Converting materials into dreams is something that takes practice. Along with twirling around to get slightly dizzy, you need to get the right proportions of a few other common materials — potato protein, wheat protein, musical protein, Jell-O protein or tickle protein, just to name a few. Cows are really inefficient at converting plant material into dreams about fluffy bunnies. They waste way too much fluffiness, and it ends up on the floor. We're lucky enough that Risenmay is "in the middle of a processing week," since Risenmay is one of those rare cows who can convert almost anything into any kind of dream. Nancy and Sluggo go to Risenmay Cow when they think people need to have dreams that they are tiptoeing across Antarctica.
Tales of Tiptoe and More - Volume II
HumorThe second volume of an on going series of episodes, often involving Nancy and Sluggo's tiptoe experiences.