Chapter 5

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  Heyo! Welcome to another chapter, this time more bonding experiences! Yay! Please enjoy!


It has been a month since Mandarin has stayed in the robot and began the healing process. It was a slow and very hard process, but there was some progress. Mandarin can stay in the same room as his children now, just got scared whenever they went over to him.

As for the team they began to look for the labs, letting Mandarin rest for the time being. He kept saying he could tell them where it is, but that just brought back terrible memories.
He felt so useless being like this, he wanted to help so he could save the other children but for the time being he needed to have as less stress on him as possible.

Especially for the twins.

Angela and Maurice where the only ones so far still unable to go over to Mandarin. Penny kept happily going over to him and trying to make him feel better, Roland kept close to him in case he did anything 'funny' while also talking with him, Violet kept close by him, and Kuzon kept trying to draw him. Maurice was indeed curious about Mandarin, but kept his distance just in case while Angela was still kind of nervous around him. She just wasn't sure if he was good now or not. She's no master of the power primate, but Antauri kept saying that he sensed good in him. So it was kind of hard to believe, at least to her.

Angela frowned a bit as Penny came up from delivering Mandarin his food, which was now his fourths.

"Maaan he must be feeling better! That's the fourth plate!" Penny chirped.

"He's just really hungry Penny." Jinmay said.

"Yeah being that buff I bet he has to eat a lot." Roland chirped, eyes on his game.

"Still! It's crazy!" Penny chirped as she sat down next to him.

"Should he be eating that much? I mean he has been getting pretty big..." Maurice said before regretting his word choices.

The team froze up, shit! How were they supposed to respond to that? Yes Mandarin has been showing more recently, but the kids had no idea he was pregnant. That would just open a can of worms.

"Hey c'mon now, we shouldn't judge. I mean food is pretty fantastic." Violet chirped as Penny nodded.

"C-can we just change the subject?" Sprx asked.

The kids looked at him.

"Why? It's not making me uncomfortable." Kuzon said.

"I-I know but let's just let it go for now."

"Sprx." Nova began.

Angela looked over at them, now suspicious. Why was Sprx so nervous? Hmmm....

Angela hopped up from her seat and decided to walk off her suspicion. She went down the tubes and began strolling. She usually would go outside with one of the members but she didn't feel like doing that today.
She looked over at the Orange tube and stared at it for a second. How long is he going to be down there for? Angela looked around before going over to it, her suspicion taking over. Most of the other kids seemed to like him okay, but she wanted to see why herself.
Mandarin finished his plate as Otto sat on his shoulder.

"You want anymore?" Otto asked.

"Maybe later." Mandarin said as he handed him the plate.

As Otto took it, the two heard the Orange tube swish and yelling as Angela fell onto the chair. Mandarin yelped as Angela was tied to the chair by the seat belts.

"Uh are you okay Angie?" Otto asked.

"Those tubes are too fast!" Angela wheezed as she unhooked the seat belts.

She sat up and turned to the two, making Mandarin gulp slightly.

"So what'cha doing Otto?" She asked.

"Sitting here with Mandarin." Otto replied as he patted Mandarin's head.

Angela nodded a bit before glancing at Mandarin, suddenly feeling a bit awkward. His stomach was bigger, but she really didn't want to bring that up.

"Sounds fun. I bet he must be great for like...I dunno watching concerts or something." She said.

Otto snickered.

"Reminder he didn't always look like this, he used to look like us."

"Oh I know. Still sounds kinda fun." Angela said.

Mandarin gripped his hands a little bit, she didn't know any better. She had no idea what Skeleton King has done. Have they even heard of him?

Angela tapped the top of the seat.

"But still...I heard that some bad things happened to you that turned you into this...was it because of that Skeleton King guy?" She asked, causing Otto to flinch.

Oh this wasn't going to end well. Mandarin gulped as his throat became dry. He couldn't help but shake lightly as he remembered each visit Skeleton King used to do in those labs. Angela sensed this.

"Oh I'm sorry! I didn't mean to bring up any bad memories...I was just curious." She said, feeling guilty.

"It's okay Angela, maybe you should go back up with the others." Otto suggested.

Mandarin shook his head as Angela began to get up.

"N-no it's fine." He said softly.

Angela's birth was especially difficult. He was in labor for nearly seventeen hours and they nearly lost her twice. When she came out with only one leg, the robots contemplated on keeping her alive or throw her away with the others with more severe defects. However, Mandarin sent her to the Hyperforce before they could even think about it. They brushed it off as her dying soon after her birth but Mandarin knew otherwise.

So it was no surprise to him,as much as he was getting through this now, he felt a bit more comfortable around her. That and with the amount of healing he has been getting over the month. Angela blinked before sitting back down.

"I'm gonna take that reaction before as a yes." She muttered.

Mandarin briefly nodded as Otto kept close to him, making sure his emotional state was still in tact. Angela looked down, a bit furious.

"That's awful..."

Honey you don't know the half of it. She looked back at Otto.

"So why did he do that?" She asked.

Otto was about to say something when he heard Mandarin sigh, loudly.

"Because he said he would 'teach me' my destiny. What a bunch of tripe, it only made me his slave."He huffed.

Otto couldn't help but blink in surprise and smile. He was talking to her, and talking to her well! That is such amazing improvement! Angela nodded slightly.

"Sounds like it, but it's good that you're away from him now." She said, causing the two to look at her.

"I mean you said he was nice before. So it's good that he's back with us." Angela said.

It did everything in Mandarin's power to not start tearing up, combined with hormones and just overall being emotionally unstable. The team raised them right, much better than he ever could.

Angela rested her head on the seat.

"True, I did miss his grumpy face." Otto chirped, patting Mandarin's face.

Angela snickered before thinking to herself a bit.

"So uhh is there a radio to listen to? My show's gonna come on soon..."

Mandarin frowned a bit as Otto hopped down.

"Sure, just let me set it up." He said as he tapped a few buttons on the control panel.

Angela sat back in the chair, her anticipation growing stronger. Otto twisted a few buttons before tuning the radio to the right station.

" careful Zillion! There are more of these mystic aliens than we thought!"

"Alright! Attack of the mystic ladies of Emerald ten!" Angela cheered before laying back.

She looked back up at Mandarin and Otto.

"You can stay if you want." She suggested.

Otto smiled as he turned to Mandarin.

"Would you be okay with that? We can go back to your room if you want." He said.

Mandarin blinked before glancing at Angela, who waited for their response.

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt to...s-stay." He said nervously.

Otto smiled and nuzzled the top of his head as Angela turned.

"Great! This is a good episode too!" She said with excitement.

Mandarin nodded slightly as Otto hopped down to sit. Angela happily sat back as the three listened to the program.
"He's getting so much better being around the kids." Otto said proudly.

Gibson nodded, that was good.

"It's great he's improving in that area...we just need to work on his overall mental state. How is it?"

Otto bit his lip.

"His nightmares are getting better but he's still having trouble sleeping. Me being there helps a bit." He said.

Gibson nodded.

"And he still hasn't warmed up to the rest of us yet but to be fair I don't think...I mean I know Sprx is getting better with him...but they still fight."

That was true, last week Mandarin and Sprx were arguing over food choices and then he started crying.

Gibson sighed.

"Otto you have to understand, this is still hard for some of us to get used to. I'm not saying we don't trust Mandarin or anything it's just after everything...."

Otto gripped his knees.

"I know that. I still get reminded of what he did sometimes but we still need to be there for him." He reminded him.

"That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying it's still hard to warm up to him back." Gibson argued.

Otto bit his lip, getting irritated. He understands that but if Mandarin's gonna recover he's gonna need all of the love and care in the world. However, he understands that it would be hard for them...he just wants everyone to be a family again. The two were quiet before Gibson grabbed a clipboard .

"On the plus side, Erin is pretty healthy. He doesn't seem to have any other health problems other than his partial blindness."

Otto smiled.

"That's great! Where is the little squish ball?" He asked before the lab doors opened and loud crying was heard.

Gibson pointed to a tired Sprx holding a wailing Erin.

"Right there."

Otto hopped up and rushed over to Erin.

"Aww what's wrong Erin?" He asked, taking the grey monkey away from Sprx.

Erin continued crying,

"He won't stop! Not even lava lamps can calm him!" Sprx whined.

"Why does he keep crying so much?" Gibson asked.

"I don't know!"

Otto looked down at Erin before an idea popped into his head. He held up Erin.

"Don't cry buddy! You want to see mama?" He asked as Erin's cries settled a bit.

"Muh..." Erin sniffled.

Gibson and Sprx looked at each other. They didn't know about this.

"Otto are you sure?" Sprx asked.

Otto turned to him.

"If it's gonna get him to stop crying and Mandarin to bond with him then, yes!" Otto chirped.

Erin sniffled even more.

"Besides, someone misses his mommy...and I bet his mommy misses him too." Otto chirped, holding him on his hip.
Mandarin still didn't like his room that much, but at least he was getting used to the idea that this was his room and not the labs. Violet kept bringing in glow in the dark stars and planets for him, as well as the team putting other furniture in. He was laying down on his side, trying to take a nap. The radio show was nice to listen to and Angela kept gushing about it when it was over, but Mandarin's emotions were already at the end of their rope. However Angela was understanding and went off to find Penny.

Mandarin snuggled under the covers, glad that he was capable enough to stay in the same room as her and bond with her. Even if it was just a little bit.

The door opened as Mandarin knew it was Otto ready to snuggle with him. He was just about to fall asleep.

"Oh poop he's sleeping!" Otto huffed.

Otto tip toed over to him, right as Mandarin was on the edge of sleep.

"Can you crawl yet? No? Well you can sit on the bed for a bit anyway. I'll make sure you won't fall." He chirped before setting something down on the bed.

A sudden squeal woke him right up as he lurched up and backed up when he saw Erin babble loudly.

"Oh! Hi Mandy!" Otto chirped.

Erin babbled loudly as he tried to grab for Mandarin. Mandarin looked down at him before back at Otto.

"W-what are you-?"

"He was crying and wanted to see you. So here he is...if that's ok."

Mandarin stared at him before realizing that Erin was already clutching to him, grinning. He gently but shakily placed a finger against Erin's cheek, causing him to coo.

"You didn't have to..."

"I wanted to, I know how much you wanted to see him and bond with him...and since you were getting better..."

Maybe so, but there were kids he still would flip out if they came any closer, Erin and Angela seemed to be the exceptions for the time being. He still felt so terrified and the needing to throw up came back.

"I don't know if I am or not but...thank you." Mandarin muttered.

Otto smiled as he watched Erin grab his large finger and babble, smiling.

"You let me know when you feel as if you're really gonna be sick."

Mandarin nodded, not taking his eyes off Erin. Erin kept babbling before attempting to heave himself up but couldn't. Otto knelt next to the bed and watched the two.

"I think he wants you to hold him."

"Otto my hands are bigger than my head, I don't think that'll be possible."

Erin nuzzled his finger as Otto nodded.

"Yeah but I think you can still hold him in your hand if you want." Otto chirped.

Mandarin then felt even sicker.

"I-I don't thi-think I'm ready yet..."

Otto quickly nodded, his chest aching. Erin tilted his head at his mother's change in mood.

"D-don't worry then, when you're ready you're ready." Otto said, patting Mandarin's hand.

Mandarin nodded slightly, a lump growing in his throat. Erin noticed this and head butted his chest gently.

"You have been so upset that I wasn't around to take care of you...that I was about to leave you...I'm so sorry." Mandarin choked.

Oh no, Otto got up to pick Erin up but he stopped when he saw Mandarin holding him close.

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry I haven't been there for you." Mandarin sniffled.

Erin looked up at him, unable to understand what he means. However, he then rested against his chest, cooing softly.

Mandarin sniffled a bit more as he wiped one of his eyes with his free hand. Otto hopped onto the bed and scooted over to him, resting his head against his stomach.

"Don't worry Mandarin...I think he forgives you."

Mandarin glanced at Otto before looking at Erin, who continued to babble as he placed a hand in the chest armor, touching the cold metal.

"Besides he's not gonna remember this anyway, so don't worry about it."

"I still feel so guilty though..." Mandarin muttered.

Otto smiled and crawled past Erin and nuzzled under his neck.

"Don't worry, because of you these kids aren't going to be a part of an army for Skeleton King. When we find the others we'll make sure they'll have the same lives." He comforted.

Mandarin listened to him before resting his head on his.

"I hope we do...before Skeleton King gets to them."

Otto nodded as Erin cooed loudly, reaching his hands out to him. Otto picked him up and held him close.

"Now look at that, he's a happy baby." He chirped as Erin nuzzled him.

Mandarin nodded slightly. He is.
Maurice was finished with his lessons for the time being and decided to go get a snack.

He saw Angela going down to the Torso Tank earlier today and she said she was just listening to her radio show with Mandarin and Otto. He still didn't know too much about him, at least before he was evil but he knew enough about him when he was. Nearly taking over Shuggazoom, joining up with Skeleton King, and being replaced by a smaller clone was no doubt interesting but sort of disheartening. He guessed they took him back because he's good now but he wasn't acting as he thought he would. Why? Who knows, but he couldn't complain.

He took an apple out of the kitchen and began to eat it, on his way to the TV. He saw Otto leave Mandarin's room, Erin in his arms. Otto then looked at him and grinned.

"Hey Mo!" He chirped, causing Maurice to internally groan at the nickname.

"Hi..what are you doing with Erin?" He asked.

Otto held up Erin, who started drooling a bit.

"Showing him off to Mandarin."

Maurice nodded.

"Ohh how come?"

"Just cause. Mandy was sad so I had him cheer him up."

Maurice nodded, the guy did have an gloomy aura around him.

"He's sleeping right now so if you're gonna watch tv keep the volume down."

Maurice nodded.

"Sure thing." He said as Otto went into Erin's room to grab a baby seat for him.

Maurice sat down and watched a bit of TV for a bit. Otto sat near him and played with Erin, making the baby squeal a bit.

"You know," Otto turned to Maurice.

"maybe you should visit him sometime." He offered.

Maurice frowned a bit.

"What for? Because every time I go near him he backs away and looks scared." He pointed out.

"Well yeah but he's getting better."

Maurice looked at him curiously as Otto bit his lip.

"Besides he was a really big part of the team before he turned all evil and stuff. He was...he was like family."

Maurice nodded, understanding. Otto was silent for a moment before shaking his head and grinning like normal.

"So! Maybe sometime when we leave for our outing this week if you don't feel like going you can stay with Mandarin."

Maurice raised an eyebrow.

"Are you sure that's ok? Because he seems to be..."

Otto nodded.

"I know he ain't all there right now, but Gibson said he won't be able to go to the one this week so he'll still be able to watch you."

Maurice nodded, that sounded better.

"I dunno...I'll think about it." He said before watching tv again.

Otto smiled sadly before continuing to play with Erin.

"What do you think the people that dropped us off were like?" Maurice suddenly asked.

Where did that come from?! For that matter what was Otto supposed to say to that?!

"I...I don't know why?"

Maurice shrugged, not taking his eyes off the tv.

"I was curious...I mean they must have dropped us off here for a reason. Did...did they not have the resources to take care of us? Did they come from a strict monkey clan ?" He questioned.

"I just wanted to know...what they were like and why they left us here."

Otto bit his lip, he really didn't want to lie to him but they were still not ready to tell them the real reason why.

"I'm sure they loved you dearly, whatever reason they dropped you with us." He said.

He was relieved when he saw Maurice nod.

"I know they probably still hurts." He muttered.

Otto bit his lip.

"I know." 


Poor Maurice, my poor child. Anywho thanks for reading! 

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