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It's been 7 years since my father died. Also the last time since I saw Sting and told him off.

After my dad died and I found out that he left half of his welth to me and one third to Josh and the other part to Nashi. Nastu and I decided after we got married that we should move into the house that my father left me. The only maids that still works at the house are virgo and Aquarius. They only clean the house and take care of Josh and Nashi whenever Natsu and I are at work. I do all the cooking whenever I'm home I don't want to spoil them too much that's why Virgo works one week while Aquarius works another.

Like Natsu and I don't work during the weekends Virgo and Aquarius don't work that day. During the weekends Natsu and I take Josh and Nashi to a foundation that we started for woman that go through the thing that I went through years ago. Also we go to a house that we own outside of the city. It's a normal house with three bedrooms and one restroom. We try to show them how to care for other people other then themselves.

I never believed that I would have a guy like Natsu. He's such a great guy that I don't know how he was able to notice me when I was fat and ugly. He's a very handsome, caring, nice, supportive and protective guy. I never knew that all this was ever gonna happen to me.

"Nashi! Josh! time to eat." I called out to them from the kitchen. Today is the maid's day off.

They came down the stairs running and into the kitchen.

"Food! Food! Food!" They both exclaimed at the same time.

"Calm down there's enough food for everyone. Also don't run down the stairs you wouldn't want to get hurt."

"Yes Mom." they both answered. I started serving them their dinner when I heard the door open and I saw the Nashi jump out of her chair and run to the door to greet her father.

A few seconds later Natsu came into the kitchen carrying Nashi.

"I'm home. I found this little squirt trying to escape the house." he said pretending that Nashi was trying to leave the house.

"What a bad girl. You get no dinner." I said going along with it.

"Not fair Josh gets some and I don't. I didn't even try to leave the house I went to hug daddy." she said pouting and about to cry.

"We were just playing with you. Here's your dinner Nashi." she jumped off her father's arms and went to her chair to eat.

"Yay it's spaghetti. My favorite." she said and started eating. I finished serving Natsu and sat down with the rest to eat. We talked about our day and ate our dinner. We always eat breakfast and dinner together.

"It's time for bed Nashi." I told her.

"No" she jumped and ran to her father. "Please daddy just a few more minutes."

"No you have to get your sleep. You have school tomorrow." Nashi pouted.

We got her into bed and we walked out of her room. We walked into our room and got ready for bed. We got into bed and I started thinking about everything that has happened in my life ever since I met Natsu. I never thought that the ugly and fat girl would end up married with a hot guy with abs. My life has really changed. The good thing that I left Sting. Now I have a great family and friends that has always been there for me from the beginning. So I'm glad I did everything that I did these past few years to end up to this point in my life.

"Luce what are you thinking about." asked Natsu.

"I was thinking that I never thought that I was ever gonna be happy and end up with someone so good that wanted a family with someone like me. I never thought that there was any good guys out there in the world. You proved that to me that day that you proposed to me and helped me with my family issues that I started having when I started working for you. I guess destiny brought me to your restaurant that day that I felt so broken and despreate to find a job. You were the only one that didn't look at me with such disgust and the only one that gave me a job. I'm so lucky to have you. I love you Natsu." I said with so much feeling.

"No I'm the one who is luchy to have you as my wife and mother of my kids. You helped me believe that not every girl out there is a gold digger and doesn't want any kids of her own. I fell in love with you the day that you came into my restaurant and asked for a job. When you told me that you needed a job to be able to take care of your son I was heartbroken because I thought that you were married or had a boyfriend, but then you told that you just broke up with your boyfriend I was relieved that you were single. I wanted to wait a few before telling you how I felt because I wanted you to be seltted in and comfortable with with me telling you the truth of how I felt about you. I love you so much that I wouldn't stand it if I ever lost you, your my everything." He told me crying.

I can't believe that he fell in love with me when I was fat and ugly. Even though I've learned to accept that I wasn't fat and ugly I still know that I was that way because I was depressed by the path that my life was going through.

The decision that took years ago to leave Sting was the best choice that I've ever made. I couldn't be happier with the life that I have now with my husband and kids. I love them so much that I wouldn't stand to lose anyone of them.



I loved writing this story and getting likes and comments from all of you. I don't want to end this story but I've ran out of ideas.

So thank you everyone that has taken the time to read my story.

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