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I woke up from the little bit of light shinning in my room from my small window on the side of my room. Today is the day. The day Oscar and I talk.

I sit up and notice it's 7:05am which gives me some time till 7:30 to see him.

I kinda want Blake there beside me but at the same time I know I should do this alone.

Getting up I get ready and walk into Blake's room once I'm done.

"Heyy can you drive me to timmies , Oscar wants to talk.?"

"Sure princess. You know I don't like him after what he did to you."

"I know Blake. Thanks."

"For what?" I ask as he gives me a confused look.

"For caring about me." I say as I hug his shirtless body. I look up at him and smile.

"Let's go." Blake says looking down at me.

He walks over and grabs one of his shirt and his car keys. We make our way out the door as I realized I forgot my phone. I told Blake I'd be right back.

As I grabbed my phone I see Oscars name on my screen. I push answer and pick up my phone to hear breathing.

"Heyy Oscar I'm just leaving now." All I could hear was people in the back ground and breathing.

"Okay." And that was it. He hung up. I was confused at how he was acting but I didn't think much of it.

When we get there I told Blake this probably wouldn't take long and for him to stay out in the truck till I'm done talking with Oscar.

Walking in I notice Oscar right away looking out the window. I walk over and sit in front of him.

"Hi." I say while tucking a piece of my hair behind me.


"So what did you want to talk about?" He finally now looks at me. His eyes are red with grey circles under his eyes.

"Ocean was that girl I told you about. She didn't die she just cheated on me. People told me and I never believed it till I walked in on her in our bed. We were engaged for a year. I bailed her out of jail. Because she was telling me how much she still loved me and wanted me back. I was her one phone call out of all the people. So I bailed her out. We came home and started drinking. I got drunk. Things lead to the next and we slept together. I told myself I wouldn't . Yes I do still have feeling for her and I always will, but I also really like you. That morning when I saw you were gone I realized I messed up so bad. I haven't talked to ocean since that night. I haven't slept since you left. I guess it's because I want you safe in my arms as we fall asleep. I know I caught feeling for you fast but there something about you that's not in any other girl. Jordan Ann Alyssa Rogers I love you."

I sat there jaw dropped looking at Oscar. Holy shit. Was all I could think. The only thing that could come out my mouth was something so true and hurtful.

" I can't trust you after that." No sorry after that. I guess after what he did it would take some time to forgive.

"I'll never forget what you did to me. It broke me. I'm sorry Oscar. All I want out of this, out of us is friends. I don't want anything more." I look away as I see a tear fall from oscars face.

He gets up taking his coffee and storms out of timmies.

"I'm sorry..." I say in a whisper so only I can hear it and no one else.

I finally get up and walk out head down to the truck. I get in the buckle up.

"Are you okay princess?"

"No, just take us home." Holden won't be home till next week. I wish he was home so I could cry in his arms. Holden why do you have to be at a place away from me for your accident. I miss my brother.

We get up and as soon as Blake closes the ik in his arms. Crying as we kiss. I need to forget everything for just a day. Be free and less depressed. Blake kisses me back and leads us to his room.

He closes the door and puts me on his bed kissing my lips and my neck . Out shirts are being thrown off our sweaty bodies. Things lead to the next and now I'm naked laying beside Blake cuddling him.

"Do you feel better?" As he looks at me.

"Much. Thank you." I can't believe Blake and I just had sex. Something I thought would never happen.


"Yes baby girl?"

"What are we?"

"I'll let you know later tonight on our date I have planned. Deal?" I blush at the sound of date. Thank god its dark so he can't see me.

***Blakes POV***

I'm laying here in my bed with Jordan beside me. Naked. My mind is spinning. My heart is pounding. I really like this girl, but I don't know how to tell her. I just fucken showed her how much she means to me. She's different not like the other girls I bring home. My favourite thing when I do is how she acts to be my girlfriend for them to leave. I'm glad she does but I hate having someone cuddling me naked but with Jordan it's different I love her body close to me holding me. I love her.

As Jordan asks what we are I wanna say you're my girlfriend and I'm your boyfriend but at the same time I wanna take my time unlike anyone else. I wanna go on many dates I don't want sex with her all the time sure it's nice but I wanna cherish the time spent with such an amazing girl.

Since my eyes saw her I thought she was just a girl i'd be living with because she's Holden's little sister. If you told me I'd be laying in bed naked with Jordan I'd say I'd never do that and it's gross and that's she's gross. Now I don't need to look at looks like I did . Her personality is beautiful , her voice is smooth and sweet, I just I'm falling for a girl I thought I'd never fall for ever!

I want to tell Jordan right now in my arms that I love her, but I can't. I wanna take me time and make her and us worth the wait.

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