Chapter 6: Joining a Gym

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~Lucy's P.O.V.~

It's been a few weeks now since I moved here and got away from Sting. I've been trying to adjust to my new life style and get out of my depression by taking care of my Josh and actually taking control of my own life.

So now that I'm adjusted it's time for me to join a gym. I want to be there for Josh through thick and thin. I want to be able to run and play with him as much as I can. That's why I want to lose enough weight to be able to take care of him.

I got everything ready like the baby's bag and Josh before I walk out of my apartment. I go down to the second floor where the day care is at.

"I'll be back around 7 ok." I said.

"Okay I hope you have a great day at work. I'll take really good care of Josh for you."

"Thank you." I said as I walked out of day care I made my way towards the elevator to exit the building. I head to my car and get in and drive to look for a gym that is close by.

I've been driving around a good five minutes before I actually found a gym. I go into the parking lot and park the car. I go inside the gym and up to the front desk to ask about how much a membership cost.

"Um excuse me sir. Elfman i thought you worked at the apartments.

"Well I only help out there. That our family business, but when I'm not there I'm here working. What can I help you with Lucy." said Elfman. The name tag on his shirt said that.

"How much does a membership cost here per month." I asked.

"That would be $10 per month." He said.

"Oh that sounds like a nice price." I said. 'Like its close to my apartment and work I could come 2-3 times a week. Only if I have time seeing I work now and I have to take care of Josh.' I thought.

"So how much time will it take for me to lose about 10 pounds." I asked.

"Well it depends on how much you do and how much you sweat. In a month you could lose from 10-15 pounds. You could even lose more by having motivation and someone that supports you. Also get away from the person or the reason that lead you to gain weight. It's manly to work out." He told me.

"Well I'm pretty sure I have my friends that will support me and my two year old son is the reason I decided to start eating better. I already left my ex that caused me so much pain and lead me to gain weight. Now all I need is to find time to work out a few times a week, take care of my son and work at the same time." I said.

"Yes the only thing you need to is to find time to work out at least 2-3 times a week and eat healthy for you could start lose weight. This is the perfect place for you to start we treat every member that joins here like a family. We show them that there shouldn't be ashamed of the way they look. We tell them that if they want to feel good about themselves that they only need to work out two times a week." He said.

"Okay I'm going to join this Gym then. Where do I have to sign." I said.

"Okay I have some paperwork for out to fill out. If you follow me to that area over there." He said I followed him to the little offices that are right next to the day care area. I sat down and he left me there alone and a little while later a really short person came. For some reason he seams familiar like I know him from somewhere but where.

"Hello my name is Makarov and Elfman filled me in." So Makarov took out the forms from one of the desk drawers. He handed me the forms to fill out.

"You only have to fill out these two pages and your gonna need a lock for your locker. So fill these out and I'll be back in a moment." I nodded and started to fill out the forms. It asks for my name, phone number, email address, and other personal information. They also ask the way that you are gonna pay. Right when I finished filling out the paperwork he came back with the lock for my locker.

"Here you're officially a member of Fairy Tail Gym. I hope you have a great experience here." said Makarov.

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