Chapter 18: Oh No!

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I've gotten to know my father really well these pass three months. He's helped me out with many things like opening up my business and taking care of Josh whenever I was getting things done at the business. I think that I'm begining to trust my own father again, but there's something deep inside telling me that he's hiding something very important from me. To fully be able to trust him I'll need him to tell me the truth of what's going on with him. Like I'm giving him a second chance to prove that he has changed from being a strict, and only cares about himself and the money to someone that actually cares about other people instead of himself.

I already told Natsu that once I'm done getting everything up and running I'm going to stop working at the restaurant. I don't want to leave the place where I found actual friends that are loving, kindhearted, and really care about me. BUt I really have to follow my own dreams which is to have my own business.

To be able to open the business I need to get a few more employees. There's six rooms for massage therapy, two for Aerobics and Yoga. But I only have four massage therapist, one Aerobics teacher. Which wouldn't work if the business gets a bunch of clients. So I only need to hire three to five more people. Just in case I'm short in daycare I'll have enough.

"Mira what are you thinking about?" I asked as I notice that she spacing out with a very worried look on her face.

"Well did I tell you about my sister Lisanna."


"Well you know that I haven't seen her since she lest four years ago. Right?" I nodded. " I just found out that she's coming back into town. She just graduated from the university that she attendened like twelve hours away from here. She stayed a year behind in High School because she didn't pass her a certain class that she needed to pass to actually graduate. Now she's coming back and I don't know what to do with her. Lisanna used to be so nice back when she was in High School, but somewhere in Senior year she changed." She said.

"Wel I don't know either. When I met her she seemed nice, but then when I got to actually know her she actually was rude and didn't care about anything. When I found out what she did to Natsu I couldn't hold in my anger towards her, but deep down I know that there is some good in her. I don't know what to tell you right that will make you feel better, but she's your sister. She's the only sister you have give her one more chance, but if she does something wrong that is unforgiveable cut her out of her life for good. I think that she has had enough chances to get back into your good side." she nodded. "Like my father he recently came back into my life begging for my forgiveness. It took me a while to actually forgive him, but this chance that he got is him one and final chance to get on my good side and he's starting to prove that he's actually sorry for everything that he did to me. There's no harm in giving her another chance." I said with so much emotion.

---------------------Two weeks later-----------------

My business is finally up and running. I was able to open it up last week. Now Love and Lucky has been getting a few clients.

My last day at the Dragneel's Mexican Restaurant was four days ago. Today I'll be able to spend so much time with Natsu. My father has been taking care of Josh right now. So I have all day to spend with Natsu. Lately I haven't had a chance to spend anytime with Natsu. It's been me working and taking care of Josh and with my dad from time to time.

I'm currently walking into the restaurant for I could pick up Natsu for our day today. As I make my way towards Natsu's office I greet everyone of my friends and ex-coworkers. They have all helped me out with everything that I've been through, but not as much as my friends and my boyfriend.

While opening the door I knock.

"Can I come in?" I asked and he looked up from his paperwork with a big grin.

"Well of cource. Your always welcomed to come into my office. Only my most beautiful girlfriend can come into my office and that is you." He said standing up and making his way towards me. He gives me a peck on the lips and then gives me a gigantic hug.

"So ready to spend the rest of the day together." I said.

"Yeah I just need to finish these paper then I'm all your for the day." he said.

"Okay." I said and gave him a kiss.

-----A few minutes later----

"So what do you want to do." asked Natsu.

"Well there's this new movie in the theaters that just came out a few days ago that I've been dying to see." I said.

"Then what are we doing here for let's go." he said.

As we walked into the movie theater's we were holding hands. Even with all these years being a couple I still can't believe that he actually likes me or loves spending time with me.

"So what movie do you wanna see."

"War for the planet of the apes." I said.

"Yeah I've also been wanting to watch it, but I've never gotten around to do it." he said.

--------After the movie--------------

"Are you hungry? he asked


"What do you feel like eating?"

"What about chipotle?"


We started walking towards the restaurant which is just across the street. We talked about random things that came into mind. We walk through the doors and it smells so delicious.

Afeter we order and pay we take a seat and start eating. Every now and then we would start talking.

"So what else do you plan of doing with your business." asked Natsu.

"Well I don't know. I still have an extra floor that I could use for something else." I said as we get up and walk out the door. As we're walking towards an ice cream place we bump into someone that both of us hate so much.

"Well well if it isn't my ex."

"What are you doing here----


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