20• Here We Go•

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Jackson began getting playful so Blake and I both went outside to play with the little guy. We begin laughing as we watch Jackson jump around and act like he's all tough. Holden found us outside and sat with us drinking a beer.

"What are you guys up to?"

"Just playing around with Jackson. How's the party?"

"It's good a lot of people I don't know just tagged along so it's packed."

"Can Blake and I tell u something?"

"Yes for sure."

"We wanted to wait till we asked you with all the rules and all, but would u be fine...."

"If you and Blake got together?" Holden asked cutting me off.

"Yeah..." we both sat at the same time.

"Hell I don't care, I just said that because Blake was an asshole before and I just didn't want you to fall and get fucked over but he's changed so yes. I'm fine with it. As long....."

"As long as what?" Blake asked with a questioning look.

"You don't get her pregnant till she's ready."

"Wtf wasn't even planing on that for a very long time and who knows if we will be together!" I yelled and laugh after I finished my sentence.

Blake and I brought Jackson's bed outside so he can sleep. We started a fire and sat around drinking. I look at my phone to see it's 1:30 am. Looking around I notice it's not as packed.

While looking around I notice someone, someone I knew shouldn't be here. Tapping Blake Shoulder while still staring at the guy. Blake looks over and gets up. I walk with him and Jackson as well begins to follow right behind.

Jackson runs to Oscar and jumps around his legs. I rise my voice and tell Jackson to come.

"Why are you here." Blake asks while clenching his fist and jaw.

"To say happy birthday to Holden and to see if Jordan got my gift."

"Obviously I got your gift now leave." I say with anger. He has no right to show up here.

"Do you forgive me Jordan?" While looking straight into my eyes.

"No and I never will now leave Oscar before something dramatic happens."

"You're not telling me I'm drama now are you?"

"Yes I am so LEAVE!" with that he put his hands up as a sign of giving up and leaves. As he turns around he stops.

"Just be careful of who you trust Jordan." Finally he leaves me there questioning of who he mean't by being careful about who I trust. The only one I should be careful around is him, I and no on else can trust him at all. He's evil, a jerk, lair, deadbeat.


Once everyone had left or fell asleep on the lawn we went to bed and decided to clean up in the morning. I went up to my room with Jackson lazily following behind me. Getting to my room I see Blake passed out in my bed, I giggle a bit. Jackson jumps up on the bed and cuddles up to Blake as I go to change and put my hair up for bed.

I jump into bed with Blake snoring and Jackson having a dream about god knows what. I turn off the light and plug my phone into the wall. I play soft music to fall asleep to.

"Goodnight Blake, I love you."

*********Next day********

I woke up from the sun shinning through the curtains. Asshole opened them to wake me up. Finally getting up I check my phone but find a note placed on top of my phone.

'Pack your bags for a 4 day trip, somewhere warm. Also bring a bathing suit and something sexy ;)'

That boy I tell yah. I grab my bag and pack the things listed below for what I need. Than grab some for today to wear. I grab some blue skinny jeans and a black shirt that has 'Princess' in white around the chest that Blake had got me and was left on the dresser. I grab my green flannel long sleeve as well. Jumping it the shower there's another note.

'When your done meet me in the kitchen and we can go get food, Holden got a new job and is working today and later tonight he has a date with a girl he met at the party. PS.....Hurry!?'

I really want to know where we are going. Considering I'll be needing my passport.

After getting out of the shower I brush my teeth, and put on my makeup and pack it in my bag. After I was done I packed things for Jackson's since he said he would be included so my brother can work and be with his new girl while we are gone and not worry about him.

Heading down the long hallway to the stairs that would creeped while stepping on the first two. Finally making it to the kitchen where both Jackson and Blake were located.

"Took you long enough!" He says with a high pitch voice with a smirk at the end.

"Shut up I enjoy my sleep and I had a hang over what do you expect from me." With a little giggle I look at him to him staring right into my eyes like I was the only thing left on this planet.

"Come on let's go, we don't want to be late now do we?"

"Hell no let's go! Come on Jackson let's go boy."

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