Chapter 2: I'm Leaving

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~Lucy's P.O.V.~

I woke up and started doing the last meal that I'm gonna make Sting. When I finished his Breakfast I went on to make his Lunch. Then Sting came down stairs to eat breakfast.

"Sting I need some money to buy some groceries." I told him. The actual reason I need the money is to find a place to stay at.

When he finished eating breakfast he gave me the money I needed for "Groceries."

Then he grabbed his lunch and left for work. So I started making his dinner for when he returns from work for he could have something eat and to have one last thing to remember me by.

I finished making this dinner and went to check on Josh. I feed him, changed him and packed all his belongings. Then I went to my room to pack all of mine. When I finished packing everything I need I put all the luggage in the car and went back in the house for my purse.

I locked the house and put the Josh in the baby seat. When I doubled checked that Josh was safely secured I got into the car and left that good for nothing prison.

After driving for more than 30 minutes I finally found a place to stay. I went into the parking lot and found a parking spot. I got out of the car and opened the back seat door to get Josh. I locked the car and headed inside the apartment complex.

I go inside the complex and go up to the front desk.

"Hello, Miss. How can I help you?" I asked the lady at the desk.

"Well I'm looking for a place to rent and saw the sign outside. So I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask how much the rent is for my and kid and me." I answered her back as politely as I could be.

So what kind of apartment are you looking for . Oh by the way my name is MiraJane Strauss, but people call me Mira." said Mira.

"Hi my name is Lucy Heartfilia and my kid here is Josh. It;s a pleasure to meet you Mira." We shook hands.

"Well I'm also looking for a job cause I just left my boyfriend. So I finally decide to stand up for myself and take care of myself for once." I took a deep breath " I would like a two bedroom apartment and in my price range of $110 per month." I said.

So she looked through her computer to check and than a minute later she lifted her head up and smiled.

"Well we have a two bedroom apartment and it's $120. I'll let you stay here and pay me 10 dollar less this month because you don't have a job yet. Oh by the way we have a day care where yu could leave you kid for when you have to work." said Mira.

I'm grateful that I found this place and I lied that I only had 110 dollars. I do have a little more, but that is for groceries and gas for it could last until I get a job.

"Thank you for your kindness so what room am I in." I asked

"You are in the West wing 2nd floor and room 284. There is a kitchen, a living room, a restroom , a washer and dryer. So you don't have to leave the apartment complex to wash your clothes." said Mira and handed me the key.

"Thank you. By the way is there by any chance a place around here where I could go and lose weight. I'm trying to be healthier because of my baby." I told Mira.

"Yeah we actually have a gym and pool here. You could use them anytime you want. The gym is opened from 9a.m.-11p.m. I also know a really effective tea you could use, but only use it two times a week. I should warn you it will make you go to the restroom more often than usual. Also you could drink water after you wake up, before you eat breakfast, lunch, dinner and an hour before you go to sleep for a month." Mira told me.

"Thanks I'm just going to take my luggage to my room. I have a lot of things I need to take up to m room." I said.

"No worries I can help you with that. I'll just have my brother take your luggage up to your room." she said.

"No that isn't necessary." I said.

"Yes it is I insist. Anyways how do you expect to take so much luggage to your room when you have a kid with you." she said. Well she is right.

''ELFMAN!" she yelled

"Yes sis." he answered.

"Can you please help this lady with her luggage to her room." She asked him.

"Sure why not sis." He answered


~Stings P.O.V.~

It's been a long day at work. At least I got to leave during lunch time and have some fun today." It's already 6pm and I don't see fat Lucy's car car on the driveway. I go inside and see that the food is ready. So I serve myself some and eat. Then I go up stairs and look around. I find all of her stuff missing from the closet. I find a note on the bed 'To Sting' so I pick it up.

Dear Sting,

I'm breaking up with you. You have made my life miserable ever since I had Josh. I finally had the will to do what I always wanted. I'm tired of living in this pathetic house of yours. So I left you and took Josh with me. So goodbye forever.

Sincerly your ex-girlfriend Lucy

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