12•Lets go•

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We worked for eight hours and it was slow. Thankfully Oscar got food. He knows me to well when I'm in a stressful situation.

After work we locked up and went back to see Blake and my brother. It hurt so much to see there face torn up.

Walking in the hospital we sign in and go and see my brother holden and Blake.

Opening Holden's door I see a peaceful boy. Gosh I wish he was awake so I could tell him I am sorry and I miss him.

"Holden, I'm sorry. I have had a pass with Ocean and she's not the best. I wish you knew. I'm sorry for everything. If you love her I understand it's just your my step brother but more of my brother. I love you. I can't lose you. I just I don't want you getting hurt like the last time. Shutting me and everyone else out around you. Starving yourself. I just I can't see you go through it again. I need you holden please wake up." By now I was full on crying. I just want him up.

I sat there just holding his hand what felt for hours till someone opened he door and came in. Ocean.

"Get out!" She's yells in my face.

"I've known him longer he's my brother so you can't say shit!" As I get up in her face by now Holden's heart rate had quicken.

Nurses came rushing in to stable him. I look at her with a glare. I wish looks could kill sometimes.


After the drama with Ocean was over I hugged Oscar tightly. I hope my brother will make it. Letting go of our hug we held hands and walked to Blake's room. We sit on each side on his bed.

"Blake I know I haven't been there the most but I'm glad I found you so I can be now. That night when I lost her I shut everyone out. I loved her so much. I grew up with her we were best friends. I was an asshole I'll admit it. I shouldn't of pushed you away and than move so no one would contact me. Changing my number as well. I shouldn't of done that, but I'm here now Blake and I promise I will be no matter what. Through think and thin brother from another mother." I look at him and smile while giving his hand a squeeze. Looking at Blake he hadn't moved. He was in a coma just like my brother. Blake was in worst state than my brother. I pray for him to be ok. What I'd notice was he wasn't hooked up to the breathing tubes anymore. He's not so bloody either. Looks like he's doing well. Now he's gotta wake up from the coma.

"Blake if you can here me I need to tell you something. Through the years we have lived together you have been a real Asshole with the shit you do, but your family. We all love you and right now holden needs you. I need you and so does Oscar. Please wake up. Blake we love you."

"You do?" Oscar and I both scream as we see a wide awake Blake.


"Ok, ok, ok sorry I was sleeping and than I woke up because I heard you guys and than I was fake sleeping." I glared at him.

"Did my sister not tell you I woke up like an hour ago. Turns out I wasn't in a coma I was just knocked out. How's holden? My sister hasn't been able to see him. "

"He's in a coma still getting hooked up to breathing tubes and that shit. Doctors had to be rushed in because his heart rate was getting fast because Ocean told me to get out. I didn't even sit there that long. Maybe 10 minutes. She's such a bitch."

"Can you get the police jor? They wanted me to when I woke up but I was to weak. They should be outside in there car."

"Sure." I walk out the door retrieving the police for Blake. He tells them what happen that night. Surprisingly they let us stay along with Blake's sister. He tells the cop that holden and Blake were bother very drunk. Ocean had offered to take them home and because they were drunk they never really though she would be too. She wasn't what so ever. Is what Blake had said.

"She drove and drove and I asked where we were going but she continued to drive. Than we jumped out and the car hit a tree almost going down hill into other trees. Thank god the car was holding up. That's the last thing I remember was rolling down a hill than getting stuck in it on the side. I almost remember......Ocean....she grabbed me and took me out of the car. Than she....she hit me with something and I got knocked out ....that's all I remember."

"Thank you sir."

They write the rest down and walk out of the room. They see Ocean in the waiting room talking to her friends. Ocean you are under a rest anything you say will-." That's all I heard as they walked down the hall way.

That's probably why Holden's heart rate quickly jumped because he knew she did it.

Next thing I know doctors are rushing to my brothers room. I ran to see what was going on but the door closed before I got there. I saw a doctor and asked what's wrong. He told me my brother had a seizure probably from all the stuff he heard or stress he tells me. I asked if he will be alright. The doctor nodded. Thank god.

Oscar wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. We both cried. It was a long stressful day. Let's get food I suggested.

Walking down we enter the cafe in the hospital. We both ordered a chicken ranch wrap and orange juice. We never said anything else while we were there.

"Can we go home?" I asked.

"Yes we can, let's go beautiful."

Hi guys sorry about the looonnnnggg wait. I got busy or just wasn't in the mood. I hope you enjoyed this chapter:)

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