•2•Wanna fight about it

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10:30 hit and I started getting ready. I had a shower for about ten minutes than jumped out and dried my self off. I than wrap my hair up in the towel to somewhat dry. I than go and get dressed into my room . Leaving my warm shower connected to my room. Anyways, I grabbed a pair of black rip jeans down my legs. I grabbed a white shirt that says" cute but psycho" it's true I am though.

I grabbed my make up bag and put it on my desk with my mirror I begin to put cover up on and mascara with my runway eye shadow.

After I finished I went to my bathroom and brushed and than blow dried my hair. I let my brown beach waves natural . I than clean my glasses and set them on my face.

I looked at that time and it's 10:57 still got a bit of time to grab my phone and wallet.

"I'm leaving soon Blake so hurry" I say as I pop my head by his room.

"Okay" I hear him call. I heard some rustling around than the door open as I walked down the stairs.

"I'm in the kitchen grabbing a water bottle to have to drink on the way there and back."

"Alright I'm coming! Got everything!?"

"Yes sir lets go!"

I grabbed everything and ran out the door to the truck. The truck is mine , but I can't have it because I don't have my g2 yet. My behaviour wasn't appropriate for them and told me they will call me another time, as you can tell they never did.

It's already 11:20 as we get to the mall. We go from store to store. While we went from store to store everyone Blake had to flirt with a girl saying he's taking his "younger sister" shopping. Bitch I'm the one that has money, not you. We went into Victoria secret and he was hard core flirting with this girl so I went up to him.

"There you are baby, so you think I should get this?" Looking up at her I smile.

"Who is this?" I say sweetly looking up at her. She looks from me to him than our hands that are connected. She looked back up at him and walked away bumping into my shoulder. I turned around just in time to have her turn around. I gave her the middle finger than skipped to the check out with Blake and I hands still connected.

*****At Grill & Bar*****

I walk into to see it's not real busy like normal . There's many faces I know here a few that I've never seen.

Than my eyes land on Ocean and her friend Willow. Like I don't get their names they are not even natural with there cakes make up faces. There not even beautiful like the ocean or fricken willow there uglier than dog crap even with glitter sprinkled on it , it still looks ugly and smells gross!

Than they see me. Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. Run bitch before they get you! That's pretty much what my mind just told me .

"Jordan! Over here, and bring your friend!" They wave us over and we walk over.

I simply asked in the most bitchest way what they wanted. I saw them giving Blake the eye. Both of them at the same time eyeing him up and down.

"Couldn't care less if you fucked him honestly he's not mine."

"Oh shit sorry did I say that out loud, sorry my bad, I'm leaving bye ."

"Excuse me bitch where do you think your going"

"Maybe to get away from you two ugly bitches, with your fake everything and high voice. Your hair is fake, your nails, your face, your boobs, your ass, your all fake just like Barbie her self. Fake like plastic!"

Ocean came at me and tried knocking me out. I grabbed her fist and pushed it back while I punched her out and gave her a bloody nose with the hand that was free.

Out of the corner of my eye I see willow come at me. I just grabbed a chair and knocked the wind right out of her. I spit on them and told them see ya later fuckers don't mess with me.

"How the fuck did you learn how to fight like that?" Blake asks me.

"Your mom"

"Haha very funny"

"Fine, I taught myself for protection, that's all I'm telling you. Let's get me a drink!"

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