Roland quickly looked around before seeing one of the openings to the barricade past the alley. He took the girl by the hand and the two went towards the opening. Roland pointed towards the opening.

"Just...go there." He panted before looking for Angela again.

He heard loud rumbling as one of the bulky robots had turned himself into a ball and was rolling towards the girl, who was now pulling a piece of candy from her pocket.

"Ah shi-crap!"

Roland pulled her away from the robot and saw a bunch of robots coming their way. He looked for another opening which was near Triko's cove. The two quickly ran towards the opening and Roland pointed towards it. The girl tilted her head.

"Now go!" He huffed before beginning to run off.

"Can I find Angela now please?!" He begged to no one in particular.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw a robot on top of the building, turning his hands into a rocket launcher and launching a missile towards the building above the opening. The girl was walking towards the opening but wasn't quick enough.

"Son of a- freaking-!" Roland yelled before pulling her out of the way and shielding her from the blast.

The rubble covered the opening, making Roland groan in frustration.

"Okay! There's another opening near a old bar. If we cut through the next two alleys up here we can-!" Roland and the girl didn't see the slippery substance that one of the robots spilled during their destruction.

Roland slipped and fell onto his stomach. He groaned in pain before seeing a robot holding the girl up in one claw.

"Where is the subject?!" He demanded.

The girl just shrugged. Roland screamed in utter anger and frustration.

Meanwhile Artemis and Oscar were taking citizens and putting them on top of places where the robots won't get to them. They were flying and searching for other citizens when they saw Cosmo looking around.

They dropped next to him as Artemis hopped down.

"Cosmo, did you find Roland yet?" She asked.

Cosmo sadly shook his head. Oscar looked around.

"This isn't good, where did he go?" Oscar grumbled.

"He could be anywhere by now. Ugh this is hopeless!" Artemis huffed.

"I know! There's so many robots! What can we do?" Cosmo typed.

Suddenly they heard Roland's frustrated screaming. They quickly ran through an alley to find Roland on one of the robot's arm as he held onto a little girl.

"Get! Your! Damn! Claws! Off! Her! You! Stupid! Crappy! Bucket of bolts!" Roland screamed before activating his sword and in sheer blind rage stabbing the robot in the back.

This caused the robot to shut off given that it was his power supply and keeled over. The girl hopped off before he fell.

The three monkeys gasped as Roland put his hands over his mouth, realizing what he just did.

"I-I didn't mean it! It-it was an accident!" He said to the three.

As Roland tried to explain himself, Artemis looked from him, to the robot, to the little girl who was now sitting on the robot. Artemis slowly smiled.

"He-he wouldn't let go and the kid! The stupid kid! And the robots and they ugh! Aw man!" Roland whined.

"Roland! That was awesome!" Artemis exclaimed.

Roland froze and frowned.

"That was?" He asked.

"It was?" Cosmo typed.

"Yeah! Where did you learn to use those?" Artemis asked as the three went up to him.

"You saw me use them before, dummy!" Roland huffed before realizing.

"Wait does this mean you're on our side now?" He asked.

Artemis nodded as Cosmo typed.

"The others talked to her and she agreed to help."

Roland looked up at the drone suspiciously.

"Hey don't look at me like that. I just helped them take out the drones." He huffed.

"Yeah but who're you?" Roland asked.

"Oscar, another one of your siblings." Artemis quickly explained.

Roland put a hand on his forehead.

"Holy crap how many brothers and sisters do I have?!" He wheezed before shaking his head.

Not now, maybe later. Artemis looked towards the opening to the barricade, which was about to be taken over by the robots. She eyed Roland.

"Are you ready to take them down?"

Roland stepped back a step.

"Wait you're gonna let me fight them?" He asked.

Artemis nodded.

"Sure, you got what it takes. Besides we'll be right by you in case anything happens." She said.

Roland looked toward the onslaught of robots.

"Don't be scared of them, they're evil now but they weren't always like that. They can also be put back together too." 84 said.

Roland jumped at his voice but paused.

"Hang on, I'll take care of these guys for you. Here's your first lesson in combat!" Artemis said before flying towards the robot's, hands turned into hammers.

She then raised both of them and slammed them into the ground, sending the robots into the air and falling.

"Hell yeah!" Oscar cheered.

"That was awesome!" Roland yelled before the four saw the other robots trying to get into the other alley that Roland saved the girl from.

Cosmo shook at the sight, unsure why he was so scared. Artemis put a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry Cosmo it'll be fine. Just remember we're protecting innocent people from these things." She said softly.

Cosmo slowly nodded.

"Come on guys, let's put an end to this robot invasion." Artemis said cooly before the four darted towards the robots.

One of the robots was about to blast the door open when Roland sliced down his legs. He quickly shielded himself from the blasts the robots were firing before Oscar crushed them. Artemis hopped over one of the robot's heads and slammed down the one who used his missile launcher on the building. Cosmo clawed through many robots in a flash before they fell. He then felt a sharp pain in his back as a bulky robot blasted him in the back. He was about ready to fire again before Oscar tied up his gun, causing it to swell and explode.

Roland was held up by one of the robots and was trying to slice his arm off before Cosmo thrusted his claw through his chest. Artemis caught Roland as he fell before the four kept fighting until they all punched the final robot into the air and he landed next to one of the others.

Roland sighed.

"We did it." He sighed before pausing.

"We did it!" He excitedly shouted before jumping on Cosmo, hugging him.

"Well that's just the robots around here, there's more near the residential district." Oscar pointed out.

Artemis looked towards the residential district.

"Well then why don't we help the others?" She questioned before the four got onto the drone as it flew towards the residential district.

On A Doorstep (unedited version)Where stories live. Discover now