Chapter 26: At last

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As I walked down the aisle to marry the man that I love. The one that won't hurt me but protect me and stay with me forever. Also the one that never looked at me with disgust, but he did with so much love. He never really cared that I was fat and ugly, the only thing he really cared was that I was pretty on the inside.

At last I found the man will actually  make me happy for the rest of my life. Natsu saved me from depression when I had just left Sting my ex. He helped me when I had to leave early from work to take care of Josh because he was sick. He's even been very good with Josh even though he's not the father.

I've finally found someone that actually cares about Josh as much as I care for him.  Natsu actually wants to be his father and take care of him.

While listening to the song I realized that my lonely days are long gone. Even though I had Josh I still felt lonely sometimes without no one to talk to about my problems. Now I have friends that will actually listen to me and my soon to be husband to listen to me about my friends or about work. I found people that I actually trust. The last time that I actually was able to trust someone was when I was in High School.

When I was at the state of losing weight he supported me with everything that I was going through. When I left Sting it was the best medicine for me to be able to become better and be able to take care of my son.

When I broke up with him for being insecure and for Lisanna kissing him, he kept going after me until I forgave him. He made this speech about what happened with Lisanna. We were broken up for a month and got back together after we worked it out.

This song totally captures everything that I'm thinking about. The path towards this moment of my life was long and hard because of all the hardships that I had to go through. I met someone that actually cares about me.

I walked up to Natsu and he was smiling from ear to ear. When I arrived where he was standing at he lifted up my vail. When he saw me his mouth dropped to the ground for a second, but then he recovered quickly.

"Dearly beloved we are gathered here to celebrate the holy matrimony of Lucy Heartfilia and Natsu Dragneel." said the father.


"Natsu since the day that I met you. You've made me feel happy for the first time in a really long time.  You were the first person to know the truth about everything that has happened in my life. I don't know why, but ever since I met you I just had this feeling that I could trust you even though I had a rough relationship. You helped me out a whole bunch of times when I needed it. You made me believe that there are still good guys out there in the world. You never really cared of how I looked on the outside, but on the inside you did. You helped me get over the abuse I faced with my ex-boyfriend. Also helped me with my father when he asked for forgiveness and when he died. I love you with all my heart that I was hurt when we were broken up for a month. What I posses in this world, I give to you. I love you unconditionally and without hesitation. As a family, we will create a real home filled with learning, laughter, and compassion. I take you Natsu as my wedded husband to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, as long as we both shall live." I said and put the ring on Natsu's finger.

"Lucy  you are the most beautiful girl I've ever met. You're my everything in life. From the first time I met you I knew I had feelings towards you. When you told me that you want a job to be able to take care of your son I thought you were taken and that I didn't have a chance with you. THen you told me that you just broke up with your boyfriend I was relieved that I actually had a chance with you. I waited a while to ask you out because I wanted you to get settled in first. I never really looked at what you looked on the outside, but of what was on the inside. I've loved you ever since the first day that I met you. What I love about you is that you care about your son more than yourself. I promise that I will love you when we are together and when we are apart. I take you Lucy as my wedded wife to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, as long as we both shall live." said Natsu as he put the ring on my finger.

"Now in the name of the father you may kiss the bride." With no hesitation Natsu leaned in a kissed me with so much passion that it reached up to everyone that was here.

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