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I fell asleep at 8:00 because of all the shit going on. I had one of those nightmares where you watch someone died, but the person I watched die was my mom . I woke up with sweat down my face and tears running down my eyes. The dream happen so fast. In my dream I woke up from sleeping hearing noises, than getting up and walking to the door where the noises were coming from. "Stop!" I hear. I open the door slightly to see my mother and a man fighting and his back to me and he had something in his hand. I continue to watch even though I wasn't sure what was happening . The shining thing in the mans hand was now threw my mother, and than she saw me just as the thing pierced her and a tear ran down her face while she screamed. Waking up and still remembering my dream is unreal as if it was a hidden memory. I open the window letting the cool crisp air come in.

Hearing foot steps I turn around to see Blake with his hair in every direction.

"You okay?"

"Fine, go back to bed." He left with no hesitation.

I slowly walk to my bed and than Blake comes back in.

"I'm gonna sleep with you either on the floor next to you or in your lazy boy chair."

"Or maybe you could sleep on the pull out bed on the other side..." I let out a soft chuckle as I look away and hop in bed. He walks over and than looks at me.


Blake slightly chuckles and turns his head and looks away." Nothing, goodnight jor. Don't let the bed bug bite." I laughed at his behaviour as I watched him pull out the bed and set it up to his own comfort.

"Goodnight Blakey poo" turning off the little lamp that Blake must of turned on .

Yum. Bacon. My stomach grumbles telling me breakfast is done and that it needs food. Opening my eyes I see a messy pull out bed, I sign and get up . Ouch. I shouldn't move to fast. I walk to my closet and pick out leggings and a big sweater, along with some panties. I walk to the wash room seeing ugly bags under my eyes. Ugh. Taking off my pj shirt I see my stitches . Ew, and ouch it's sore touching it slightly. I strip down to nothing and run the shower to a warm temperature so I don't burn my self . Taking a quick shower I get out carefully and dry off to put my clothes on. Grabbing a hair tie I put my hair in a high ponytail. Walking to the kitchen I see Blake had a friend . By friend I mean an actually guy and not a "friend" like one of his many, many toys.

"Ugh a human" I say walking to the bacon and taking most of it along with toast and sunny side up eggs. I plop down across from this person still not seeing Blake .

"And nice to meet you too. I'm Oscar. Let me guess the one and only Jordan ."

"Yup you got that right " opening my mouth full of food as I talk. He just smiles. Is he ok? Or like do I need to act a bit less appealing?I mean he was hot , I could just let the guy leave if I wanted to it's not gonna hurt me.

"So why are you at my home while I suffer, I'm sure Blake told you."

"Blake and I have been friends since babies pretty much , he's kinda like a brother you know, and I'm here because he invited me over to hang since I've been busy with work."

"Nice, I've never had a friend like that besides Holden but he's also my step brother so I guess that doesn't count." I say with a nervous laugh. Why am I acting like this? It's not normal.

"Anyway what do you do for work?"

"I work at a music store a little ways in town there. They need new people though, it's just 3 of us working on and off everyday for 6 hours."

" I'll make sure to put a resumé in sometime." He smiles at me and I can't help but smile back. Finishing my plate I put it in the sink and sit back down.

"So where is Blake?"

"On the phone. He slept with this girl and all of her friends and I guess they told all their girlfriends and started calling and bitching and haha yeah."

"That sounds about right." He nods and laughs.

Moments later Blake comes in and than sees me. He looks between Oscar and I. Is he ok?

Walking towards us he told me the food wasn't all for me mainly the bacon wasn't. I shrug him off.

"Blakey can u put this cream on my wound. Pretty please with a blow job on the side." I said with a wink.

"I could use one but I know you won't but because I'm nice I'll do it."I just grin at him like a 2 year old. Oscar laughs so damn hard once Blake left to fetch my cream.

"It's funny how he does anything for a girl"

"Right!?" We laughed together till Blake came in and asked what we were laughing at I tell him nothing and smile at Oscar.

"So what are yah guys gonna do today?" They smirk and look from each other to me.

"You" they say in unison. What? Ohhhhh, I get it now.

"Are you sure you guys aren't brothers?"

Oscar steps up and talks. "I got brown eyes he has green, I have brown hair he has light brown hair, he's pretty much more of a player than me. Not to be rude. Also, we came out of different woman's vag-"

"Okay, okay , okay I get it."

"Well then, lets go shopping!"

"For....what?" They don't even say anything they just say get ready and we're leaving in 20. Holy that's not really enough time to get ready .

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