Chapter 17: YES!

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It's been four days since the final and I'm really nervous to find out the results. I just don't believe that I'm going to pass the final. It would be a miracle if I actually pass the final.

If I do pass it I'll get my business degree. It would be awesome to actually have my own business that I created and that I believe in.

I just want to create a place that helps people and where they could go without any problems. Like if they would have kids and they don't have a place where they could leave them there would be a daycare to make it even more easier.

"Lu-chan when do you get your results." asked Levy. We were currently at my apartment having a conversation about ramdom things that came to mind.

"In like two moree hours the results will be posted online. But apart of me doesn't want to find out what I got on the final and the other part me does want to find out." I said.

"Why wouldn't you want to know what you got?" asked Juvia.

"Cause I think that I'm not going to pass the final and also I don't think that I'm going to graduate. I'm also not very good with taking test I always get very nervous. This time I wasn't that nervous because you guys helped me out by taking me out and distracting me." I said.

"What has gotten into you that has lead you to say all that crazy stuff?" said Erza.

"Yeah I agree with Erza." Said Natsu.

"It's because I was so nervous during the test. But with you guys help I was less stressed and more relaxed for the final. I wasn't that nervous all thanks to all of you." I said.

"I believe that you're going to pass the final because you are very intelligent and you deserve to graduate with everything that has happened to you these pass couple of years. You could do anything that you put your mind up to. You're a wonderful person that treats people with respect unless they disrespect you. Luce I support you in anything that you decide to do for a living or whatever you want to do. I really don't care what what you do. All I want is for you to be happy with what you do. I wouldn't want to to become one of those people that hates there own job." said Natsu.

We all kepp talking about our lives for another two hours. We all took turns talking about our past. When Natsu told me his past which he told me about two years ago. I jus can't believe that she would do that to him.

"Hey, Lucy it's been two hours the results should be posted online by now." said Erza.

"Oh yeah I totally forgot all about the results. I guess you guys that you guys are really good at distracting me from things that I'm nervous about." I said.

I go up to my laptop and log in. I go to the school website and go into the portal and sign into it. Once I'm signed in I chick the assignments tab. When the page finished loading I saw the results to my final. I'm totally shocked that I would get that score. Never in my life would I ever think that I would get that.

"YES! I passed with a 96%. I can't believe that I got a 96% on the final. That's the hightest score thatI've gotten in my life. The highest is I would get is a 90%." I said.

"You deserved it. You studied so hard to fail the most important test in your life." said Levy.

"Yeah Luce you really did deserve to pass the final. Now that you passed you will have enough time to spend with Josh. Once you get your business started you'll have a little bit more free time than you had when you worked at the restaurant." said Natsu with

"Thanks everyone for helping me with everything and calming me down enough to be able to take the final and pass it. I love all you guys with all my heart. I can't believe that I actually found friends that actually care enough to support want actually want to do and that don't run away just because I have a kid. Thanks I don't think that I could've done all this without your help." I said with so much emotion that I started to crying.

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